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how do you deal with people who believe in batshit insane conspiracy theories?

Guest chax

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Guest ezkerraldean

lack of imagination : bigger LOL

lack of evidence to support wishful thinking that you refer to as imagination: biggest lol

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i was gonna write a big response to you glasse but basically: CS Lewis says - "my mythology is better than yours nah nah nah nah nah". The point is not to disprove the belief in the Christian mythology (because how can you disprove a negative), rather to point out that it is not unique, and there is no reason why it should be taken with any more validity than other mythologies.


troo:why do you the think the guys who rewrote the stories to make the bible have any more specialized secret insight?




more then who?


spirituality is actually a very simple concept, but i know what all the fuss is about.

it's the ability to except and truly know the things we must do and not do to be truly spiritual.


love is at the root of it all actually, but one has to look deep into love and define

what is not love when analyzing his or her actions.


without true love, there is and will be nothing.


I think they are also pointing out that it is unique, and actually has a background and setting in history. Are they preaching to the choir a little bit? Yea, I suppose they are, so that is where the nah nah impression maybe comes in.


Here is the thing, we could both post all kinds of articles and site references, I could show you some prophecy fulfilled and you would find an article that disputes it, and no one would get anywhere. I did it before, on xltronic few years back. All night threads. No body changed their mind on either side, it went nowhere.


The best thing I can do is relate my experience, and people can take it or leave it. A few years back some friends were talking to me about religion and spirituality, what do you think about God and all this. I didn't want to hear about it. In fact, I had previously in my teens been into kind of anti God themes in music like industrial and other books, movies what have you. It kept coming up, and then I would think more about it. When finally through some internal process I came to believe that it is real, that this is actually true, I had an experience like no other. Just like a surge that goes through you and makes you well up with these profound thoughts and emotions. Something that feels unreal, like salvia unreal, but more pure or something. Ever since then I experience this feeling at different points in my life, and it has the feeling of something connecting from within. Something that seems to guide my thinking toward better decisions, something that I can perceive caring about me, or that feeling changing when I am not doing something good. I did not have this before at any period of my life, and now I do after. Did I go batshit insane?


It also seems to work out with logical studying too. I mean, there are prophecies that were fulfilled later on in history, there are ones that seem to match up with things happening now. There is historical data surrounding Christ, and so there is a problems with how did the rock get moved, how did he get away, etc. So when you are willing to look at that also, it is not just a feeling or experience, there is solid evidence to back it up.


Think about me, also. If I was concerned about being popular on this board, or getting people to listen to my music, this is not the wisest thing for me to come on here and talk about. The thing is, I just felt so strongly to chime in when I saw it come up, and saw poor Troon in the sites of this Gnosticim, I just had to.


@Troon - like a clanging gong innit

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more then who?


spirituality is actually a very simple concept, but i know what all the fuss is about.

it's the ability to except and truly know the things we must do and not do to be truly spiritual.




than / then


accept / except


please look these words up in that dictionary you told us about, Troon

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troon: more than the people who propagated earlier myths.


glasse: what historical data surrounding christ? the gospels were written at least 30 years after christ's death at the very earliest. And it's not like record keeping was the greatest back then, plus in 30 years you could have a whole generation die off. 2 of the gospels were based off the first one. And there is strong suspicion that the first gospel was based off some other document whose name escapes me right now.


I wish I could spend more time on this, but it's finals. And I know that in a week and a half when I can spend more time on this it'll be on page 40, buried in the midst of watmm myth and lore.

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you have heard the equations that predict amounts of intelligent life in any given galaxy? so, why are aliens still some mythical, Disney-inspired fairytale to everyone? they are out there, just like WE are.



aliens are inter-dimensional, they don't come from other planets, they come from

other dimensions and have to take a physical form to enter (some are forms that are not so appealing)

most are dark beings, but some are lighter. (80/20 ratio, like humans) the darker ones are tempted to do darker things

just like some humans are (i.e. anal probing ect). everything has to take a physical form to enter this dimensional universe.

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you have heard the equations that predict amounts of intelligent life in any given galaxy? so, why are aliens still some mythical, Disney-inspired fairytale to everyone? they are out there, just like WE are.



aliens are inter-dimensional, they don't come from other planets, they come from

other dimensions and have to take a physical form to enter (some are forms that are not so appealing)

most are dark beings, but some are lighter. (80/20 ratio, like humans) the darker ones are tempted to do darker things

just like some humans are (i.e. anal probing ect). everything has to take a physical form to enter this dimensional universe.


troon speaks trooth


*drinks kool-aid*

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more then who?


spirituality is actually a very simple concept, but i know what all the fuss is about.

it's the ability to except and truly know the things we must do and not do to be truly spiritual.




than / then


accept / except


please look these words up in that dictionary you told us about, Troon




don't get distracted by the little things and forget about the bigger things.


i am all about phonetics and pictographs.


i am not in school and so i am free from their imposed limits and superficial barriers.


if you can't understand something i write, then just ask me and i will explain it

in more detail if i can :smile:


no need to jab though :smile:

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troon: more than the people who propagated earlier myths.


glasse: what historical data surrounding christ? the gospels were written at least 30 years after christ's death at the very earliest. And it's not like record keeping was the greatest back then, plus in 30 years you could have a whole generation die off. 2 of the gospels were based off the first one. And there is strong suspicion that the first gospel was based off some other document whose name escapes me right now.


