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if you travel back in time to have sex with someone.


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:wtf: as much as i love tesla, it sounds like he was a creep. i wouldn't touch that, no sir.


lol at calling Tesla a creep and nominating Connery, who admits to hitting women when they "deserve it"



tesla was a germophobe, that's what i meant by creep. he probably had some weird sexual quirks too that i wouldn't be fond of discovering.

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Sean Connery story I heard (quite possibly an urban myth):


Bunch of dudes in Scotland are in a pub pissed out of their brains. Said pub happens to be Sean Connery's local, and indeed Sean is there, drinking at another table with his mates. The regulars at this pub know to leave Sean be and generally treat him like ordinary folks.


However, our aforementioned dudes are discussing the topic of "best fuck you've ever had", and having had a few too many, they get the brilliant idea that Sean fucking Connery can probably kick all their arses at this topic. They duly send a delegate over to Mr Connery to ask him said question. "Fuck off", advises Mr Connery.


The dudes leave Sean alone and their little game peters out. Eventually, Sean leaves, at this point himself somewhat the worse for wear. On the way out he detours past our dudes' table, leans over conspiratorially, and in a loud stage whisper states:



Petula Clark, 1964, UP THE ARSHE!



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Guest Gary C

70s blaxploitation pam grier




I was about to post her myself.


Sean Connery story I heard (quite possibly an urban myth):


Bunch of dudes in Scotland are in a pub pissed out of their brains. Said pub happens to be Sean Connery's local, and indeed Sean is there, drinking at another table with his mates. The regulars at this pub know to leave Sean be and generally treat him like ordinary folks.


However, our aforementioned dudes are discussing the topic of "best fuck you've ever had", and having had a few too many, they get the brilliant idea that Sean fucking Connery can probably kick all their arses at this topic. They duly send a delegate over to Mr Connery to ask him said question. "Fuck off", advises Mr Connery.


The dudes leave Sean alone and their little game peters out. Eventually, Sean leaves, at this point himself somewhat the worse for wear. On the way out he detours past our dudes' table, leans over conspiratorially, and in a loud stage whisper states:



Petula Clark, 1964, UP THE ARSHE!




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Guest Gary C

tits were nice and pointy in the 60's.


Public exposure to birth-control pills - 1960.


I should imagine that the increased use of such things is related to the general increase in breast size.


Social and cultural impact



The Pill was approved by the FDA in the early 1960s; its use spread rapidly in the late part of that decade, generating an enormous social impact. Time Magazine placed the pill on its cover in April, 1967.[93] In the first place, it was more effective than most previous reversible methods of birth control, giving women unprecedented control over their fertility.[citation needed] Its use was separate from intercourse, requiring no special preparations at the time of sexual activity that might interfere with spontaneity or sensation, and the choice to take the Pill was a private one. This combination of factors served to make the Pill immensely popular within a few years of its introduction.[11][18] Claudia Goldin, among others, argue that this new contraceptive technology was a key player in forming women's modern economic role, in that it prolonged the age at which women first married allowing them to invest in education and other forms of human capital as well as generally become more career-oriented. Soon after the birth control pill was legalized, there was a sharp increase in college attendance and graduation rates for women.[94] From an economic point of view, the birth control pill reduced the cost of staying in school. The ability to control fertility without sacrificing sexual relationships allowed women to make long term educational and career plans.

Because the Pill was so effective, and soon so widespread, it also heightened the debate about the moral and health consequences of pre-marital sex and promiscuity. Never before had sexual activity been so divorced from reproduction. For a couple using the Pill, intercourse became purely an expression of love, or a means of physical pleasure, or both; but it was no longer a means of reproduction. While this was true of previous contraceptives, their relatively high failure rates and their less widespread use failed to emphasize this distinction as clearly as did the Pill. The spread of oral contraceptive use thus led many religious figures and institutions to debate the proper role of sexuality and its relationship to procreation. The Roman Catholic Church in particular, after studying the phenomenon of oral contraceptives, re-emphasized the stated teaching on birth control in the 1968 papal encyclical Humanae Vitae. The encyclical reiterated the established Catholic teaching that artificial contraception distorts the nature and purpose of sex.[95]

