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Rubin Farr

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this was an entirely pure, lightly euphoric feeling, i had a warm feeling chest, music didnt exactly sound different but just resonated better within me somehow. there was no come-up, no come-down, i was fully expecting to experience gurning and didnt get that either. really wasnt what i was expecting, it was completely non-intense and yet spectacularly pleasurable easily from 12 till 7 when we left the club, and then an entirely different kind of pleasure just sitting in a comfy sofa for another 3 hours till i fell asleep.


im pretty sure it was mdma though. i got it off a good friend of mine and after being so pleasantly suprised and doing some serious internet reading on mdma it ticks all the boxes.



it was a hammer and spanner if you happen to have heard of them, i only took one.

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no, that's definitely methadrone. i had exactly the same effects courtesy of watmm's own boki.


i think this is the reason people who don't respond so well to mdma get so good off it. there's less up/down and more symbiosis with your general state (as opposed to totally controlling/changing it).


the thing i'll say against it - i got sharp torsoe pains the day after. and it's new and so everyone doing it is the test group. there are no long-term studies into it's effects, i don't even think short-term yet.

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Guest abusivegeorge

Google really doesn't bring up anything on Methadrone that I can find, which is legit, just that it is simply a typo for Methadrone, although it does link to a drug called Mephedrone, which is real.

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considering methadone is recreationally effectless, no.


you've never done it then eh? Methadone is the devil because of its effects. You can feel fucking marvelous on it. Just like heroin except no rush. It's long onset however is countered by an extremely long duration, and consequently, a terribly lengthy withdrawal process. Methodone + Weed + xanax = either


A. awesomeness


B. death


I was both stupid & lucky I guess.


yeah i gotta chime in. I went on methadone in jul-aug '07 to get off the boy. After a month of being on it every day, i was more or less forced into treatment (because of an incident with xanax long story) and had to go cold turkey. Let me say that coming off methadone is sooooo much worse than heroin, as it lasts for almost a fucking year. from the day after my last dose, i didn't sleep for (literally now) 22 days. No one would believe me. I eventually ended up leaving the treatment place and ended up on the psych ward for a week cuz I wanted to die so fuckin badly. I was trippin out from lack of sleep BAD. I looked like shit because my body was basically devouring itself. My mind was running too fast to express itself coherently, and i was a nervous wreck. Meh. I'm not trying to be a know it all cunt here, but to say it isn't good for recreational use is batty.

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If you are looking for another legal alternative, you should definitely try Hawaiian Woodrose Seeds. The same person I know well has had some of the most enthralling life changing experiences on this drug. They contain LSA which is similar to LSD, though not as intense.


I've recently stumbled upon a site explaining how to get the perfect balance between ergines and isoergines in a LSA potion. The dude describing the method presented himself as a very experienced user and in his opinion it was the most mindblowing experience he ever had, much more stronger than LSD, 2CE or 5-MEO-DMT.

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Guest badgermeat

I've recently stumbled upon a site explaining how to get the perfect balance between ergines and isoergines in a LSA potion. The dude describing the method presented himself as a very experienced user and in his opinion it was the most mindblowing experience he ever had, much more stronger than LSD, 2CE or 5-MEO-DMT.


Sounds interesting! My friend would be most grateful if there is a link you could post up? Two of the seeds experiences were literally mind blowing. The first time was with about seven seeds ingested. Basically he was talking to another guy he didn't know so well but was a member of the same social group, and it was though he was drawn together to this person the way the shrooms sometimes do, and it was like this unfolding of pre-arranged events that culminated in the person coming to this astonishing conclusion that he and the other guy could communicate with their minds! It was like a flash went off in his head, and the enormity of the thing took about half an hour to set in, because of course it is impossible to actually read someone else's thoughts, isn't it? That was the loop that kept repeating in his head until he thought he might go quite mad, sitting there rocking and keening on the bed like some demented pre-op lobotomy patient. Needless to say, he gradually came down and rejoined the rest of the world on a more level playing field, but he has learned that those who like to delve deep into their thought processes, need to take the utmost care when using the 'ol psychedelics...