I wish I could spend more time on this, but it's finals. And I know that in a week and a half when I can spend more time on this it'll be on page 40, buried in the midst of watmm myth and lore.




all myths (if you want to call them that) are either more or less accurate and one can figure the

accuracy depending on ones understanding of The Truth (love, forgiveness, harmlessness ect). one can be chosen over another,

but it is your code (dna, genealogy, spiritual make up, race, ect) inside of you that will determine what will be revealed.

if someone in india is a jain, buddhist or hindu for example they will likely get more out of their texts and myths then if they were studying Biblical texts

and vice versa. the world is very site specific and design specific, yet most do not understand these type of things.

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troon: more than the people who propagated earlier myths.


glasse: what historical data surrounding christ? the gospels were written at least 30 years after christ's death at the very earliest. And it's not like record keeping was the greatest back then, plus in 30 years you could have a whole generation die off. 2 of the gospels were based off the first one. And there is strong suspicion that the first gospel was based off some other document whose name escapes me right now.


I wish I could spend more time on this, but it's finals. And I know that in a week and a half when I can spend more time on this it'll be on page 40, buried in the midst of watmm myth and lore.




all myths (if you want to call them that) are either more or less accurate and one can figure the

accuracy depending on ones understanding of The Truth (love, forgiveness, harmlessness ect). one can be chosen over another,

but it is your code (dna, genealogy, spiritual make up, race, ect) inside of you that will determine what will be revealed.

if someone in india is a jain, buddhist or hindu for example they will get more likely get more out of their texts and myths then if they were studying biblical texts

and vice versa. the world is very site specific and design specific, yet most do not understand these type of things.


race and spiritual make-up are social constructs.

What about a buddhist in America? Will he get more out of studying his texts and myths? or should he adhere to the group and study the bible? YOu say the world is site specific, but you say myths are universal. Which one is it man..have some consistency in your arguments. And spelling is important, because words are the primary symbols through which we communicate.


Thanks though, it makes a nice change from thinking about developmental inequity and genocide.

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troon this popular youtube musician just dropped an extremely powerful christmass song:



it contains a spiritual message that you're into

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troon: more than the people who propagated earlier myths.


glasse: what historical data surrounding christ? the gospels were written at least 30 years after christ's death at the very earliest. And it's not like record keeping was the greatest back then, plus in 30 years you could have a whole generation die off. 2 of the gospels were based off the first one. And there is strong suspicion that the first gospel was based off some other document whose name escapes me right now.


I wish I could spend more time on this, but it's finals. And I know that in a week and a half when I can spend more time on this it'll be on page 40, buried in the midst of watmm myth and lore.




all myths (if you want to call them that) are either more or less accurate and one can figure the

accuracy depending on ones understanding of The Truth (love, forgiveness, harmlessness ect). one can be chosen over another,

but it is your code (dna, genealogy, spiritual make up, race, ect) inside of you that will determine what will be revealed.

if someone in india is a jain, buddhist or hindu for example they will get more likely get more out of their texts and myths then if they were studying biblical texts

and vice versa. the world is very site specific and design specific, yet most do not understand these type of things.


race and spiritual make-up are social constructs.

What about a buddhist in America? Will he get more out of studying his texts and myths? or should he adhere to the group and study the bible? YOu say the world is site specific, but you say myths are universal. Which one is it man..have some consistency in your arguments. And spelling is important, because words are the primary symbols through which we communicate.


Thanks though, it makes a nice change from thinking about developmental inequity and genocide.


we are now stretched out all over the place (modern times have changed the dynamic of what used to be) and we now have versions of versions.

buddhists in america are not learning what is understood by some of the elders up in the mountains

of tibet. america is one of the most difficult examples because there are so many pieces coming together

from their original home. it still depends on the blood though, it's all about the blood.


if i studied buddhism, i would still get something out of it. many people benefit

from spirituality wherever and however they get it, but the inner teachings...

thats something else completely. it's either encoded and one is in need of a key to

understand it or it has been taken out and only outer teachings are to be found.


1000's of years and loss of potency. people add there ideas, they sculpt belief

based on what they want to except or conveniently based on what they prefer.


interesting how Truth can change into versions.


at it's root though, The Truth is still there, it remains the same.