A backlash against oral contraceptives occurred in the early and mid-1970s, when reports and speculations appeared that linked the use of the Pill to breast cancer. Until then, many women in the feminist movement had hailed the Pill as an "equalizer" that had given them the same sexual freedom as men had traditionally enjoyed. This new development, however, caused many of them to denounce oral contraceptives as a male invention designed to facilitate male sexual freedom with women at the cost of health risk to women.[96]

The United States Senate began hearings on the Pill in 1970 and there were different viewpoints heard from medical professionals. Dr. Michael Newton, President of the College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists said:

"The evidence is not yet clear that these still do in fact cause cancer or related to it. The FDA Advisory Committee made comments about this, that if there wasn't enough evidence to indicate whether or not these pills were related to the development of cancer, and I think that's still thin; you have to be cautious about them, but I don't think there is clear evidence, either one way or the other, that they do or don't cause cancer."[97]

Another physician, Dr. Roy Hertz of the Population Council, said that anyone who takes this should know of "our knowledge and ignorance in these matters" and that all women should be made aware of this so she can decide to take the Pill or not.[98]

The Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare at the time, Robert Finch announced the federal government had accepted a compromise warning statement which would accompany all sales of birth control pills.[98]

At the same time, society was beginning to take note of the impact of the Pill on traditional gender roles. Women now did not have to choose between a relationship and a career; singer Loretta Lynn commented on this in her 1974 album with a song entitled "The Pill," which told the story of a married woman's use of the drug to liberate herself from her traditional role as wife and mother.



Environmental impact


A woman using COCPs excretes from her urine and feces natural estrogens, estrone (E1) and estradiol (E2), and synthetic estrogen ethinylestradiol (EE2) into water treatment plants. [99] These hormones can pass through water treatment plants and into rivers. [100] Other forms of contraception, such as the contraceptive patch, use the same synthetic estrogen (EE2) that is found in COCPs, and can add to the hormonal concentration in the water when flushed down the toilet. [101] This excretion is shown to play a role in causing endocrine disruption, which affects the sexual development and the reproduction, in wild fish populations in segments of streams contaminated by treated sewage effluents. [99][102] A study done in British rivers supported the hypothesis that the incidence and the severity of intersex wild fish populations were significantly correlated with the concentrations of the E1, E2, and EE2 in the rivers. [99]


A review of activated sludge plant performance found estrogen removal rates varied considerably but averaged 78% for estrone, 91% for estradiol, and 76% for ethinylestradiol (estriol effluent concentrations are between those of estrone and estradiol, but estriol is a much less potent endocrine disruptor to fish).[103] Effluent concentrations of ethinylestradiol are lower than estradiol which are lower than estrone, but ethinylestradiol is more potent than estradiol which is more potent than estrone in the induction of intersex fish and synthesis of vitellogenin in male fish.[104]


An amazing turning point in human existence.

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the effects of the pill are really damaging to woman's health and its a shame because alot of

woman don't know. many are pressured into it or are influenced blindly by those around them.

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the effects of the pill are really damaging to woman's health and its a shame because alot of

woman don't know. many are pressured into it or are influenced blindly by those around them.


wow, troon, i actually entirely agree with you on this.


i don't see what the problem is with just using condoms. sure, they're not 100% effective, but if they break, you'll know and you can buy a morning after pill, which is much healthier and cheaper than taking birth control pills. i know both use hormones, but somehow i think one dose of hormones on the occasion that a condom breaks is a lot safer than taking them everyday.


also, iuds are pretty awesome (they are effective almost 100% of the time). i don't know why they're not more common.

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this birth control discussion has raised a question. is part of the deal with this whole time travel bit that there will be no possibility of impregnating

these fine women? i don't wanna get back to the future and find out sean young (given her current state) is the mother of my child. fucking hell, that would be a nightmare!

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Guest Gary C

I'm pretty clueless when it comes to the pill. What are the health repercussions exactly? My girlfriend's on it, but I'll bring the subject up if it's something I should really worry about.

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Guest Gary C

Yeah, I can't take any site like that seriously.


Plus, having read half-way down it gave me absolutely no scientific research or reasoning, so whatever.


I'll still bring the subject up because it is, rightfully, worrying that she takes those pills pretty much everyday and that I don't have a clue what's in them.

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