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strange that your friend tripped his ass off with only 7 seeds. I usually take 10 of them and sometimes i can't barely feel if i'm high or not, but most of time i definitely am. Well you know LSA trips strength can vary a lot with the exact same recipe and dosage(LSA more than LSD i've heard). I never eat more than 10 seeds, because when the trip appears to be strong and that you get through an anxiety peak, you really feel 10 seeds is the limit. So if one day you take, let's say 10 seeds, and don't trip, don't take 15 seeds. Take 10, and you'll see, the trip will be different. I also recommend you(or your friend) to try out morning glory seeds. The effects are more focused on the body rather than on the mind. Also it's more likely that you'll get sick with morning glories, you know what i mean, those puky shivers. But over time they'll turn into delightfull thrills and you'll feel like flowers are growing from your stomach until they florish into your throat. Roughly 1 HBWR seed = 1 gram of morning glory (take the heavenly blue ipomeas, the others sorts are ineffective).

Also when you've come down(h+4), if you deal properly with your set and settings you can reach back a very high level even higher than the peak you reached precedently. For this I listen to some slow down analords while having a lonely 30min walk.


concerning the ergine/isoergine equilibrium thing : i haven't found the post i've read but this might get you on the way


He also saids "the tincture provides an experience which would seem to combine the best qualities of a psilocybe mushroom trip with the best qualities of an LSD trip, with zero body load or weird symptoms (aside from the entheogenic state itself)"


Stretchman also saids "I've tried a shit-load of psychedelics, and this is among the best of them, if not THE best.", and "the tincture showed me a magical wonderland of endless vistas and the solid extract stomped a fucking mudhole in my ass." The experiments he did may show the importance of having the product in a solution so that equilibration of ergine/iso-ergine can occur, and thus the powerful activity of the brew.

+ google : LSA tincture Peter Webster


Oh and you should always have valium/xanax or some other anxiolitics with you whilst tripping just in case. Don't hesitate calling an ambulance if you or one of your mate start going nuts. An injection of neuroleptics should fix it, and 1 night in a hospital is always better than 6 months in an asylum. Ok ok what i said might sounds frightening but let me tell you that i've taken LSA around 40 times in my life (besides feel free to pm me for more infos, you might have a hard time finding someone as "experienced" as i am on the web, just because people are repeled by the nausea that LSA induce) and if I add up to all the doses i've given to my friends you might get a total of 250 trips. I've never seen someone doing really bad (just some nauseas and a few pukings) and never had to give my security pills nor call an ambulance. On the other side one of my friend knows a girl who did LSD something like 20 times and she went really bad a dozen times (when i say really bad i mean as bad as wanting to cut off her nipples). it's just more overwhelming i've benn said. Hoodie may undermine this though.


that's it !

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Guest badgermeat

strange that your friend tripped his ass off with only 7 seeds. I usually take 10 of them and sometimes i can't barely feel if i'm high or not, but most of time i definitely am.


Oh and you should always have valium/xanax or some other anxiolitics with you whilst tripping just in case.


Cheers for the info, much appreciated. I'm amazed that you still feel that way with 10, the chap I know who takes them has taken nine once, and that led to the second episode of utter madness. Maybe we should start a 'Chemical Stories' thread where people can share their experiences? Of course, I would never do drugs myself... :wink:

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Luckily I've never had a bad trip in my life. Always been a very laid back person and state of mind makes all the difference in psychedelics as u all know. Probably took 20 LSD trips in my life, liquid, paper, geltabs, shrooms, mescalin. Definitely don't want salvia again. I did think I was trapped in an episode of star trek next generation once but I loved that show so I enjoyed it lol. Thanx for all the info people.

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