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washing out your sinuses

Fred McGriff

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for sure, for sure. I mean, yoga feels good. But you don't need it to survive, and it should be seen for what it is, as self-indulgent. Sometimes treating yourself is good, but people shouldn't kid themselves that all their alternative activities are somehow forestalling death or making them better people. That's what bugs me.

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there is certainly a culture of over purifying ones own bodies... a pretty big culture here in SF. I do think at a certain level, it is useless, and only fulfilling an OCD need.


but like all things.... moderation, and in the right context.


I can't tell you how overjoyed I am to get away from all that - being born in Berkeley, going to school in Santa Cruz, and spending most of my professional life in San Francisco, I had more than my fill. The level of navel-gazing in the SF bay area is truly astonishing and soul-deadening. Now I can drink melamine tainted milk and screw filthy hookers, thank Mao!


But it's funny, the people in SF I've known to get colonics regularly often have smelly festering clumps of dreads on their heads and in their armpits. It's like, why don't you flush the toxins on your head, LADY?

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But it's funny, the people in SF I've known to get colonics regularly often have smelly festering clumps of dreads on their heads and in their armpits. It's like, why don't you flush the toxins on your head, LADY?


yegg, i think you should move to china so we can shoot porn movies together.

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Guest ezkerraldean

i gave my nose a fucking epic blow today, basically screaming down each nostril. got a good handful of gunk numerous times. fucking yuck. i could breathe clearly for about 5 minutes

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I would make a parody thread titled "washing out your anuses", with the most disgusting opening post imaginable, but I am tired of getting my threads tossed into Nonsense/Purgatory/Crap.


why not try 'washing out your penises'?

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i gave my nose a fucking epic blow today, basically screaming down each nostril. got a good handful of gunk numerous times. fucking yuck. i could breathe clearly for about 5 minutes



is it allergies when it keeps coming back? like, without a cold or anything.. just constant drainage. shit.

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I need to know where your sig comes from.


if i had a dollar for everyone that asked this i'd have 4 dollars.


it's from the adam and joe show, someone posted a youtube of the show my gif was taken from but i can't recall where it is.

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Guest Glass Plate

this thread got ripped apart by playa hatin jackals!


my doctor told me to do this, not some troon on the street that works at spirit ways!


Some doctors prescribe diabetic shoes, that doesn't mean it's that legit.

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this thread got ripped apart by playa hatin jackals!


my doctor told me to do this, not some troon on the street that works at spirit ways!


Some doctors prescribe diabetic shoes, that doesn't mean it's that legit.


my doctor is my wife and she is legit

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