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Where do you find meaning in life?

Guest Helper ET

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Rabbi Scott: I am the junior rabbi. And it's true, the point-of-view of somebody who's older and perhaps had similar problems might be more valid. And you should see the senior rabbi as well, by all means. Or even Minda if you can get in, he's quite busy. But maybe - can I share something with you? Because I too have had the feeling of losing track of Hashem, which is the problem here. I too have forgotten how to see Him in the world. And when that happens you think, well, if I can't see Him, He isn't there any more, He's gone. But that's not the case. You just need to remember how to see Him. Am I right?

[He rises and goes to the window]

Rabbi Scott: I mean, the parking lot here. Not much to see. It is a different angle on the same parking lot we saw from the Hebrew school window. But if you imagine yourself a visitor, somebody who isn't familiar with these... autos and such... somebody still with a capacity for wonder... Someone with a fresh... perspective. That's what it is, Larry.

Larry Gopnik: Um...

Rabbi Scott: Because with the right perspective you can see Hashem, you know, reaching into the world. He is in the world, not just in shul. It sounds to me like you're looking at the world, looking at your wife, through tired eyes. It sounds like she's become a sort of... thing... a problem... a thing...

Larry Gopnik: Well, she's, she's seeing Sy Ableman.

Rabbi Scott: Oh.

Larry Gopnik: She's, they're planning, that's why they want the Gett.

Rabbi Scott: Oh. I'm sorry.

Larry Gopnik: It was his idea.

Rabbi Scott: Well, they do need a Gett to remarry in the faith. But this is life. For you too. You can't cut yourself off from the mystical or you'll be-you'll remain-completely lost. You have to see these things as expressions of God's will. You don't have to like it, of course.

Larry Gopnik: The boss isn't always right, but he's always the boss.

Rabbi Scott: Ha-ha-ha! That's right, things aren't so bad. Look at the parking lot, Larry.

[Rabbi Scott gazes out, marveling]

Rabbi Scott: Just look at that parking lot.

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that's where my personal philosophy conflicts with buddhism, i feel that you need to experience suffering just as much as happiness or peace, you have to get a 100% picture.

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that's where my personal philosophy conflicts with buddhism, i feel that you need to experience suffering just as much as happiness or peace, you have to get a 100% picture.


Such a dualist!! lol

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that's where my personal philosophy conflicts with buddhism, i feel that you need to experience suffering just as much as happiness or peace, you have to get a 100% picture.


Such a dualist!! lol



hahaha absolutely...oddly enough the only time I feel like I have made stride is when I am constantly in conflict with my own ideas.

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im starting to sound condescending so i think ive said enough about this vague subject


it honestly doesnt have to be vague, it'll be extremely clear sooner or later. I've come back to a book or a video on this 2 years later and heard the exact same thing completely differently and the reason is that the brain is fighting for survival as the king on the throne so to speak. There's a significant part of most people that totally hates this.

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i just said vague because its difficult to talk about without sounding vague. i mean, we're far from science and logic in this particular territory..

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i just said vague because its difficult to talk about without sounding vague. i mean, we're far from science and logic in this particular territory..



that's the magic of it all though, isn't it?


the simplest of things said ring most true, but our brain is determined to break it down so thoroughly and subjectively that it can 100% cultivate it to its own advantage, or survival...i dunno, i really think humans are hardwired to think this way,


its like, there is a portrait, and we all stare at it and discuss the same picture, yet every so often, somehow, the painting is nudged, or moved around, and we suddenly get an immensely different view of what is essentially the same thing.





see, i am as guilty of trying to quantify and define it as any other human.

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I feel that whatever people believe, i.e. faith in anything (science, religion, ideas), allows that person to experience effects of what they believe in...


Hence the problems felt between different schools of thought....


If someone believes strongly enough in something and they see evidence of it being true, they tend to think it is true for everyone else....


Synchronicity is the proof for myself to see whatever I am really into effecting my life....


as above so below/macrocosm-microcosm/parallel universes mirroring one another



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its difficult because when anyone tries talk about these things its like trying to quantify the unquantifiable.. it makes you realize how incredibly feeble words and language can be.. "the map is not the territory"


also it can be easy to disappear up your own ass when it comes to "airy fairy" subjects.. something ive been guilty of in the past..


at the end of the day, mystery is just as important as meaning


“If you think you know what the hell is going on, you're probably full of shit.” - robert anton wilson


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