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COD Modern Warfare 2 - End of the Decade WATMM Clusterbang!

Rubin Farr

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c'mon soldiers! let's have at it, i have enough alcohol and Stay Hard to go several rounds with you lousy lot this weekend, starting tonight. if you see me on Xbox Live i'll take on any challengers or we can do some team stuff with the WATMM massiv. let's send this decade out with a bang! and a pow! and what the hell some grenades too!

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

havent got on my xbox for.. over a month now?? but getting finagled to get on MW2 by some homies but pwn'ing some watmmers might be the final incentive to get down before the 2k10

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Guest ZeroHour

i am sorry child but i cant participate in this


as i awake this morning there will be something waiting for me


once i open it i shall dissapear from the face of earth for atleast a few weeks








dragon age

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Hey Rubin you wanna get some of those multiplayer Rock Band 2 achievements with me?


I can help you out with Borderlands if you want. I have tons of great shit I can dupe for you. Anybody else who wants some great loot or needs to be boosted in Borderlands can hit me up. Just make sure you mention you're from Watmm in the request otherwise I won't add you.

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