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watmm weight loss plan

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so i've finally decided to take a go at losing like 20 lbs


someone with experience tell me exactly what to eat and do when i exercise


i want to lose them quickly and develop a routine that i can handle


i am very out of shape and get bored of running after about 15 minutes. i want to be able to run/bike 1 hr a day 7 days a week after a short period of time. i do not want to stop doing this routine once i have begun. this will help me in many areas of my life.


motivate me.


i need to get more attractive so girls will be more willing to fuck me and talk to me. it's been a while since i experienced a good sexual encounter. also it will help me feel more normal and happier.


i am ready to take the plunge into a daily routine. i weigh about 215 lbs and am 6 ft tall. i am not gigantic but i am chubby. i think i have the potential to become a so called "stunner" if i can get down to 180/190. that's the peak goal for me. but first i would like to get down to 200. how long will this take if i work hard?


i will not post any pictures of my fat ass. but here is my face.




now what?


thanks for the help. i won't post any more in here, but i encourage others who want to lose weight to join in, and anyone with knowledge on stuff to join in. i am open to extreme diets and pills that have been proven to help.



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Reduce your caloric intake to about 1400-1600 a day. Eat 4 smaller meals and never ever miss breakfast. Get you heartrate elevated fir at least 30 minutes a day and you should see some results in a month or so

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i want to be able to run/bike 1 hr a day 7 days a week after a short period of time. i do not want to stop doing this routine once i have begun. this will help me in many areas of my life.


I think you need to lower your, set more realistic, standards if you want this losing weight plan to succeed. Expecting to run an hour, 7 days a week in a 'short' period of time is fantasy . Your body needs time to recover as well, but you'd better get advice from professionals and not the studio recluses that is Watmm.

Running 1 hour a day isn't high but 7 days a week is madness. Try 2 first, then 3 then 4 etc....


Make sure to space them out well. Be sure to time your runs/measure distance. I didn't set a time goal I set a distance. My regular run was 6km, at first my time was like 45mins. Then I got it down to 30, then 22 or something.


Its gonna be tough.


Be sure to stretch before and after your run.

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Guest Dirty Protest

A hefty alcohol consumption is a good way. A mixture of never eating and brown arse gravy helps keep it down. Ive turned into a bloater since ive stopped.

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Guest taxman

buy a bike and ride it everywhere you go. do some situps and pushups before you go to work in the morning. do some pullups whenever you find something to pull up on. drink a lot of beer and eat a lot of bacon. thats what i do.

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i really just want this to happen as quickly and easily as possible


i do want to put work into it but i want to be efficient


i'm willing to eat very little / starve myself


i need to feel confident asap because i just got told off by an ex i was trying to hook up with again, she said shes not attracted to me anymore, well fuck that i'm pissed off. i can't even get my musical talents together enough to write a song. i need to fuck. and i need to fuck asap or else i'm probably going to kill myself. no joke. bullet in the brain, yo.


so yeah, just sharing guys!


she has a boyfriend, i tried to ... last night i was half asleep and i told her to come spend the night and she thought i was joking. so then i sent her some rage texts. fuck i hate feeling like the loser in the game of bullshit.


i hate the game. and i hate losing. and i hate feeling powerless and weak. i must win. i must become strong. help me watmm.


i just want to shed those 20 lbs and run into this girl again and have her trying to dinkle dank and i can just say "you fool, you judged me based on my belly size (actually she probably is just a good person and didn't want to cheat on her boyfriend, after she said she wasn't attracted to me i told her she was full of shit and that i thought she definitely still had feelings for me but was trying to hide them)


i just can't lose this battle. i CANNOT FUCKING LOSE


does the beer + bacon thing actually work or is that a joke? does atkins work wonders?


by the way, watmm, you folks.. this place is like the best people living on planet earth all communicating in one place

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for me, exercise bike every other day. it's boring so i watch tv at the same time.

i've been trying to cut soda out of my life and am pretty successful. i heard that's it's pretty bad for you, diet even more so



i like to snack alot, and sometimes i don't even get outside so i'd say start a routine, start slow, and then let yourself know how hardcore you want to go.

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Guest underscore

if you lose weight quickly there is a good chance that you'll gain it back just as fast. you should instead take this opprotunity to enlighten yourself in regards to exercise and nutrition so that you can benefit in the long term.

