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Bored at Work

Guest Gary C

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This is a good one to boost your spirits. It's all about fantasy and imagination and can really improve your working day. Imagine you are earning 10 times as much per hour and work out your yearly income at this rate. Write that figure down. Now that you're fabulously wealthy, it's time to hit the web - you are going shopping Gary. When you see something you like, make a note of it and keep track of how much you are spending. This is brilliant, you are concocting an incredible list of items that will make you feel like a king amongst plebs. Go on, have a good snort at your co-workers, the joke is on them my friend. They simply don't have your finances.


Okay, now you have finished your list and you have used up your fantasy funds. Go get some coffee and i'll see you when you get back.






























































Hello, now is the time for a dose of realism i'm afraid. You have had your fun and now it's time to divide your funds by 10 and remove the items that you simply cannot afford to purchase and get ahold of yourself. This has probably been a hard lesson for you but a worthwhile exercise nonetheless and at least you wasted an hour or so. Cheers.



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Guest Gary C

Tough morning.


Tired of endlessly trawling through properties only to find that they’re out of season? Pah, worry no more! Use the FRESH NEW drop-down menu for all your seasonal needs!


So your customer already knows where and when they want to holiday, but is that hotel even open this season? Easy! Have a look at the BRAND NEW and EXCITING seasonal drop-down menu!


BRAND NEW from the people that bought you the KidsWORLD and Top 100 drop-down menus! Flying out of your computer monitor comes the efficiently honed and expertly designed SEASON DROP-DOWN. Specifically designed to make your job easier, clicking here will enable you to sort properties by the seasons in which they’re on sale. Genius!


Technology! First, it bought you the lightbulb, automobile and then the TV! Today, in a glorious age of wireless lightspeed communication we bring the future of travel co-ordination.

Not since Edison and Tesla duked it out over the benefits of electricity has a more exciting feature come to being.

The SEASON DROP-DOWN menu will enable you to sort holiday properties by the seasons in which they are sold!



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  • 2 months later...

Ultra bored today. I've managed to clean and polish my car inside and out. Now I'm sitting here drawing pictures of newly invented animals.

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i believe you mean http://games.adultswim.com/robot-unicorn-attack-twitchy-online-game.html


Open your eyes I see

Your eyes are open

Wear no disguise for me

Come into the open


When it's cold outside

Am I here in vain?

Hold on to the night

There will be no shame


Always, I wanna be with you

And make believe with you

And live in harmony, harmony oh love

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Gary C

Uh, I'm practically vomitting here. I work in an incredibly mundane publishing department. We are on par with Argos catalogues in all honesty, but there are designers, photographers and page-make-up people who like to flaunt their creative endeavours.

The constant sound of schlopping-schlooping-gargling blowjobs is disgusting. "Oh hush, you're a great artist", "Put it in my hands, yeah, now doodle on my face", "Oh, that's so Banksy", "Just stick it in my cheeks and waggle it around".


I've begun to entertain myself with my planet site (http://www.thedisabledcubicle.com), and I applied for about 5 jobs yesterday.


Edit: Just realised that my site could be construed as 'arty', whoops.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Gary C

Does anyone else just keep their headphones in for a few hours for no reason? I'm not listening to anything, lol.


Is this rude? It's probably rude, but I don't give a fuck.

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Guest Promo

Most days I have very little to do too. Some days I'll have maybe 30 mins work at the most. Usually I'll have 1-2hrs. At the mo I'm busy thank god! But yeah I just browse a bunch sites through the day such as Gumtree, WATMM etc as subtlely as I can to alleviate boredom.


Does anyone else just keep their headphones in for a few hours for no reason? I'm not listening to anything, lol.


Is this rude? It's probably rude, but I don't give a fuck.

When I was on the previous job at my company I listened to my headphones the whole day. On this job no music is allowed. :(

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Guest Iain C

http://www.ageoffable.net/ linked by Ian C in another thread helps me out every now and then.


It's a great little game. I used to love adventure gamebooks when I was a kid, and this is way more fun than anything Steve Jackson could come up with. Sorry Steve.

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  • 1 month later...

Holy shit I'm bored today. I usually spend most of my time answering calls and serving walk-ins. Today, so far, I have had 6 phone calls and 2 customers.


In 5 + half hours.




Lunch soon. Hoping they have prawn cocktail at the Co-op to go with my salad.

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This game has everything.


did you figure out the 2nd bonus level? i can't.




i completed it somehow, no idea what i did tho.


Increase/decrease the number with the up/down buttons (hundreds/tens/ones). The buttons flop every few seconds, but they still point the right direction. Once you hit the button on the first screen, it will tell you if you're higher or lower than the number you're looking for.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm actually being kept quite busy at work today, but I've developed a massive headache and I'm looking forward to going home and just vegetating for a while.


Luckily it's about 5pm and I don't have to hang around much longer. Plenty to get on with tomorrow morning though.

