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never before seen blade runner outtake


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Way more hardcore than wipeout, only way it could be any better is if you lose a limb on the way around the course


Wipeout was "inspired" by this game show, obviously.

Obviously, Takeshi's castle as well, i like how all these Japanese shows don't even know what health and safety means

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Guest Drahken

Its sad to see how horribly US producers fail trying to remake these shows. Hole in the Wall is just awful, hard to believe anyone could fuck up something so simple.

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Ninja Warrior/Sasuke is awesome. I've been watching it for quite a while now. My favourite part is Stage Three, it's such a brutal test of upper body strength and stamina. As if the first obstacle isn't difficult enough, they have to plow through eight obstacles, each one getting tougher and tougher, and still have enough energy left to continue. Just imagine all the incredible strain that would build up in your body! And if, at any point, you loose your grip (all the obstacles involve hanging with your entire body weight) you'll fall into a deep, icy cold pit of filthy water. Now THAT is entertainment.


After Urushihara Yuuji won Series 24 (becoming only the 3rd man in history to do so, out of 2,400 people), Stage Three was completely redesigned. It was unveiled in series 25, with seven new obstacles. The fourth obstacle, "Ultimate Cliffhanger" is, to me, utterly impossible. Just look at it!




They have to hang, with their finger tips, onto those red ledges and move across them. Note that the first two are diagonal, so the competitor has to travel right, then left, before getting to the horizontal ledge (which no-one in Series 25 managed to do). And even if someone could get there, and cross the large gaps in the ledges by swinging and landing on their fingertips, and finish the rest of the Third Stage, I doubt we'll see another winner for a long time. Because every time someone wins...




...The Final Stage is redesigned to be even harder. The above image is a rope climb. Exact heights/time limits have not been revealed yet (since no-one has reached the new Final Stage), but I imagine it will be a good deal harder than the original version from Series 1, which was 15 metres in 30 seconds.

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Why do the call it "Women of Ninja Warrior?" That always rubbed me the wrong way. It makes it sound like the women are cheerleaders on the side, in skimpy outfits, cheering on the real male ninjas, when in fact they're competing in skimpy outfits. And it's still tough as shit. Ayako Miyaki obviously kicks ass. Can she not be a real ninja warrior?



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Well, yeah, I mean the men's ninja warrior is obviously geared differently than the women's competition, but the women's version still emphasizes ninja-y qualities: speed and balance and agilty and still a good deal of strength. I just take issue with the naming convention. It sounds like some sports illustrated tittyfest mail order dvd or something.


And, obviously, it's not a tittyfest but a serious showcase of noble feminine strengths.



















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I like the voice over translation that kept going on about the girl as a what was it he said once, something like "she's like a cheeky little 6th former" .. you could almost hear the middle age deviant faping coming through in the translation.

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