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i should have made it clear - i want to fuck a girl repeatedly over the course of the rest of the year/2-3 years, and i want to go out to dinner with her as well and sit in silence. attractiveness is not a criteria but usually traditionally less attractive girls have personality traits that i find irritating.


how do i meet women


i need to meet women


i go to college i don't do anything


i make music and i take drugs, i go to clubs, i want to go places during the day where nice, spiritually inclined women roam and i want to develop fantasties about them

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I was 215lbs at 6 foot myself about a year and a half ago. I was a size 36 and I was out of shape and quite chubby. I woke up and realized that I had to get into shape and lose weight - I therefore changed my entire life in 5 months by losing 60lbs.


In terms of dieting I did not change much, I stopping snacking and I ate smaller meals but more often throughout the day. Therefore instead of 3 big meals with random snacks in the middle, I eat 5 or 6 times a day but smaller portions.


For example, a typical day would be:

Breakfast - bowl of all-bran

snack - nature valley bar or an apple or self-made nut mix (non-salted almonds/raisins/walnuts) or banana

lunch - cheese and tomato sandwich on whole grain bread, 2-egg omelette, etc [with chopped up raw vegetables on the side and a yogurt]

snack - a piece of fruit

supper - can range from roast chicken or fish or pork or beef, whatever


*be sure to stop drinking soda (even if it is diet) and drink plenty of water - if you like your beer or alcohol, limit yourself to one a day.. or a big amount once in a while



in terms of exercise you need to do a mix of weight training AND cardio. If you only do cardio you will lose muscle mass and you will end up losing weight but also losing muscle which will result in a lot of loose skin and you'd be weak..


my advice, go to this forum: http://www.forum-body-improvements.com/ make an account, scroll down to Journals, and start one.. list what you eat in a day and what exercises to do - also ask others to help you because that community is great, they helped me out a great deal



I was like yourself, I wanted to only lose around 20lbs... I ended up losing 60lbs in 5 months, from a size 36 to 32.. from someone who couldnt do 2 pushups in a row to someone who can do 75.. its all about changing your life style


It will be hard to motivate yourself because it does take time to see results, it took me a good 3 months to actually see a difference but you have to keep with it day in and day out because it will work.


So definitely go to that forum, they are great there.


Good luck!

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Hey bud-


1) Starving yourself will be counterproductive. Your metabolism will track your caloric intake and you won't lose as fast as you'd expect...and even then it will be more muscle mass than fat.


2) As stated above, lower your caloric intake below 2000 calories a day. Eat more, smaller meals a day. The Mediterranean diet is considered by some nutritionists to be the healthiest on the planet. That means you should get some hummus, whole grain (unbleached) pita, olives, olive oil, fresh veggies like tomatoes, carrots and cucumbers, and snack on unsalted nuts like cashews. Drink shit tons of water.


3) I think a 6k starting goal for someone who hasn't run in awhile is a bit ambitious. Start with 2k, every other day for a week. Then up your length as you can. Get a heart rate monitor so you don't under/over train.


4) I'm not sure if you have access to a power lifting cage. If you do, hit the squats on your days off from running. Focus on full body exercises. My favorite regimen is here.

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Guest taxman
does the beer + bacon thing actually work or is that a joke?


that was a joke


however, everything i said really is what i do and i am in good shape. i'm 6'4" and about 200 pounds.


actually instead of bacon i eat a lot of chorizo, but it's all the same shit.

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hey halisray, that's very helpful advice. that really is very motivating to hear a story similar to mine, incredibly so. thank you!



np - its been a life-changing experience


like the other guy said, try the stronglifts 5x5 regimen - its very good


you really need a balance between cardio and weights - full body exercises are the way to go to keep your body in shape! and dont start off at 6km lol.. thats a lot for a beginner, like he said, start off small then work urself up.. you dont want to burn out!

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consume most of your calories before 3pm

do not cut out foods from your diet, learn to moderate instead. Eat as many whole foods as possible. Learn to cook. Drink around 2 liters of water a day

get a range of cardio and a weight routines that will be practical for you. Switch them up every few months. Learn about different kinds of stretches and do em. Make certain you are doing your exercises correctly.

Do a simple VO2 max test and figure out your target and min/max heart rates.

Eat protein within 30 minutes after working out

eat a small snack 1 hour before exercising

educate yourself, do not look for quick solutions to anything

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