....and for those who find it and hold on to it, The Truth Will Set Them Free :smile:

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troon: more than the people who propagated earlier myths.


glasse: what historical data surrounding christ? the gospels were written at least 30 years after christ's death at the very earliest. And it's not like record keeping was the greatest back then, plus in 30 years you could have a whole generation die off. 2 of the gospels were based off the first one. And there is strong suspicion that the first gospel was based off some other document whose name escapes me right now.


I wish I could spend more time on this, but it's finals. And I know that in a week and a half when I can spend more time on this it'll be on page 40, buried in the midst of watmm myth and lore.


I don't see any problem in that, though. The document you are referring to is Q, and was an early collection of Jesus' sayings. You have to think that this is all they would have had at first. People wrote down what he was saying and then they collected the sayings into a volume. Naturally the gospel authors would base their written account on the notes they had previously taken.


Q was a collection of sayings, but the gospels really go into a deeper understanding of the theological significance of each event that took place. These early Christians would have needed time to understand all of those things. Every time Jesus did something that fulfilled an Old Testament prophecy he didn't necessarily announce it. They would have had to put that together after the fact, cross referencing the Torah and other texts, connecting all the dots. So 30 years doesn't seem long at all really, to present four separate accounts that each corroborate against one another, but have their own focal points and fill in details that perhaps the others leave out and vice versa.


Mark was the first, and it is true that parts of Matthew borrow from Mark. Why would Matthew, one of the 12 disciples, have to borrow from Mark? Part of the answer is that much of what is borrowed is in regards to Peter. Mark was close to Peter, and Peter was one of the inner three. Matthew, wanting to be the most accurate he could, would have referenced the already written work and perhaps trusted Peter's recollection on certain things over his own. And then there is Luke.


Luke 1

1Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled[a] among us, 2just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were eyewitnesses and servants of the word. 3Therefore, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, it seemed good also to me to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, 4so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught.


Here Luke is saying that he is investigating himself the claims of what was already handed down and writing his own account in order to show the certainty of what was being taught. He no doubt conducted interviews, reviewed previous writings, studied the Old Testament himself and the history and other details. Then by the time we get to later on with John, the full theological significance is understood and an even more explicitly divine Christ is presented than in the earlier synoptic gospels.


As far as His historicity outside of the gospels, he is mentioned by the historian Josephus, who confirms that he had a following and worked wondrous acts, Tacitus confirms that he was executed under Pontius Pilate, and there is more. Here.


Then of course there are the Old Testament prophecies. Of course anyone can say, well either Jesus knew about the messianic prophecies and just did what he thought they said He should, or the authors embellished to make it seem like He fulfilled a messianic prophecy. What about this one from Daniel, though?


21 while I was still in prayer, Gabriel, the man I had seen in the earlier vision, came to me in swift flight about the time of the evening sacrifice. 22 He instructed me and said to me, "Daniel, I have now come to give you insight and understanding. 23 As soon as you began to pray, an answer was given, which I have come to tell you, for you are highly esteemed. Therefore, consider the message and understand the vision:


24 "Seventy 'sevens' [c] are decreed for your people and your holy city to finish [d] transgression, to put an end to sin, to atone for wickedness, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy. [e]


25 "Know and understand this: From the issuing of the decree [f] to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the Anointed One, [g] the ruler, comes, there will be seven 'sevens,' and sixty-two 'sevens.' It will be rebuilt with streets and a trench, but in times of trouble. 26 After the sixty-two 'sevens,' the Anointed One will be cut off and will have nothing. [h] The people of the ruler who will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. The end will come like a flood: War will continue until the end, and desolations have been decreed.


This verse does several things. It predicts not only that the Anointed One would come, but also that He would be cut off

. It also predicts the fall of Jerusalem by Titus, and the destruction of the temple in 70 AD. Here.


This is repeated by Christ in the gospels.


Luke 21:20-24

But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that its desolation has come near. Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, and let those who are inside the city depart, and let not those who are out in the country enter it; for these are days of vengeance, to fulfill all that is written.


Was Jesus just so devout and dedicated to His cause that He allowed Himself to be crucified just to fulfill that he would be cut off? That sounds fanatical and insane for someone who is not actually that person, but Jesus teachings seemed sensible and good. Even most people that don't believe Jesus was God will say that He had some good teachings and led by example, etc. Also, how did Daniel know that someone historically documented to have existed and claimed to have been the messiah would be put to death right prior to Jerusalem and the temple being destroyed, and by the ruler who is to come which Rome most certainly was on of the empires to come after Babylon, (along with the Mede-Persians and Greeks, which Daniel also addresses elsewhere). Other details like the 'sevens' have debates around them and I won't get into that here. I should also note though that the earliest texts of Daniel found in Qumran are dated to the late 2nd century BC. Daniel claims original authorship during the reign of Nebuchadnezzar II in Babylon (604–561 BC).

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