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Acidburp - Hello Again

Guest placidburp

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Guest placidburp

Made this today whilst incredibly hungover. Been listening to a lot of Mosaik recently so it might have rubbed off a little on this track...


It is a beat-less, quite sorrowful track. Not sure if I want to add anything else to it or just leave it as it is. Dunno about the piano at the end though, might sound a bit cheesy?


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im only half way through this track and i love it to bits already, really beautiful.


also, you don't need to add anything, i wasn't really expecting the piano, but it still fits. :smile:



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It was a very refreshing tune mate. I could agree with you that the lead sounds a bit "Whiny". I'm currently listening to it on repeat while I do my test. Thanks!

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

remind me of sped up eno. the pacing feels too fast. i'd add some more space in there. let it breath. add a few seconds between each part on the intro. its very nice about 3/4 way through. the piano works but ends too soon. play it out for a minute or so. this track should be 10 minutes long minimum. i love a good rhodes sound.


one repeated listens the part where it all comes together at the end is beautiful, and really should be longer.


nice work

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Guest placidburp

Thanks so much you lot! :beer:


Benedict - cheers for the advice mate, I took some of it. I don't think it's interesting enough to extend to 10 minutes + though!


Anyway, I've done a slower, slightly longer version with some different sounds and rearranged it a little bit. here - http://soundcloud.com/acidburp/hello-again-1

I just hope I've not ruined it!


thanks again!

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loved it, but i definitely think it would benefit from some texture! before the other sounds drop in, it just feels so empty and strictly electronic. some nice wooshes and clacks in the background would add an entirely new dimension! as everyone else has already said, though, it's a fantastic track... keep it up!


edit: to elaborate if the noisy wooshes built into some sorta pseudo-beat towards the end that'd be mega cool. but this is your track now isn't it...

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Guest placidburp

Cheers chappies! Appreciate the comments, and I'm still going to work on it some more when I'm on the mood, but it will definitely not be having any beats in it. I really don't think it needs it. I will be adding some more melodies and shit though.

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Cheers chappies! Appreciate the comments, and I'm still going to work on it some more when I'm on the mood, but it will definitely not be having any beats in it. I really don't think it needs it. I will be adding some more melodies and shit though.

yeah, upon further review that would kind of kill it but i stand by my statement that some textures (at least in the beginning) would give it more dimensionality!

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Guest placidburp

Cheers chappies! Appreciate the comments, and I'm still going to work on it some more when I'm on the mood, but it will definitely not be having any beats in it. I really don't think it needs it. I will be adding some more melodies and shit though.

yeah, upon further review that would kind of kill it but i stand by my statement that some textures (at least in the beginning) would give it more dimensionality!


Cool, I totally agree. I will work on it some more one of these days, just can't seem to get my head in gear. Thanks again. :beer:

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