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tonight, a mystical journey begins

Guest bardamu

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the hilarious thing for me was, my parents always hated most techno but the first time i put on aphex 'i care because you do' they totally got into it. same with tri repetae. probably because my parents are into jazz, they can get into the rhythms. meanwhile friends my age were having difficulty following the beats in those albums saying 'you can't dance to this', of course, all they've ever listened to their whole lives is straight-up top 10 rock beats.

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Guest bardamu

Parents had to cancel last week, but it will be happening soon. I'd chime in on the whole "forcing people to listen to music thing" but its already been covered re sharing one's enthusiasm. :sorcerer:

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funnily enough.. 'Tewe'

Ae have made some staggering music and I love 90% of it, and have had deeper experiences with other tracks, but somehow Tewe is the best thing they have done. The reason is that it's got everything special about Autechre but it's succinct and accessible to others too. I never tire of it.

Rae would be a close second.

And regarding family - about 7 years ago I made a "best of" Ae and gave it to my mother for her painting studio, she loves it.

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I love showing music to my friends and family. Just recently, I showed some Ae and other IDM stuff to my sister. We have a ritual almost where every time I pick her up from her friends house we'll go park the car somewhere and smoke a bunch of weed and listen to some tunes. She likes Amber a bunch, although she took more to Plaid, and a few others. Presentation is the key. You can't expect someone to appreciate IDM if you show it to them through laptop speakers at a party or something. Needs to be a nice sound system, and there needs to be little in the way of distraction.


Getting stoned in a car is a surefire method in my experience. Weed just helps people to appreciate art, especially trippy shit like Ae, and cars have really good sound systems for the most part. Something about being in a little sound booth that gives the music a much more visceral presence.

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