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Pills and alcohol

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Guest pulsewarrior

benzos and alcohol is a recipe for blackout...everyone knows that.


+ pillheads are the scum of the earth. worse than junkies. take that how you will.



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Never had access to prescription pills back in the day so I never formed a habit. My best friend though, his mom was a pillhead so he always stole her stuff. But he never shared, which I guess is a good thing. I was doing enough other bad stuff.


I take melatonin and wine now, oooooo hardcore!

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There's only one drug that I prefer to do with booze and that's Columbian marching powder, because it would give me the lift I needed after 6 pints of beer. But I stay away from it nowadays. It got to the point I was doing it every weekend (2003). Very foolish and expensive and a mugs game.

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fuck cocaine. glad to hear you stopped.



Thanks mate.


It's so cheap and available over here it's obscene. You have to stay away from anyone who does it and learn to love life again. When I wouldn't go out unless I had a gram, the alarm bells started ringing.


Good thing about living in Oz (I spent 3 years there) is that Coke is so expensive you have to be loaded to even entertain the idea LoL. It was 3 times the price Down Under.

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Guest the anonymous forumite



fuck cocaine. glad to hear you stopped.


When I wouldn't go out unless I had a gram, the alarm bells started ringing.


Fuck cocaine, iff you can't manage your consumption.


My first times with coke taught me that: I didn't know what was the quantity for a night so I bought 2 grams of the most perfect coke I've ever had. It was still humid fresh and unpowdered. Started to snort, thought that was amazing. Problem was, there was plenty left after a few lines.


On the next day, although I had sworn to keep it for special nights, I decided instead to experiment with it on a daily basis, to see how it feels to be high on coke in daily situations. By the end of the next few days, when the supply was over, I realized I couldn't make a phone call or go shopping without being high on C. It was then that I understood the quickly addicting power of it. Since then, I only snort when it's being given for free, which is extremely rare, or on a new years eve.


On a side note, I tried Ritalin, and it's the closest thing to Cocaine, if one wants a legal preview.

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Can't lie--had a problem with red wine and clonzepam...just a delicious combination. I know I must have one of those addict brains because I could drink two bottles of Yellow Tail Shiraz (aye, fucking fair play to you Australians--that's a delicious wine AND cheap; like, around $6.95 a bottle here :ok:), and fucking Klonny it up and just feel like I was wrapped in red velvet and in a David Lynch movie or some shit.


Very confusing upon wake up though. Red teeth and lips and what-the-fucks. But, it really is a shite idea and has no logical conclusion except death, losing people around you, and well, death. I mean, I have a saint for a wife who has seen me through my stupid shite but I could jut as easily lost her. I wouldn't have fuckin stayed around me--[i'd]give me a good kick in the teeth and box up my stuff.


It's just dumb luck I didn't stop my breathing/heart because boozing is just a marching progression to shutting down your respiratory regulator in your brain stem--that's how ethanol toxicity works and give it enough shots, and you'll get there. Klonopin is already slowing everything down so it was walking a razor's edge but the point was I didn't give a fuck, obviously.


Don't be a dick like that. It just makes everyone who cares about you worry to death while you sit there with a half-cocked blood stained smile with your eyes rolling with all the control of a pair of marbles in your socket. Really a dumbass thing to do--I hate that it's a part of my narrative but, what do you do? :shrug: Try to tell the gospel to others so maybe they won't go there/cut it the fuck out but people are always gonna do what they wanna do. Why is AA/NA a smashing success? hahaha :cisfor:


I always respect your opinions and enjoy reading your posts, I hold what you say in high regard and I'm glad we have an intelligent member on an "Intelligent Dance Music" message board. lol


I don't drink often, I drink maybe once every two months.

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i haven't really used anything other than alcohol over the past few weeks, but for a while i was dabbling, somewhat recklessly, in all of the pills and drugs i could find. benzos and alcohol go very well together - especially for a night on the town. thus is my opinion.


otherwise adderall and alcohol can also sometimes be good. i liked taking adderall and working on music till around 11pm-12am, then going to meet up with friends at parties around campus. i could drink very high amounts without getting drunk. this is dangerous if you aren't careful.


i was also prescribed to klonopin and ativan for some time, separate years. very helpful but i had a tendency to take it for fun at times too so it was sort of useless. i can get by on my own now, easy. it does help to have that anti-anxiety stuff once in a while.



some of my fondest chemical experiences were when i binged on benzos for a weekend or more and would enter some sort of desert dream scape where everything is happy, carefree, and nothing is remembered.



drugs are bad though, obviously. use responsibly!

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never tried ritalin, but adderall works a bit too well on me. i stay productive for about 18 hours if i take one "normal" dose (something like 20-30mg), then it's just this weird period where i won't sleep.. followed by a horrible 24 hour bomb-out.



that's why i just take my coffee and nootropics every day to stay alert. :cisfor:


also, cocaine is pretty lame. next time it's around at a party, abstain and watch how your friends start to act when they do lines.


opiates are nice but it's rare to meet someone that can both claim to do them regularly and be "in control." they're a nice feeling though, sorta like Happy Satan in the Second Womb.

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coffee doesn't help me to stay alert and won't assist me in doing work. I notice when i draw that if i have coffee i find it harder to focus on detailed line work, and the overall result is shittier. so fuck caffeine, gae drug.


exercise and sleep on the other hand. magnificent bonerland.

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To be honest I'd love to have some Marijuana, but everyone I know who could get me some dried up. So I started using my prescription Klonopin and for a while I was heavily using Hydrocodone. But I got off that, not by choice but because I ran out.

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