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fuck you

Guest ezkerraldean

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Guest ezkerraldean

intro: my best friend died last week innit



was just at my best friend's wake. was awesome, to be fair. got absoltuleyly battered with his icelandic family including his two icelandic uncles who act, look and soulnd like they are both from kraftwerk. they're hilasirious. fucking hell. that was fucking tough though ,his granny was there and she was sad. i loved that dude to shit and now h's fucking dead. what a cunt. ah well, we got well fucked, which was what he did his whiole life so he would be happy that we carried on doing the shit he did innit.


love you watmm wattmm watmum wattum

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Guest abusivegeorge

Sorry to hear that mate. A friend from my car club died from cancer at 46 on Saturday night, and on Monday morning I lost a friend from school to Liver cancer too. Going to his funeral on Tuesday.


All the best to you mate.

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I bet that was shitty at times because young accidental deaths make for the worst funerals.


Yep. In 03 my cousin was killed in London, hit by a van. She was 9 years old, it really fucked my family up. Her dad moved to Malta and spends most of his time in a drink and drug stupor nowadays. Fucked up.


All the best Ezkerraldlsnamns

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tough shit ezkerraldean, wish you get okay soon. i had this happen almost 10 years ago but i still can't let it go. sort it out and move on with your life! i wish you all the good things man!

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it must be the worst thing in the world having to go to your own grandchilds funeral, i feel for you ezkaradlden



also, kokoon, tough shit doesnt actually translate to 'tough stuff' in english exactly.

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Guest ezkerraldean

lol, i thought this thread would have been closed innit


we got to play all our old drinking music at the wake, so there was lots of dancing to ska and polka and jewish music, and his brothers joined in which was awesome. plus viking metal. i was fucking trolleyed and the wake was absolutely awesome, went just how i wanted it to.



and his younger brother knows what IDM is, awesome.

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I've never been to a wake, but they sound infinitely better than funerals, where the eulogy is given in soft, respectful tones just quiet enough for you to hear the rest of the crowd crying.


I'd much rather go to a party to celebrate a person's life in honor of knowing them.

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