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Obel's Monthly Purchase Thread


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I'm well aware that there is a recent purchases thread, but this is more specific and probably more detailed (if I remember/can be bothered to update it). I have this annoying habit at payday each month to splash out and order shit that I've seen throughout the previous month and thought "I should buy that!" - leaving me with virtually no cash for the last three weeks until payday. So this thread has a dual purpose:


1. To remind myself to not buy so much and waste my cash

2. To potentially discuss said items and offer recommendations blah blah blah


So here we go, this is the crap I've bought this month!




13: Game of Death - A thai thriller/black comedy about a salesman who loses his job and is being smacked with bills and a mooching family who receives an ominous phone call offering him various challenges in a reality TV show that result in instant cash prizes of upto 100 million if he completes all 13 challenges. They vary in depravity and ridiculousness. Bought this because it looked like a bit of a laugh, seemed like a violent popcorn movie more than anything. However having watched it I realise it's marketed a bit wrong, the emphasis is more on story than I first though. Good acting from the main character too.


Meatball Machine - Japanese ultraviolent gore flick along the same lines and with much the same makers of Machine Girl and Tokyo Gore Police. I love over the top gore cinema that doesn't take itself remotely seriously. Also I have a fondness for body horror ala Tetsuo, very much looking forward to watching this.




Deus Ex: Complete Edition (PC) - I played Deus Ex on the PS2 years back and loved it, didn't get around to finishing it though. Don't think it translated all that great to console, so had to snap this up on the PC. For 7 quid you can't go wrong with this box set, it includes Deus Ex 2 also, which I didn't rate all that much but I might give it another go.


Pathologic (PC) - An obscure and very compelling first person adventure/RPG/survival horror game hailing from Russia. Not too many people have heard of this, I bought it on the strength of the atmosphere and story that I kept hearing are particularly strong. From a quick play last night it's evident that the gameplay needs serious work (MOVEMENT IS SLOW) and it could do with a far better translation, but if you can look past that I think it's going to be a good game. It's an adventure game in the style of Morrowind and a survival horror sorta similar to Silent Hill. The music is fucking awesome - check this overworld theme out.

I bought this because of the 'games as art' tag that seems to be attributed to it, which I'm all for. The way it tells the story is imaginitive - you choose from one of three strange characters who each have their own path through the story - the catch being that whichever character you choose, the other two still play out the game alongside you, a nice touch. So far it seems flawed but promising, so I'll persevere.


Other shit


A Taylor Made Burner XD Pitching Wedge arrived yesterday which I'm eager to get down the range and use. Supposedly it gets about an extra 10-20 yards compared to other similar clubs. I just needed a PW and wanted to add a decent one to my collection. Also at £40 new it was a steal compared to its £80-90 retail price.


Golf trolley. A £20 golf trolley to lug my bag about on the course. Handy. Nothing more to say there.



Surprisingly enough I didn't order any music... Because there's nothing I can think of getting right now. Recommendations anyone? Think I'm gonna splash out on some tickets to see Eddie Izzard at 02 in December with my girlfriend.



Does anyone have similar spending habits? Share your spending sprees here! Make this shit thread less self indulgent! Hooray!

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Good call on the Deus Ex, love that game so damn much. Hated the sequel but that had more to do with the unplayability on a PC because they ported it from XBOX and did a shitty job of it.

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Doesn't need to be that great. Mine's a beast but I reckon 1.5-2GHz, 1GB of RAM and a 128MB graphics card could probably run it. The graphics aren't that intense.


Edit: Wikipedia reckons this - Pentium III/Athlon 800 MHz, 384 MB RAM, 3D-accelerator with 32 MB memory, 1.8 GB HDD

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I'm hesitant to recommend the game because gameplay wise it is very flawed. The translation as I said is flaky and the walking speed is so SLOW! But if you persevere it's one of the most original stories I've seen in a game. It's got a lot of charm and atmosphere (plus great music!). It's a flawed gem basically, how patient are you?

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Well, it's not for everyone. Tell you what, save your money, when I'm done with it I'll lend you it. No worries.

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