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Guest Sprigg

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Guest Sprigg

I'm trying to make a xylophone-ish sound (the preset mallet sound wasn't quite what i'm going for), and I've determined that I essentially want to take the Black Dwarf Star preset and fiddle with a bit of the waveforms to get the sound that I want, but... I can't get rid of the fucking reverb/ delay effect.


In general, anyone know of any good Sytrus tutorials? I searched Youtube and didn't find anything useful.

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Guest iamabe

I remember quasi-learning sytrus using imageline's actual tutorials and the pdf manual, and also scouring youtube for hours on end looking for something decent. Eventually you will find a user whose teaching style you like, who isn't boring or too redundant.


This guy was my favorite for learning FL studio. I'm not sure if he has any sytrus videos but dig through his account and youll find plenty of useful info in general and maybe that will link you to the kind of tutorial youre looking for.


Also there are probably plenty of good text tutorials out there if you are patient with google searching, and you can always post on the image-line forums. That's where you would get the best Sytrus support.


Good luck!

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Hahaha, funny you say that, I was just coming in here to complain about how it's hard to use. I can understand how it works, but it's so damn fiddly to work with and I hate the FL envelope system and all the other controls are super tiny on any large-ish res.

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  • 2 years later...

Just dropped by to say that this is my favourite synth ever. I love this fucking thing so hard. Nearly every synth patch I use is sytrus


Sometimes confusing and difficult to learn but SO WORTH IT

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Well that's it really! After I worked out a few simple key things (how to turn off the release-I work with a lot of staccato notes, how to set up arps, how to not go too fucking lunatic with the fm matrix until the whole sound turns into white noise), I was pretty much hooked.

I'm kind of surprised this forum isn't more nuts over it to be honest; in my mind its just the most idm synth, you can get lost for hours in a patch making these fucking ridiculous noises with all this modulation.


Its also good in fl because like most of the native synths it has note slide support and you can actually set parameters to be controlled by the 'note modulation x' and 'note modulation y' properties for each note under the piano roll.


Also what else, each oscillator's waveform is fully customizable with easy sliders and can also be controlled with a harmonic control (the harmonies every native are slightly darker so you can bring in a note an octave higher on the same oscillator easily. Or you can just go mental with it and end with some fat saw lead things)


As Mesh Gear Fox mentioned earlier the layout does make a lot of sense, there's just a lot of it.

Once you get your head around it though it is pretty quick to use and because of it's sheer versatility you can make so many far out glitched up sounds, great basses and squelchy acid noises.


I am by no means an expert but if anyone has any problems with shit they are trying to do with it feel free to ask me and I'll see if I have any ideas :)


Excuse typos; I'm drunk and on a phone

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Guest RadarJammer

Imagine Line are crazy to ignore the mob of requests for bigger GUI controls on some of their plugins. It almost seems like they have disdain for their customers.

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Guest ryanmcallister

Imagine Line are crazy to ignore the mob of requests for bigger GUI controls on some of their plugins. It almost seems like they have disdain for their customers.

just change your screen resolution, lazy. duh...

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I was hoping there was an on-the-fly screen magnifier of some kind built into Vista (as there is in OS X) but no dice. That would be perfect for Sytrus.


Perhaps I’ll take the synth for another spin again tonight. This thread has inspired me.


I really hate the FL envelopes though. I know they’re fancy and expressive, but sometimes you just want to set the attack to 7 ms and move on, without having to squint at everything and click and drag with laser like precision for 15 seconds.

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I was hoping there was an on-the-fly screen magnifier of some kind built into Vista (as there is in OS X) but no dice.


try windowskey + (works in 7 pretty sure it was there in vista as well)

it'll open magnifier though leaving you with a magnifying glass hanging on ur screen.. can't minimize it while zooming

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I was hoping there was an on-the-fly screen magnifier of some kind built into Vista (as there is in OS X) but no dice.


try windowskey + (works in 7 pretty sure it was there in vista as well)

it'll open magnifier though leaving you with a magnifying glass hanging on ur screen.. can't minimize it while zooming


Ooh, thanks for the tip. I googled around but somehow failed to try that. I will try tonight! That could revolutionize my FL life.

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I was hoping there was an on-the-fly screen magnifier of some kind built into Vista (as there is in OS X) but no dice. That would be perfect for Sytrus.


Perhaps I’ll take the synth for another spin again tonight. This thread has inspired me.


I really hate the FL envelopes though. I know they’re fancy and expressive, but sometimes you just want to set the attack to 7 ms and move on, without having to squint at everything and click and drag with laser like precision for 15 seconds.


yeah I do hear you there man

I have weird problems from time to time when I have trouble setting stuff to fit a grid, even with snap on; like trying to make a two beat decay or whatever.

I think the sytrus suits my way of working though; ie get something working way but is a little boring then get drunk and make a mess of it

you can get some really interesting arps and stuff by having really messy envelopes




sucks about your resolution/size issues though man, that sounds pretty fucking irritating

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