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sarah palin parking lot

Guest Z_B_Z

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"What political party is running Congress"


"Who is Harry Reid?"


What do these have to do with Obama and why they like him?


People are ignorant on both sides, but you can't tell me that someone who quit their job as governor of an entire state just because of the pressure would be able to handle something as enormously complex and mind-bending as being the fucking president.

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You have no idea WHY she quit, so don't pretend like you do.


Did you guys have a one to one about it?


She rose-tinted that, too, I guess.

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I'm not the one pretending I know her motives, duder.


For the record, I'm not very hot for Palin. However, Palin bashing from Obama supporters speaks poorly of their intellect and is not helpful for their candidate. It's also grating on my eyes.

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You just said I didn't know the real reason .. so, that would imply you do know, right?


It's not just Obama supporters, though. It's about half of Republicans as well. I like her, as a person. She's probably a really cool woman. She is not a genius, though, just because she can speak her mind. It's funny how that's seemingly such a feat. She has her own opinions, so she went 'rogue'? come the fuck on.

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My other annoyance is that, at work, I cannot post new threads. Only quick reply.


If I could, I start a "did you know about Obama's shady past dealings and associations" thread. Just to keep it balanced. :emotawesomepm9:

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My other annoyance is that, at work, I cannot post new threads. Only quick reply.


If I could, I start a "did you know about Obama's shady past dealings and associations" thread. Just to keep it balanced. :emotawesomepm9:



Yea, but is that really a valid point? Who you used to hang out with? I used to hang out with some pretty rough people but I grew up and changed my ways. But, there's that horrid C word again.

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My other annoyance is that, at work, I cannot post new threads. Only quick reply.


If I could, I start a "did you know about Obama's shady past dealings and associations" thread. Just to keep it balanced. :emotawesomepm9:



Yea, but is that really a valid point?


Of course it is. He has ties to terrorism. I mean, Obama - Osama? Are you seeing the correlation here? It's fucking plain as day, duder.

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Guest JW Modestburns

I think we all agree that there are plenty of ignorant voters, I know a few Obama supporters who couldn't tell you any of his policies either, but at least they aren't supporting someone who denies modern science...

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look, im not supporting Palin, i think shes god awful and part of me thinks if the media would just ignore her she would die out...i mean shes an even worse speaker than GW....during the debate with Biden I didn't hear one single statistic come out of her mouth...not mention all the flubs she has made in interviews.


but i know both intelligent and unintelligent people that pick a figurehead that appeals physically, supposedly talks eloquently, etc.


ill be honest, i was a Ron Paul guy for most of the debates, he didnt really have either of those characteristics but he was willing to share some facts that most of the public SHOULD be aware of but refuse to....and he got shut out pretty quickly.


im not going to "prove" my point with videos as meaningless and biased as this one. just talk to a couple of people, go to a college and hear the college republicans talk about it. you probably wont agree with them but there is some sort of basis for why they support Palin, shes decent looking as far as presidential candidates go, shes the epitome of midwest soccer mom, just replace midwest with alaska, and her personality seems to convey the adjoining principles.


if you read huffington post and listen to talk radio, you dont know whats going on on either side.

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in what fucking dimension is ann "manhands" coulter good looking?


and i always have the urge to punch michelle malkin's teeth out when i see a picture of her. girl should've gotten braces in the fifth grade.

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Guest 277: 930-933

We need to get the Polar Bear of the endangered list so we can drill there!


This is the solution based thinking we need in this world.

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