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Ah good. I just had an existential crisis and need somewhere to pose this question.


What job do you do? Is there any good way to operate a decent lifestyle not working a 9 to 5? I mean, so that I can afford rent/bills/food and maybe one holiday a year* or a couple of luxury items a month? This lifestyle is fucking draining me. Why am I spending 40hrs a week with a bunch of people whom I realistically had no choice in spending so much time with, doing a thankless and monotonous office drudge with zero prospects of progression... In fact, I wouldn't even want to progress in this job. Everything stinks. Well?


Should I train part-time to work with my hands? Tradesmen seem to have a more relaxed lifestyle and more free-time. I'm not really into working outside, but something with a little more fresh-air would be good too.


Maybe seasonal work? How long could I feasibly survive travelling between ski-resorts and beach-bars?


Has anyone successfully negotiated themselves into an idyllic life yet? Advice, please. If I'm sick of stagnating now; I'm going to have so many regrets in 30+ years.


*With travel; the job could be a holiday.

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Guest futuregirlfriend

Who are you, mustcontrol? pm me a clue.


I've begun to entertain myself with my planet site (http://www.thedisabledcubicle.com),


I wondered who this was.



What job do you do? Is there any good way to operate a decent lifestyle not working a 9 to 5? ... If I'm sick of stagnating now; I'm going to have so many regrets in 30+ years..



For a while I was given money by a cabal of top to bottom revolting swine to create nameless, empty websites for this week's get-rich-quick scheme. Day-to-day they were in data and loans brokering. I tried not to understand what they were doing with these start-ups after seeing them relish in flouting legal judgements (certain people were banned from holding positions, yet would act in the same role under a different title etc), deride clients in dire financial straits as chavs who wanted money for trainers and so on. There was a lot of alluding to the fact that things were going on that really shouldn't be and that they were proud of what they could get away with. They got a mention on Watchdog once. I'm sure it was very arousing for them.


Anyway, I would only really deal with one person and that was through email. I could easily ignore whatever lunacy and criminality fuelled the operations. It didn't generate me much money. Enough to buy useless crap and avoid real work, not enough to move out or do anything serious. My guy seems to have bailed though. Left the country and gone off radar. Incredible. I need to find something else very soon. I wish I knew more people so that I could benefit from a little nepotism or cronyism.


2011 has gone by incredibly quickly. I wasted '09 and '10 too. I'm 25 in March and that feels like a real adult age, though it doesn't feel like I'm really actually hitting it yet. Until recently I've never really compared myself to other people, however having logged back into facebook I see that incompetent, but vastly more outgoing, people from university have swindled themselves into all sorts of interesting positions. Are you in a major city, Gary? I'm in a city that got shot in the leg in 2004 and has passed out loosely tying a budget toilet roll tourniquet somewhere near the wound. If you've dreamt up a plan overnight I can leave in the morning. Being 24 with no real ties or responsibility is probably quite appealing to someone with half a clue as to what their strengths are or what is actually possible.


*waits for all the answers*


Is there something that you would have liked to be doing but for some reason now feel is unrealistic?

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Just an average watmmer. I 'think' I have finally found a job that isn't too efficient at serving Satan you know? Problem is I work one hour a day 'most of the time', it is really fucking boring thus I get irritated and have to troll people in the office and sometimes online in order to not (metaphorically) kill (myself). Last but not least, I'm tired of being poor.


I won't reveal more personal information because the more I say the less fun the forum becomes.


I hate social networks.


I hate viral marketing.



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I got a 9 to 5 job as a webdeveloper at a marketing firm in 2008. I got sick of it and quit last year. A few months later they offered me more than my previous fulltime wage and I only have to work from 1-2 to 5. Very comfortable. It makes me lazy though.


So err, become unreplaceable & exploit?

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by far, my favorite bored activity is to play nethack. Mainly because I can play it from anywhere, and it is one of my 3 all time favorite games, and it never really gets old, because every game is randomly generated. You can play it over telnet from a terminal or from putty telnet nethack.alt.org. Also make sure to check the wiki http://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Main_Page


or you can play other roguelikes such as crawl (dungeon crawl; stone soup). Which is even more popular these days. Fun because you can play it from anywhere and a good time waster.

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I haven't even looked into night-courses yet, but I think I could handle being an electrician. It seems to me to be a very logical process. Plumbing too, but that involves too many blocked drains and toilets.

I could do something more computer-based too, but with how often they evolve I know I don't care enough to keep up with it.


I have a degree in Media Writing, and that's pretty much what I'm doing now, just in a particularly boring and dead-end industry. I'm not adverse to doing a similar job to what I am now, I just want varied content and to be in a more creative department.


My girlfriend's family have just moved out to LA and are looking for things out there. I'd love to move, and everything about it would keep me fresh and interested for a few years, but I'd probably think my job is boring and shit again.

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