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Guest fiznuthian

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Guest fiznuthian



this was a really great movie, but the thing is.. if i tell you anything about it at all,

you may not enjoy it as much. or so the creator's say on the cover.


finished the film about a half hour ago, and i am inclined to agree that

its only for the best that noone spoils a thing.

though i guarantee its not what you're expecting.

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Guest fiznuthian

You know, there was a 20/20 or Dateline special about this movie and I intend to honor your desire to keep it unspoiled. The special, on the other hand, did no such thing. Unfolded the whole thing like dissecting a cat. I'm surprised the dudes decided to participate so openly and show the entire hand of the movie...I know I won't watch it now--no point really


aww.. that's unfortunate.

it was very touching

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Guest Fishtank

this movie fucking blows and it is most certainly not a suspense thriller


and I don't think you can spoil the ending because it's the most obvious conclusion you could come up with if you've used the internet for more than 3 years

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soylent green is people.


i tried watching this movie with that obviously in mind and i figured 'hey it might be watchable and entertaining even though i know the ending' turns out that even if i didn't know the ending the movie still would have been shit

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Guest Backson

i read the opening post of this thread, and now I know not what to do.


do I wiki this? will that ruin this thing I don't know about? is this some amazing sci-fi shit where the aliens are people in the end or something? i... i dunno. will I come back to this thread? will the response tell me something and ruin something or something?


is this just a very very simple marketing gimmick? fuck this shit, I feel like I'm promoting something stupid just by being curious about it. or am I?




edit: wikied it. not sci-fi so I'm not interested. also, its about Facebook or something... so fuck that.

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Guest Backson

edit: oh wait, that would have been alright. i read through it and it sounds pretty interesting. the closest real life experience to a mind fuck.


whatever. fuck the general banter forum.

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Guest fiznuthian

haha, oops.


nah, i agree with you guys if you're expecting something amazing you're more than likely going to come up short.

to be honest, i spent the entire first part of the movie up until



a little after they first met angela



completely expecting the entire movie to turn into a creepy as fuck handycam horror movie and/or hollywood gorefest, because

i had no idea what to expect or what was going on.


and i thought the guys were just actors? something about Nev smiling, it looked forced. Or is that really who he is? I couldn't fucking tell.



and then i knew it was real when angela broke down.

i don't know about you guys, but i identified with angela's

side of the experience in some way, if only because i feel

just about as little in control of my mind as she does.

i may not create fake facebook families, but its

been a long time since i have felt normal or somewhat sane at all.

the movie had made an impression on me in this way.




so yeah, while the movie wasn't anything spectacular,

i enjoyed it for what it is. their experience was humbling to watch,

even if slightly boring here and there and about as dull as real life.

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i'm pissed off that i'll fuck up the whole thing if i try to evaluate/investigate whether or not i want to waste 2 hours and 10 dollars seeing this.


so basically i have no choice. i have to see it.


it would be funny if the end was like "HAHA. CALLED IT! YOU CAME TO SEE OUR MOVIE! PEACE!" and then it ended.


the preview for it made the whole first part of the film look very boring/lame. kind of like 30-90 minutes of the first 10 minutes of cloverfield.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest analogue wings



yeah they're still denying that any of it was faked even though they've been called out publically several times.


no one has managed to actually bust them yet tho.


so assuming angela and family are real and the angela's hoax was real,


there's still some dodgy shit going on.


firstly - it's really obvious the trust fund kidz work out what's going on pretty much straight away and then decide to get rich making a movie about it


secondly - and i cant believe no other media i've checked have mentioned this right up until mcgriff's post right there




those guys are just the biggest pricks ever. fuck them.



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Guest Sir Winston

I heard about it, decided to watch it, enjoyed it. Although I also thought it was gonna turn into a horrorfest when they get to that place, part of me still wishes it did.

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Guest abracadabra

My former co-worker told me all about it before I saw it. I decided to watch it anyway and enjoyed it. I forgot about this movie though until I saw this thread. Now I kind of want to watch it again.

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