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The 11th Doctor

Boxing Day

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I wonder if the vortex manipulator River Song presumably got hold of near the start might have something to do with it?

Nice catch there!



Pretty spectacular episode I thought, loved how it all came together in the end with the mini time travel and what not, and still funny! "Fez' are cooool!"

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I wonder if the vortex manipulator River Song presumably got hold of near the start might have something to do with it?

Nice catch there!

Thanks dude! :beer: And that was without resorting to internet spoilers.

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That was brilliant. Smith has already wiped the floor on Tennant/Ecclestone.

I agree. Although it didn't quite reach the level of last week's (which would have been pretty much impossible anyway), tonight's episode really did 'The Pandorica Opens' justice, very clever and no crappy cop-outs that didn't fit in with the rest of the series. In fact it's going add a lot more to watch the whole series again and watch how everything eventually falls into place. And I never thought I'd say this about anyone, but Matt Smith is my favourite Doctor, even better than Tom Baker (IMO).

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Guest Gary C

Certainly not as epic as the last episode, but a good finale.


Great series overall, which is big coming from me because I've previously hated Who and positively avoided it. Tenant was just an absolute cunt, but Smith is the best I've ever seen.

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Fucking brilliant, as Smith is.


The finale was great - no giant 'reset button' as in past finales, etc. Everyone acted their hearts out, and the story and it's resolution was superb. My only quibble with it was the

'wishing the Doctor back'

part - thought that was a bit silly, would have preferred a more scientific explanation for it. I also liked the fact that the

main problem is essentially unanswered, and leads into next season.



As for the Christmas Special:


The Orient Express (in space, I think he said)? This should be interesting!


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Rumours of the Robot Yeti returning for Christmas Special. Probably bollocks, but I'd love it if that was true. I've always felt a bit gutted I'll never see the two Yeti stories, they were my two fave Target novelisations.

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Didn't they mention an Egyptian Goddess was causing the bother on the space orient express in that final scene? Yes, they did. Because then having Robot mummies a la Pyramids of Mars would make more sense than the Yeti. Though it would be awesome to have the Yeti back. And the Ice Warriors.

"I am sick of these motherfucking mummies on this motherfucking train. In space."


My own contribution to the probably bollocks rumourmill is that they'd approached Lady Gaga to play a villain, which if it'd been suggested during RTD's era would have sounded like the worst thing ever, but now I think would be rather awesome. She'd be able to provide her own costumes, for one. Bargain!

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Didn't they mention an Egyptian Goddess was causing the bother on the space orient express in that final scene? Yes, they did. Because then having Robot mummies a la Pyramids of Mars would make more sense than the Yeti. Though it would be awesome to have the Yeti back. And the Ice Warriors.

"I am sick of these motherfucking mummies on this motherfucking train. In space."


My own contribution to the probably bollocks rumourmill is that they'd approached Lady Gaga to play a villain, which if it'd been suggested during RTD's era would have sounded like the worst thing ever, but now I think would be rather awesome. She'd be able to provide her own costumes, for one. Bargain!

In RTD's day that probably wouldn't have been all that surprising. And agreed, it would be ace to see any of those enemies make a return.

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Rumours of the Robot Yeti returning for Christmas Special. Probably bollocks, but I'd love it if that was true. I've always felt a bit gutted I'll never see the two Yeti stories, they were my two fave Target novelisations.


Considering their concept artist has done renderings for them, I'd say it's likely we'll see them either at the Christmas Special or in Series 6. It would have precedence too, since we've had another amorphous enemy, the Nestene Consciousness, already return twice now, so the Great Intelligence wouldn't be a stretch.




so when will there be more doctor? until Christmas? i can't wait, what am i gonna do?


Erm, the previous four series (if you haven't seen them), or the series that ran from 63-89? The TV Movie? (runs)


Oh, and here's The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Daleks:


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Nice. I've looked over the concept artists site before but I figured it was just an abandoned concept. It just seems to me that if they mentioned that it was an Egyptian Goddess then it'd make more sense for them to make it another Osiran like Sutekh rather than mashing two different enemies together. Maybe they originally considered using the Great Intelligence, or maybe it is for series 6, or they could be mashing two enemies together...

Should be worth the wait!

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The Yeti returning makes perfect sense if you consider the path of the Orient Express goes through parts of Tibet, where the Yeti were seen before...


The whole "in space" and "Egyptian Goddess" things don't make sense though - I've read where it was a very last minute script addition to the scene.


And to further convolute matters, Doctor 11 is appearing in The Sarah Jane Adventures, by himself (supposedly) after he drops Amy and Rory off for their honeymoon - so, it's possible that the phone call was intended to be an "off-screen" adventure, and the Christmas Special has nothing to do with any of what was mentioned on the phone.

