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Rampaging bull injures 40

Guest abusivegeorge

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Just the sick details for educational reasons...


The Bull

24 hours before entering the arena, the bull has been subjected to a penning in the dark so when released, the light and the shouting of the spectators terrify him and he tries to escape jumping over the barriers, which produces in the public the image that the bull is ferocious, but the natural condition of the bull is to flee, NOT to attack.


They hang sand bags on its neck for hours.


They bang on its testicles and kidneys.


They induce diarrhea by putting sulphates in the water it drinks. All of this with the aim of arriving at the bullring weak and in complete disorder.


They smear grease in its eyes to fuck with its vision,




In the legs they put a substance that produces burning and prevents it from being still, so the bullfighter does not tarnish his performance.


The Picador

They select horses that do not have a commercial value, because the animal dies in 3 to 4 bullfights at the most, it is quite possible the animal suffers multiple rib breaks or disembowelments. It is placed in a protective padding simulating their protection, but in reality it is with the intention the public do not see the wounds of the horse which frequently present exposure of viscera.


If the bullfighter perceives that the bull charges with too much energy, he commands the "picador" to do his job: It consists of bleeding the bull to weaken him, sticking a lance in the back that destroys muscles (trapezium, rhomboid, thorny, and semi thorny, serrated and transverse of the neck). It injures blood vessels and nerves too.


This is done so the bullfighter can offer an artistic expression that this spectacle is supposed to have:




One sticking could destroy the bull, that is why it is done three times "for more enjoyment of the fans."


The bull is pierced with a 80 cm. ( 31.5 in) long SWORD, that can destroy his liver, lungs, pleura, etc., depending on the place where it penetrates the animal's body; in fact, when it destroys the great artery, the bull is dying from enormous blood loss.


At the time of killing, if the bull is lucky if it dies of a single thrust ("estocada"), but not as it is thought of the heart "estocada" but instead the sword penetrates the lungs and diaphragm, sometimes a major artery, and from there it is shown through the hemorrhages in the bulls snout and mouth. Sometimes they die drowning in their own blood.


The bull, desperate to survive, resists to fall, and usually heads painfully towards the door from which he was forced to enter, seeking an escape exit from so much mistreatment and pain. But then they stab it in the nape with the "DESCABELLO", another long sword that ends in a blade of 10 cm. (4 in). Despite of these terrible torments, the animal usually does not die immediately because of it's strong force, but finally falls to the floor, because the sword has been destroying it's internal organs.


They put the bull out of his miseries with the NAIL ("PUNTILLA") of 10 cms. (4 in) with which they strike a section of the spinal medulla, at the place of the atlas and axis vertebrae. The bull is left paralyzed, even unable to make movements with it's respiratory muscles, so he dies of asphyxia, many times drowning in it's own blood.






Do not be indifferent to the bulls pain. Can you see the tear running down?

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Guest analogue wings

we know this, man. that is why we are applauding the one bull that got to repay a bit of the pain.



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i understand, but some people do not. and this seems to be an appropriate place to post these informations, just for reference. besides, in what other direction could this thread go? all the "go bull!" posts have been made and discussed, so blam! nail in the coffin...

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i understand, but some people do not.


who? everyone in this thread obviously understands.

there is certainly some percentage of users/guests on this forum that will benefit from the info, the exact amount of which, i'm not sure, but i am entirely sure that it wasn't a wasted effort.

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Guest Sprigg


[insert fuckload of disgusting bullfight-related info here]



Damn... I knew bullfighting was sick, but... man. I have a newfound hatred for the 'sport.' It honestly made me a bit queasy and extremely sad to read that.

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so you're assuming people are dumber than you





It's actually true that they give the bull a drug that makes all pain feel pleasurable to it, then when it dies it's in a state of pure bliss.


Check yo facts bro

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Ever seen these kid-toreros that are put in the arena by their parents and then get celebrated like heroes, give tv interviews and so on? It's the stupidest shit. Really annoyed me when I firt saw it. Pass it right on to the next generation ...

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