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i just downloaded AB5 and it's great. what about AB2 does it exist? ayone have any info on this?


yeah, it's digeridoo + 2 untitled tracks if i remember correctly.

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Analogue Bubblebath 2 (released on Rabbit City Records) is a "pseudo white label" release due to the fact it is basically a white label pressing (1000 copies only) and was intended on being the Digeridoo single until R&S convinced Richard to release Digeridoo on their label.


The first track Digeridoo (Aboriginal Mix) is no different than the other versions of Digeridoo, and the two untitled tracks are pretty interesting (I think). Goes for around 60-90USD on Ebay usually.

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You can get it on slsk - I did! Don't ask me to share it though coz nobody can ever find me on slsk. Not that I don't want to be found, but nobody can ever see me......sniff....

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