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A top Republican has urged Barack Obama to change course after the president suffered a severe setback in mid-term elections. John Boehner (lol?) said Americans had voted for "limited government", and pledged to roll back Mr Obama's healthcare reform "monstrosity".


Above is taken from a BBC news piece I was reading. If there are any Republican voting watmmers reading this, can you please explain why your party seems to have such a big problem with Obama's healthcare reform?


Do you really have to ask? it's nothing more than a 'parrot fox news' game for them, they are thinking/ doing what the pundits tell them to do. It comes down to nothing more than pure team loyality. They are sore losers, for the past 2 years all they want to do is be in power again. The Healthcare thing seems to have been a successful wedge issue for them to gain ground, so they have exploited it as much as possible. I really don't think the republicans who say things like 'obama care' are capable of true critical thinking. The republicans have just flipped the same switch they put on before when Clinton was in office. Build momentum by just opposing everything the democrats do or want no matter what it is. ITs like a strategy game for them



Please put this on pamphlets and nail them to every street corner post, please.

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so in the interest of progress what can be done to help them cooperate more? serious question, if anyone has thoughts i'd be curious to hear.


my personal thought is that it's a deep rooted psychological issue that needs to be understood thoroughly so that it can be played to.

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This all stems from the right being butt hurt that a black man is president.. don't forget it. What has he done that is so horrible.. I mean, really? He made insurance companies own up to their words and not dick people around? FUCKING TERRIBLE. "Damn him and his humanitarian ways.. he must be a communist!"

I fucking hate people. If the guy in charge of our country doesn't fix everything under the sun and do everything he promised since childhood - he's a failure. Fuck these piece of shit Americans. Patriotism isn't supposed to be based on your stupid fucking political party.

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This all stems from the right being butt hurt that a black man is president


I really don't think so. More and more often things are being made racial issues and it's really grinding my gears because usually this is not the case.


Perhaps for handful of americans this is true, but I think CNN would like you to think that it's more of that kind of issue than it really is. I live in a very "red" state and that's not the issue for most people, it's more than they're republican and it's their job (as designated by fox news and their party) to go against any democrat holding public office.

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This all stems from the right being butt hurt that a black man is president.. don't forget it. What has he done that is so horrible.. I mean, really? He made insurance companies own up to their words and not dick people around? FUCKING TERRIBLE. "Damn him and his humanitarian ways.. he must be a communist!"

I fucking hate people. If the guy in charge of our country doesn't fix everything under the sun and do everything he promised since childhood - he's a failure. Fuck these piece of shit Americans. Patriotism isn't supposed to be based on your stupid fucking political party.


his humanitarian ways...? oh man. are we talking about the same guy? you know, the one who issues orders for the death of american citizens, refuses to repeal dadt, feels like afganistan needs to be savaged some more, and loves loves loves the patriot act so much that he extended it? yeah, he's a real humanitarian.


i don't know about the health care bill. personally, i don't like it because insurance is still fucking expensive as hell. so it's either spend a few thousand on insurance, which may or may not fall through if i ever get really sick and may or may not cover ALL my medical expenses even if it doesn't fall through, or leave that few thousand alone so that i'm not in huge debt once i graduate college. hmm, i wonder what looks more appealing to me?

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he ordered American citizens dead? wtf are you talking about?


Afghanistan is where bin Laden probably is.. Patriot Act is to protect us and has worked. Whatev.


what he's mostly done is ensure that big agencies and insurance companies don't screw people over quite as much anymore. he's about the little guy - the people who aren't as lucky and aren't born in to success. that, to me, makes him a humanitarian.

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he ordered American citizens dead? wtf are you talking about?


Afghanistan is where bin Laden probably is.. Patriot Act is to protect us and has worked. Whatev.


what he's mostly done is ensure that big agencies and insurance companies don't screw people over quite as much anymore. he's about the little guy - the people who aren't as lucky and aren't born in to success. that, to me, makes him a humanitarian.




the patriot act is to protect us? yeah, like the full body scans. they're for our freedom. keep drinkin' the kool aid, bro.


as for your third point, yeah, the regulations for insurance companies were much needed. but the problem is that people keep confusing these regulations with the implementation of a nationwide health care system. that didn't happen. i wish it did.

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Patriot Act is to protect us and has worked. Whatev.




It kills me to see a supposedly liberal person writing that, in support of a supposedly liberal president. I am dying inside. Oh god, it burns. The neocon is destroying our kingdom; halp us falcor!

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Regarding killing 'Americans' : You're saying "Obama likes to kill Americans" because they have an official, executive order to take out fucking al Queida operatives living in the states? That is Grade A, Fine Quality, freshly squeezed (and twisted) Kool Aid right there.


Patriot Act.. At first, that's exactly how I felt.. that it was an invasion of privacy (which it is) but the good from it has outweighed the bad. They're only using it to find terrorists in our own country - not to watch you wanking it through your TV screen. See how these things are blown out of proportion?

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he's an american citizen. i don't care if he's planning a communist takeover. he has the right to a trial if he is supposedly commiting treason. innocent until proven guilty in court. then we can whip out the firing squad if that's what the jury wants.

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Another recount near tie in Minnesota :/

First it was Al Franken vs. Norm Coleman for senate 2 years ago. Now it's Dayton vs. Emmer for governor.


Dayton's in the lead. Fuck I hope he wins. I'm sick of Republican Governor. He wants to keep "ObamaCare" out of our state, which will end up having the state lose a shit-ton of money. Dumbass.

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Regarding killing 'Americans' : You're saying "Obama likes to kill Americans" because they have an official, executive order to take out fucking al Queida operatives living in the states? That is Grade A, Fine Quality, freshly squeezed (and twisted) Kool Aid right there.


Patriot Act.. At first, that's exactly how I felt.. that it was an invasion of privacy (which it is) but the good from it has outweighed the bad. They're only using it to find terrorists in our own country - not to watch you wanking it through your TV screen. See how these things are blown out of proportion?



it's not a problem now, because everyone is still scurred of the turrists and the gov't is busy finding them. the legal implications for me or you are that they have the LEGAL RIGHT to look at your shit, even if they don't. whether you agree or disagree with government surveillance, i don't think it's in the spirit of "america" to legally condone surveillance on 100% of the population because .001% is worth watching.


i agree with you that so far it has done more good than bad, but at the same time you have to imagine what will happen in the future, and if the language is already set for the gov't to invade your "privacy" legally, there will be nothing you can do if they spy on you watching horse porns.

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yea , it's quite a slippery slope. could easily see people abusing it to spy on people they know and stuff.


update on Awlaki: Definitely not someone who should be taken out, though. :rolleyes:




Bush would've killed his ass yesterday - and for good cause. Don't even tell me he shouldn't be offed because Obama is president now.

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