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tonight, a mystical journey begins

Guest bardamu

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Guest bardamu

So I've finally convinced Mom and Dad to take the Confield experience tonight. As you might imagine, this includes getting mystical and sitting in the dark while listening to the rapturous sounds of Confield. Several friends and family members have already partaken; none emerged unscathed and the words "mind blowing," "life changing," and "fjooking amazing" keep coming up. We'll see how lawyer-by-day Mom and "I invented esctasy but destroyed it because it was too evil for the world" Dad fare!


I'm curious--has anyone else tried inducting family members/non-IDM/experimental music listeners into ae? Which album & results? I realize Confield is a bit much for newbies, but being high does help otherwise-phillistines overcome their immediate "wtf" reaction and really listen.

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wow, i wish you the best of luck in your journey. are your parents listeners of ae? i'd say confield is of legend, however if presented to an unfamiliar audience it could be dismissed all too soon.


when the sustained notes of parhelic triangle start seeping through the speakers, let the waves wash over you...


edit: in regards to which album to play for newbies, this is a widely discussed topic that has spanned countless threads and everyone seems to have their own take on it. personally, i find the melodic approach works best, at least with americans (what can i say, people over here listen to shite) and go with songs like C/Pach, 444, Cichli, etc. and finally, as a fact, every person i've introduced autechre to has thoroughly enjoyed Inhake 2. the whole peel session is DEEE-LISH.

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Got my folks into some AE.. was cool to come home and have them playing Tri Repetae back in the day :) They liked some of the mid 90's Aphex Twin too (SAWII, I care..)


Confield was pushing it though. We got about 2/3 the way through that one.

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Guest Astroturf

I gave a friend of mine a USB with every album bar Amber and a little guide I drew with song recommends etc.

He's quite broadminded compared to the average person but he still cheerfully admits that he doesn't have the stomach for the more subtle stuff I like. He's quite into electronic music but mostly quite meatheaded drum and bass and nu-rave music.

Ironically he told me his current favourite of their albums is Confield.


Maybe it's the weirdness of it or the fact that Pen Expers is like a trippy drum and bass track, something must have struck a chord.

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Guest bardamu

Neither listens to ae (or electronic music). My Dad is an ex-hippie of sorts... was very into Yes, Mahavishnu Orchestra, prog rock stuff like that. Mom is more conventional in her musical tastes, but has dropped acid enough times to be open to different stuff. I have faith in the power of smoking to open their minds; I love Confield both sober and high, but the first time I really "got" it was when I was high.

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lol, i wouldn't even dare play autechre to my parents. my dad's fairly open minded in regards to music (he's a musician too), as long as it's highly melodic, not repetitive and contains mostly live instruments. so that rules out confield! and my mum only ever listens to the rolling stones, t-rex and suzi quatro.


every time i show him one of my tracks (or when i've been playing ambient autechre stuff), he says 'sounds like something from a movie soundtrack'. i can't help but take that as a bit of an insult even if he means it as a compliment.

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I think my mom tries to like the music I play (Autechre, Aphex Twin, etc..). I played Flutter for her she said she liked it.


My dad has no respect for the genera, he likes tangerine dream and calls there music talented, sophisticated and complicated but thinks tracks by Aphex Twin are "simple" in comparison. I got into a debate with him on that lol.


BTW I just got Native Komplete 6 can't wait to use it!

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My parents are really open in their music tastes and like a ton of electronic stuff I have played for them. They got through early and mid-period ae ok but once they hit EP7/Confield and beyond they usually politely tell me its not their cup of tea. I can respect that.

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Why is he forcing? He's just creating the right atmosphere and adding some weed to make others appreciate something he has appreciated so much. You are so negative MGF.

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For sure. Sharing music isn't forcing it. It's probably how most of us got introduced to a lot of the music we like :biggrin: I guess it's called getting excited about music and wanting to share the enjoyment and talk about it. Getting introduced to music you don't like by someone once in a while, well I don't think most people find that to be all that epically a big deal. Really. :wink:

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I sometimes just let Autechre play in the background whilst having beers/conversation and wait for a reaction, normally goes down alright.


Unless it's Gantz Graf blastin at top volume it's usually alright : P


I've noticed that people normally always pick up on the 'Envane' LP and funnily enough.. 'Tewe'

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My parents have never understood the music I like and thats the way it's meant to be.


Getting 'mystical' and holding hands while chanting along to Autechre with my parents seems rather peculier to me LoL.

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Guest AcrossCanyons

To be honest I can't really imagine something I'd rather do less than try to get my parent/s into IDM and get high with them. Would never look at them the same wether they digged it or not.

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My dad's dead and my mother doesn't like music. I would not enjoy :facepalm: with my parents anyway.

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Guest Fishtank

my mom likes oontz techno, she hates IDM or anything fast

my dad doesn't really listen to music so he's indifferent but no doubt he heard a lot of it

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