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Guest fiznuthian

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oh hell yeah! no pun intended



here are the previews for the Hell levels!





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Finally got around to taking some pictures of my levitating greenhouse. It stretches from 2 squares above the ocean plane up to the sky limit. The greenhouse section towards the top has 8 or so fully mature trees. You can chill in their branches or take a ladder up to the very top.














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lol, this update is kind of whack. Not as addicting (thankfully!) as I'd feared. When I die I lose my loot (bug, I know), the ghast clip inside of my houses (another bug, I guess), only one new element I can find (the yellow glass-like powder), the biomes removed the snow from my level (sadface)...ho-hum...

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Guest Pennywise

yeh it sucks. i have really deep base and for some reason things are spawning all over the place. Also, loosing stuff when you die is lame. soo hard, this update me puts me off playing it. Also, what about the new stuff is actually fun?...new enemies...awesome :sad:

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i do like the portals in theory, I wandered a really long distance in hell to set up my second gate, which once I went through it led to a cute little "tropical" archipelago...my previous base was more autumnal (used to be winter), so I like being able to travel between climates via the portal. But man, the sound the ghast make is so annoying, I have to turn down my volume every time i go into hell, then turn it back up on land. They aren't creepy or clever, just annoying, plus the constant shrieking means you can't tell which direction they are coming from. Found my second new block type (not counting the red meat stuff that hell is made out of), it slows you down when you walk over it. Not sure what it could be used for, I'd rather a fast block than a slow one...

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Well, I travelled along and I have a massive forest biome not far from my home area. I might just keep strolling and see where I end up...

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I'm a bit pissed off about this item disappearing shit.


I'm working on a large pyramid in the desert biome past the forest I found. It's going okay, but getting back to it pisses me off only to find no items.

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so if you die in survival mode your stuff is gone without the normal 7 minutes time to pick it back up again?


notch Small emergency Sunday update; You drop your stuff when dying now.

about 58 minutes ago

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by the way, in case you're wondering if using portals annihilates cartograph - yes, yes it does. I just tried it out and it was able to render, but it now shows two areas - my original map area and the one where my portal exit is - at thumbnail size, separated by a huge gulf of black.

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