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getting the wind knocked out of you


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i think we are all of one accord that this phenomenon is sucks

one time i did a front flip in front of a girl and i landed on my butt

the wind was knocked out of me and i couldn't even cry but my dick is still big

have you ever had the wind knocked out of you and what did the girl you were in front of say

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Guest Al Hounos

if you queers don't know what he's talking about you are 100% limp-wristed internet dweebs who have never and will never impress a girl with your masculine antics

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I like this post.

Once back in the day my back hurt. I was at a small get together; just some friends having drinks. A girl there offers to crack my back as to relieve my discomfort (by walking on my back). As shes doing this she succeeds but before the deed is done she shifts her weight entirely to my lower back. This causes an immediate result which is my asshole delivering one of the loudest farts I've had in my life.


Like getting the wind knocked out of you

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Guest abusivegeorge

My friend gave me the Heimlich manoeuvre once so I could let out this rip roaring fart in the middle of a restaurasnt, purely for shits and giggles it was properly stuck up there wind.

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My friend gave me the Heimlich manoeuvre once so I could let out this rip roaring fart in the middle of a restaurasnt, purely for shits and giggles it was properly stuck up there wind.


I'll rate your post a knee-slap chuckle/10

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when i was eighteen i was drunk at a party in a rich suburb of washington dc and decided it would be fun to try and jump off a balcony thirty feet above the ground. i landed on my back and basically couldn't breathe for thirty seconds. i also broke my neck, technically, and had to wear a stylish neck brace for six months.


i think some girls saw that

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i think we are all of one accord that this phenomenon is sucks

one time i did a front flip in front of a girl and i landed on my butt

the wind was knocked out of me and i couldn't even cry but my dick is still big

have you ever had the wind knocked out of you and what did the girl you were in front of say


funniest thing i've read all day, xmas will be good

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse



omgz hahaha, this gives me da weakifying lolz, If I standing up when i watched that I would have lost my balance but im uber tired and still kind of hungover, fucking stupid ass movie its so amazing that their is a religion based on the theories of the guy who wrote that fucking garbage

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Guest catacombus

I told this story in a unrelated post last week, but last tuesday I got sucker punched in a bar right in the nose. I was startled as fuck for about a second, then I hit the other guy in the eye and the bouncers carried me out. Later outside I saw he was bleeding out of his eye area, he started chasing me outside and screaming about how he had blood on him, but he couldn't catch me, because he was a slow piece of shit, this guy was like 6'4" and had like 100 lbs on me.


Anyway 2 days later I found out my nose was broken because it was pointing about 2mm to the right. I went to the hospital and they wanted me to pay $1000 to get a procedure to get it fixed. I said I'd think about it, then went home and manhandled my nose back into place. Now it's almost like it was before, but still about half a millimeter off. I guess I'm not gonna pay for that procedure. But I still have to go get my hand x-ray'd because I think I cracked a bone in it when I hit the guy in the face.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

people who sucker punch are fags, last time I got the wind knocked out of me was probably falling off the monkey bars when I was a kid, still remember the visceral nature of the process, it sucks


on a related note


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Guest hahathhat

1. gym class, they had metal bars set up to swing on and go across with your arms and whatnot. they also had that white powder stuff gymnists put on their hands. i'd never seen it before. as i tend to do, i went way overboard this first time and just coated my hands with it. then i took a running start at some hanging bars... and promptly slipped off, whump on my back. couldn't breathe right for a minute or so. everyone in the gym class crowded around me -- they were worried a broke my back or something. many girls saw this, but i don't think it scored me any points.


2. some neighbors had a huuuge pile of leaves at the bottom of a giant 10foot rock. i was having fun jumping off of it, doing a summersault in the air, and landing in the leaves. after a couple dozen go's, i started to get stylish (careless) with my jumps. i botched one and landed on my neck. i remember thinking, another couple of inches that way and i might have broken my neck. there was no one within eyeshot, and yelling might not have gotten anyone either. i could have died. after that i went home and watched tv and forgot about doing anything physical for a while

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Guest hahathhat

I told this story in a unrelated post last week, but last tuesday I got sucker punched in a bar right in the nose. I was startled as fuck for about a second, then I hit the other guy in the eye and the bouncers carried me out. Later outside I saw he was bleeding out of his eye area, he started chasing me outside and screaming about how he had blood on him, but he couldn't catch me, because he was a slow piece of shit, this guy was like 6'4" and had like 100 lbs on me.


Anyway 2 days later I found out my nose was broken because it was pointing about 2mm to the right. I went to the hospital and they wanted me to pay $1000 to get a procedure to get it fixed. I said I'd think about it, then went home and manhandled my nose back into place. Now it's almost like it was before, but still about half a millimeter off. I guess I'm not gonna pay for that procedure. But I still have to go get my hand x-ray'd because I think I cracked a bone in it when I hit the guy in the face.


make. a. thread.

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  • 3 months later...
Guest Ricky Downtown

i seem to remember getting the wind knocked so many times during summers when i was a kid, and also rolling my ankles a lot, running around in fields

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I would request that this thread and this thread alone has a 'like' option after every post.


I would request, I mean, but I can't fucking breathe cos i tried knocking the wind out of myself and it worked,

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Guest Calx Sherbet

god i laughed so hard at the start of the thread.


but i got tackled two days ago, wind knocked outta me pretty hard. injured my shoulder, scraped up my side. might go to the doc tomorrow

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I got the wind knocked out of me by falling off the top bunk in a bunk bed. Totally worked though cause the hot red head counselor I had a huge crush on came and gave me some sweet talk while she held my hand.


Other than that, playing basketball, going up for a lay-up and some fuck undercuts me, I landed on my back, had the wind knocked out of me and crushed the bones in my wrist. Good times!!

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