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The N word


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We should go back to saying 'coon.' That word is much funnier.




Joking aside, I dj funk & soul every other week, and there was one week where a black girl asked me to stop playing negro music because it offended her as a white woman.


Long story short, I ended up in her bed that night. I'm an equal opportunist.


This girl sounds awesome and you probably should have proposed to her.


She was really fucking cool. She started talking to me because she saw that I brought my skateboard, then I noticed she had one of her own. She was into hardcore punk and worked as a chemist doing cancer research :wacko:


We met up once after that at one of my shows, but she was really stand off-ish [i'm guessing because she wasn't totally blasted drunk like the first night]. Oh well.

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Guest abusivegeorge

A white guy in school once called my black mate a "useless nigger". He'd been called nigger plenty of times by white guys, but I think the word "useless" on the front triggered some sort of educational stem within him about slavery a he flipped a switch and broke his jaw and nose.


I fucking hated the diude he done this too and oh man, such a good day.

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A white guy in school once called my black mate a "useless nigger". He'd been called nigger plenty of times by white guys, but I think the word "useless" on the front triggered some sort of educational stem within him about slavery a he flipped a switch and broke his jaw and nose.


I fucking hated the diude he done this too and oh man, such a good day.


Id be pissed if someone called me useless.

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Ctrl+f "Irish". 21 found.


Mack, Mick, Mickey, Mickey Finn

a. (Britain, Commonwealth and U.S.) an Irish person or a person of Irish descent. Mick is considered more offensive in the U.K. and U.S.. From the prefix "Mc"/"Mac" meaning "son of" that is commonly found in Irish surnames. b. (Australia) a Roman Catholic [19th century on, from Michael].[119]


Aphex is Irish, racist fucker.









Smoked Irish / smoked Irishman

(U.S.) 19th century term for Blacks (intended to insult both Blacks and Irish).[32]



White Nigger / Wigger / Whigger / Wigga

(US) Used in 19th-century United States to describe the Irish. Sometimes used today in reference to white people in a manner similar to white trash or redneck.[190] Also used to describe white youth that imitate urban black youth by means of clothing style, mannerisms, and slang speech. The 'w' at the start of wigger refers to the white person and the 'igger' refers to nigger, which is a racial slur for black people. Also used by radical Québécois in self-reference, as in the seminal 1968 book White Niggers of America.

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I think it mostly has to do with blacks in America not being able to accept their lack of contribution to society. When they hear that word, they project their own insecurities on to whomever said it, and perpetuates the cycle. It's an observation that becomes blaringly obvious living in Richmond.. I can tell you that. Some of the more ignorant types think we had African slaves because we didn't like Africans.. when it was simply the way the world worked back then (especially Africa).

Careful buddy...



of what?

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I think it mostly has to do with blacks in America not being able to accept their lack of contribution to society. When they hear that word, they project their own insecurities on to whomever said it, and perpetuates the cycle. It's an observation that becomes blaringly obvious living in Richmond.. I can tell you that. Some of the more ignorant types think we had African slaves because we didn't like Africans.. when it was simply the way the world worked back then (especially Africa).

Careful buddy...



of what?


bog-standard "it's the way the world was" argument. doesn't really give any good evidence for anything.



i guess that other part too. I don't want to get into "well they are very active in the arts" and such cause that just cements the problem but just quit while you are ahead.

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