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The Official 2010 World Cup Thread

Guest Mirezzi

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Your solution, chenGOD, is business as usual?


Nice one. If you're happy with the game the way it is, that's fine, but you're almost alone in that view.


can you read? I would support some technology that allows to show when the whole of the ball has crossed the line. Show me how video replay changes that situation without affecting the flow of play?



The one good thing about England going out is that now that i don't have horse in the race (with Korea out too), I can just enjoy the matches.

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Your solution, chenGOD, is business as usual?


Nice one. If you're happy with the game the way it is, that's fine, but you're almost alone in that view.


can you read? I would support some technology that allows to show when the whole of the ball has crossed the line. Show me how video replay changes that situation without affecting the flow of play?



The one good thing about England going out is that now that i don't have horse in the race (with Korea out too), I can just enjoy the matches.


YOu should take heart though Mirezzi - with the english FA having so much pull in FIFA, and having lost a goal like that, change will almost certainly come.

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Guest Gary C

I sincerely hope Rooney has dropped by £20 million in transfer expectations.


What an absolute waste of space. Certainly the most useless player in the England squad. Stroppy cunt with no class.

He should've been subbed at half-time in reality. He simply hadn't done anything to warrant a place, after the three prior games. Big name status won again. Nothing had changed under Capello.

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Guest Mirezzi

It's very simple. The game is played on unless the ref gets a voice in his ear.



It took the entire viewing world 3.2 seconds to see it was a goal. I saw that it was a goal when it played live.


No, chenGOD supports the idea that a guy can consult his line judge but they are absolutely prohibited from looking at the GIANT jumbotron. lol


"Now, tell me what you saw, but only from memory. Do not look at that...*slap* STOP LOOKING AT THE SCREEN!"

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if one thing this match showed, it's that Robert green should never be allowed near an England goal ever again. can't fault james on any of the goals ze germans scored.

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Guest Mirezzi

In that 3.2 seconds, what do you if the other team has scored?

Blow your whistle, fuck off Krauts, it was a goal?


Oh, boohoo, they've already gone and dribbled into English box? Too bad. The one event preceded the other.

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Guest Mirezzi

if one thing this match showed, it's that Robert green should never be allowed near an England goal ever again. can't fault james on any of the goals ze germans scored.

Very agreed. I'm seeing James catching a lot of shit on other message boards, comments on articles, etc. Total horseshit. If you have Upson and Terry and Barry and Cole and Johnson defending your goal the way they did today, you'll do well to only concede 4.

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3.2 seconds is an exaggeration - but in the incident, it took germany about 15 seconds to get the ball down the pitch where Kloze had a cracking shot that went inches wide of the post.


And a lot of incidents are never as clear cut as that goal being in. My stance is that video replay disrupts the flow of the game, and that it should not be implemented.


Look it's hard to say that england were outplayed - I thought we did well in the midfield, played some decent football. We defended like shit for 10 minutes and paid for it.


rooney was definitely not his usual self - to say he's overrated is horseshit, you don't have the season he had in the premiership with being overrated. I have a feeling he never fully recovered from the injury he suffered in the CL.

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Guest Rambo

My stance is that video replay disrupts the flow of the game, and that it should not be implemented.


It's very simple. The game is played on unless the ref gets a voice in his ear.

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Honestly chen, you're mental. Nothing to do with not wanting video replays. Your logic is mental.



Why? Disallowing a goal because of something that happened at the other end is fucking ludicrous.

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Guest Mirezzi

It's not that your logic is mental, chenGOD. I think you raise very valid concerns. However, we are witnessing the alternative right now and it's just a fucking disaster. The #1 thing being discussed after every match, within 10 words of description, is the officiating. That's not good. It's not good for the sport, which I still believe is the best sport on the planet.


Will it hurt the game a bit? Sure, it will. Video replay would need some working out and its implementation would need to be undertaken with caution and prudence. However, I still prefer that to the alternative, which we've seen plenty of in South Africa.

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Have you seen how long video replay analysis can take? The NFL has limits of 60 seconds for video analysis - can you imagine bringing play back after 60 seconds?


Sorry that was directed at Rambo.



Mirezzi - the only place I can see video replay having a part is when the ball is dead, and the players are milling around and shit happens, like spitting or people throwing punches.

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Guest Rambo

You're insane. I'm not even joking.


My question is how do you not know what would be the right thing to do in the situation where a team scores a goal which hasn't been acknowledged and then the other team goes up the other end and scores. How can you possibly not know the answer?

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You're insane. I'm not even joking.



So you'd rather the decision goes off the pitch, then they talk to the officials through the earpiece, and play gets brought back 2 minutes after an incident? the death knell of football mate.


You play right? What are you taught - play until you hear the ref blows his fucking whistle. Why should the team that plays until tghey hear the whistle be punished for that?

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Guest Mirezzi

Have you seen how long video replay analysis can take? The NFL has limits of 60 seconds for video analysis - can you imagine bringing play back after 60 seconds?

See, this is where you're a bit awkward with logic.


Roberto Rosetti took at LEAST 60 seconds to consult with his referee on the first Tevez goal, where he was clearly offside. They had a nice chat, they discussed what happened. All of it was done without the assistance of technology, however, so the decision remained: unjust goal for Argentina.


So much for that reasoning. What else you got?


The NHL have used goal line technology for years and with great success. Tennis have used something similar for service faults, basketball use it well for reviewing last second shots, etc.



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Guest Rambo

No-one has a discussion with anyone. The ref simply gets the word in his ear. And if it takes 2 minutes then the person viewing the replay needs to be sacked.

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Because in the NHL and tennis - those discussions take part while play has stopped.


The tevez situation was very unusual, whereas what happened with England and Germany is much more common, that play continues.


No-one has a discussion with anyone. The ref simply gets the word in his ear. And if it takes 2 minutes then the person viewing the replay needs to be sacked.



Fucking ridiculous to think that every decision would be as straightforward as the one that happened in that match.

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