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Guest analogue wings

I kind of don't want them to bring back any more classic villains after they redesigned the Silurians to look like an amateur production of "Cats"





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I kind of don't want them to bring back any more classic villains after they redesigned the Silurians to look like an amateur production of "Cats"






When they have the masks on, they're fine - they just went with a human face to give the actors' more expressive range. I don't like the hooman faces either. No biological reason humanoid reptiles would have human features like noses and such. The eyes, especially bothered me - shouldn't they have reptile-like eyes, adapted for the underground, etc.?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm sorry David , but Matt just Outdoctored you.


Time of Angels - 10/10

Amy's Choice - 10/10

The Big Bang - 10/10

Flesh and Stone - 10/10

The Eleventh Hour - 10/10

The Pandorica Opens - 9.9/10

Victory of the Daleks - 9.5/10

Vincent and the Doctor - 9/10

Cold Blood - 9/10

The Beast Below - 8.9/10

The Lodger - 8.7/10

The Hungry Earth - 8.5/10

Vampires of Venice - 8/10

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I'm sorry David , but Matt just Outdoctored you.


Time of Angels - 10/10

Amy's Choice - 10/10

The Big Bang - 10/10

Flesh and Stone - 10/10

The Eleventh Hour - 10/10

The Pandorica Opens - 9.9/10

Victory of the Daleks - 9.5/10

Vincent and the Doctor - 9/10

Cold Blood - 9/10

The Beast Below - 8.9/10

The Lodger - 8.7/10

The Hungry Earth - 8.5/10

Vampires of Venice - 8/10


Are those your ratings, or the cumulative ratings of the episodes based on the AI index?

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I wasn't too sold on the new take on The Silurians either, their helmet design was much better than the actual faces. And I'd seen the Yeti skeleton before, didn't realise it was by their actual concept artist though, so that's promising. Anyone else not bored of The Daleks appearing? A lot of Who nerds seem to criticise the show for overusing them but I never get bored of them. I've really taken to the new design now so I hope they reappear in series 6.


to further convolute matters, Doctor 11 is appearing in The Sarah Jane Adventures, by himself (supposedly) after he drops Amy and Rory off for their honeymoon - so, it's possible that the phone call was intended to be an "off-screen" adventure, and the Christmas Special has nothing to do with any of what was mentioned on the phone.


I agree, I wouldn't be surprised if that reference was just a comic aside and nothing more.


I'm sorry David , but Matt just Outdoctored you.


Couldn't agree more, but do you really rate The Pandorica Opens so low down? Best episode I've ever seen.


EDIT: I admit that there's not a lot in it all the same.

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Christmas special shall be a twist on A Christmas Carol



Ah, they say that every year - one nice bit of news is Michael Gambon (Dumbledore) will be in the Christmas special this year!


I wasn't too sold on the new take on The Silurians either, their helmet design was much better than the actual faces. And I'd seen the Yeti skeleton before, didn't realise it was by their actual concept artist though, so that's promising. Anyone else not bored of The Daleks appearing? A lot of Who nerds seem to criticise the show for overusing them but I never get bored of them. I've really taken to the new design now so I hope they reappear in series 6.


to further convolute matters, Doctor 11 is appearing in The Sarah Jane Adventures, by himself (supposedly) after he drops Amy and Rory off for their honeymoon - so, it's possible that the phone call was intended to be an "off-screen" adventure, and the Christmas Special has nothing to do with any of what was mentioned on the phone.


I agree, I wouldn't be surprised if that reference was just a comic aside and nothing more.


I'm a bit apathetic towards the Daleks these days - Victory of the Daleks was nothing more than Moffat giving them purpose again, so hopefully a story next year featuring them will be better than the majority of their subsequent appearances during the Davies years (barring their appearances in "Dalek" and "The Parting of the Ways". They really haven't been as effective (I think) since then. Davros was amazing in The Stolen Earth, but then they (supposedly) killed him off again.

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I'm sorry David , but Matt just Outdoctored you.


Couldn't agree more, but do you really rate The Pandorica Opens so low down? Best episode I've ever seen.


I loved that episode , but the "Bad Guy Alliance" had some monsters that should have not been there , i felt like Moffat downloaded the Random Monster Generator to decide the members of the Alliance (setting aside the obvious ones of course)

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I'm sorry David , but Matt just Outdoctored you.


Couldn't agree more, but do you really rate The Pandorica Opens so low down? Best episode I've ever seen.


I loved that episode , but the "Bad Guy Alliance" had some monsters that should have not been there , i felt like Moffat downloaded the Random Monster Generator to decide the members of the Alliance (setting aside the obvious ones of course)


More like he was using "Every non-cgi monster costume in order to keep under budget" :emotawesomepm9:

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Guest Dirty Protest

Davros was amazing in The Stolen Earth, but then they (supposedly) killed him off again.


Davros and the Master are as important to Dr Who as the Doctor is, in my 8 year old head anyway.


I hated the first half of the series, it felt childish, but the second half really picked up, glad i stuck with it.

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