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One time, a buddy of mine was walking in our old hood (south williamsburg) on the sabbath and got stopped by a Hasid.

The guy asked him if he could come up to his apartment and turn on his tv for him and put in a VHS tape and press play for him. He then told my friend that in return, he would give him a tall-boy and some marijuana. My friend went up to the dude's apartment, started up the vhs and split. He declined the beer and weed. I think that is crazy. My friend is awesome, btw.


Apparently, orthodox jews can hire a goy to do work for them on the sabbath and that is cool.

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we all know how this ends


As a jew, I take great pleasure in playing Wolfenstein and shooting Nazis, regardless of how 8 bit they are

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Guest ezkerraldean

i had to flush the toilet and turn on the oven (wearing gloves) for some orthodox folks a few times. jews are awesome but sabbath shit sucks


with what? "jewdar"?

cameras that measure the length of your nose

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Guest ezkerraldean

jews are awesome when they aren't murdering palestinians.

yeah the ones that do that suck, the rest are safe though

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Guest spike

I had some very interesting encounters in the neighboorhood as i would walk by on a saturday nights. The best being, being asked into a home full of sleeping children and wife (!) to turn off a hot plate. I was pretty blasted so I thought it'd be a good idea when approached by the trusting father... After I set off the hot plate, he pulled out some beers as a parting gift and poured me a tall glass of the most refreshing handmade juice known to man,,, It was a wonderful moment as I sat in his kitchen thinking about how fate brought me to this place for such a thing. It also struck me that the numerous other times when walking or biking by some men would holler at me to stop and i'd keep going in fear of being reprimanded for going the wrong way on my bike.. :facepalm:



Miss this very much!! :beer:

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religion is hilarious, at a certain point when you're doing all these 'cheats' in order to not use machinery on the day of rest it seems like you might as well just fucking give it up, how can anyone take that shit seriously?

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