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"God hates fags" Westboro Baptist Church gets pwn3d by cosplay comic con goers


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i felt really sorry for that kid who got accidentally drive-by bottled in the theroux documentary. in no way is that the way to approach these people. jovial pisstake is the way.


I laughed my head off at that. it wasn't a bottle; it was a fast food soft drink cup. if I had been there I would have asked them if that was the will of god just like aids, natural disasters, and dead soldiers.


A fucking Sonic the Hedgehog cup at that. Amazing.

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Im not saying shes not really annoying. But most deluded people are. Im not saying that people who have beliefs are deluded, but she fucking is.


I find that most religious people are actually willing to take things on board, these kind of people ruin their name.


Ive no problem with religion, 1st hand.

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edit: in fact, to anybody... love your parents, and your family. fuck "God". worship them instead, before it's too late.

and you'll die happy. trust me.

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Thats probably the most sensible thing Sirch has ever posted. (provided your parents were at least semi loving ones)


i can be sensible and boring from time to time you know.

and yes, my parent was and is a very loving one. she's my God.

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Thats probably the most sensible thing Sirch has ever posted. (provided your parents were at least semi loving ones)


i can be sensible and boring from time to time you know.

and yes, my parent was and is a very loving one. she's my God.



Good to hear man.

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Anyone who really wants to understand what Phelps is about - and what he's put his family through over the past few decades - has to read "Addicted to Hate". Here it is: http://blank.org/addict/


After reading this, you kind of realise that his family are perhaps the greatest victims of his own inexhaustible bile. I truly pity them - all of them.

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man i have no time for shit like that these days. i don't even watch modern horror films anymore cos i'd rather spend my time doing positive things that i enjoy, when i can. i really don't need to see somebody pull somebody elses guts out and torture them in 3-D and hear them scream in 7.1, just like i don't need to read a book about some psycho religious freaks! (imo)

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