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deleting facebook

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Guest Calx Sherbet

I don't use the site, I don't get it - what is there to be addicted by? Is it like twitter, just inane updates?


it's almost like a forum in a way

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it drills into my mind this idea that just because i deleted my facebook people will formulate opinions of me based on the fact that i no longer have a page. the opinions may be only slightly changed. and it will vary from person to person. some will say, "he deleted his facebook, good." some will say, "a faggot."


either way, the mere fact that the fabric of our history and societal existence is intertwined within some meaningless rich guy's data mining website is slightly distressing.


its not that big of a deal, but it's something to think about. this is the direction we're headed in. if you're not plugged in, you are not in the norm.

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its like a forum where the only interaction that really occurs is small talk.


granted there are pictures and event listings which is REALLY nice, but i've got email, a phone, and plenty of people i know who i can talk to.


upon leaving facebook i decided i was going to make a private forum for my friends and i to mess around on, they can invite people if they want. that would be fun! and then it would just be me, my close friends, and random funny people from the internet that we meet on other boards.

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it drills into my mind this idea that just because i deleted my facebook people will formulate opinions of me based on the fact that i no longer have a page. the opinions may be only slightly changed. and it will vary from person to person. some will say, "he deleted his facebook, good." some will say, "a faggot."


either way, the mere fact that the fabric of our history and societal existence is intertwined within some meaningless rich guy's data mining website is slightly distressing.


its not that big of a deal, but it's something to think about. this is the direction we're headed in. if you're not plugged in, you are not in the norm.

i've heard that some employers in the US actually demand to be added to your friends list. there was a story on the internet about an employee who had just gotten a job and was asked for their facebook profile - the employee didn't have a facebook account and was either essentially harassed into making one, or they were fired for "refusing" to give the information. can't remember which.



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I hate it - I have an account but only use it to share pictures - other than that I do not check it except once or twice a week and I don't post on walls.. if I want to to talk to someone I'll goddamn call them or see them - FB is ruining society

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social networking in and of itself is valuable. For example, during my time in Korea, I met many interesting people who became friends. Some of them moved back to their home countries, some of them are still in Korea, and others still are in completely different countries.

facebook allows me a convenient way to see what those people are doing and how their lives are progressing, without sending out countless e-mails, or visiting 40 different blogs. It also allows me to update them on what's going on in my life easily.

the problem with facebook is its views on privacy, which seem to be that the activities and posts of all its users can be sold to its real customers, which are advertisers (much like google's real customers are advertisers). So instead of becoming a recluse, why not develop a different approach to social networking?

joindiaspora.com is one such attempt. I'm sure there are others.


I hate it - I have an account but only use it to share pictures - other than that I do not check it except once or twice a week and I don't post on walls.. if I want to to talk to someone I'll goddamn call them or see them - FB is ruining society


If all your friends live in the same city as you, this is easily achieved. When your friends are spread out over multiple time zones, not so much.

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Guest disparaissant

^^ wut he said. i have moved around a lot, and wish to keep in touch with friends i have elsewhere. it's great for that. plus, i don't have laaame friends so its not all small talk bullshit.


also, facebook tetris.

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I keep reading the phrase "connect with your past", and to be honest, I really have no desire to "connect" to my past...


As Tony Soprano said "'Remember when' is the lowest form of conversation".


I'd rather engage now or look to the future - than spend my time digging through pages of people I had nothing in common with in the past and most certaintly have nothing in common with now.

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Guest disparaissant

lol i did that with a certain art site i quit recently. kept instinctively going there only to remember that i deleted my account. still. it's freeing.

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i'm going to write a short essay on why we should all delete facebook and post it here in a bit. the energy drinks have inspired me, coupled with the feeling i get that some of you think i'm stupid for deleting it. i must be understood.

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Guest disparaissant

meh i don't think you're stupid, i just wouldn't personally do it. too many people i have no other way of getting ahold of.

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i will also compose a prelude for solo piano that will be a so called impressionist piece on the Facebook experience.


the idea that you need facebook to stay in touch with people who live far off will be addressed fully in the essay.

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social networking in and of itself is valuable. For example, during my time in Korea, I met many interesting people who became friends. Some of them moved back to their home countries, some of them are still in Korea, and others still are in completely different countries.

facebook allows me a convenient way to see what those people are doing and how their lives are progressing, without sending out countless e-mails, or visiting 40 different blogs. It also allows me to update them on what's going on in my life easily.

the problem with facebook is its views on privacy, which seem to be that the activities and posts of all its users can be sold to its real customers, which are advertisers (much like google's real customers are advertisers). So instead of becoming a recluse, why not develop a different approach to social networking?

joindiaspora.com is one such attempt. I'm sure there are others.


I hate it - I have an account but only use it to share pictures - other than that I do not check it except once or twice a week and I don't post on walls.. if I want to to talk to someone I'll goddamn call them or see them - FB is ruining society


If all your friends live in the same city as you, this is easily achieved. When your friends are spread out over multiple time zones, not so much.


true - there's always email though - but in your case I can see where FB can be useful, for sure.. my case not so much


I don't mind FB that much.. its just ppl spend WAYYYY too much time on it for what? spending hours of your life stalking ppl

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Guest disparaissant

i will also compose a prelude for solo piano that will be a so called impressionist piece on the Facebook experience.


the idea that you need facebook to stay in touch with people who live far off will be addressed fully in the essay.


true, i could email them or call them or whatever, but that would actually take effort. effort that neither of us would put in otherwise. its the lazy way of keeping in touch.


also i fucking hate phones.

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Guest abusivegeorge

I can find all sorts of shit about people, and then hold it against them in blackmail it's great.

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it's getting to the point where i'm nearly equally addicted to this website. i think it may be just the internet in general for me. it's very stimulating. and easy. and instantly rewarding.


i'm not writing that essay, but i still do think/believe vvvery strongly that if everyone was to use the computer half as much or less, things would actually get done. have you noticed how out of touch our youth are? that's because of fucking BULLSHIT like facebook and TVs in vans and gameboys. well fuck that. the gap between those in power and the underlings grows wider every day at an accelerating rate because of technology. and things are going wrong and nobody does anything (fewer people do anything). i seriously think it's a big problem.


the internet can definitely be used against this, but it has to start somewhere, and it cannot START on the internet.

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Guest disparaissant

conversely, technology can be used to narrow the gap between those in power and the "underlings." it's not all bad.

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