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Anonymous and others start leaking


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Guest ezkerraldean

that HBGary thing is absolutely amazing. good on them for defending wikileaks too. all about government transparency innit


what happened to all the other wikileaks shit? i thought there was supposed to be tonnes of crap that's not been released


hard to know really, but i think the cable was specific to saudi arabia. it also mentioned they inflated their expected reserves by about 40%.

yeah I've heard that before. Saudi Arabia is apparently covering up the remaining reserves in its main oilfield.

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Details of content of video posted on another forum:


TL:DR version.


- Julian Assange said he'd take down a major bank.


- Bank of America says "Oh shit, he means us. They found our crimes."


- BOA asks Department of Justice "Can we destroy Wikileaks?"


- DOJ says "Oh good, we hoped someone would offer. Here's the phone numbers for some private security firms that are good at doing dirty work very quietly."


- DOJ tells BOA to avoid speaking directly to security firms, just bring lawyers into the room and "say things to the lawyer" (letting the other side overhear) so everything is protected by lawyer/client confidentiality and can never be used as evidence against them.


- Security experts DOS attack Wikileaks and falsify evidence to blame convenient patsies.


- Fake evidence isn't even needed because DOJ doesn't give a rat's ass who attacked Wikileaks.


- Security experts make lists of Wikileaks supporters and sympathetic journalists who need to be "dealt with" slowly in various ways that don't suggest a pattern.


- Security expert attempts to identify Anonymous to destroy them as Wikileaks supporters because of their DOS attacks against the credit card companies, so they hack his Twitter account and dump his emails, which contain evidence of the above conspiracy.


images are from a leaked report drafted by the 3 security firms to handle wikileaks-






could a mod, change the title of thread? Autobiographic book and Manning is a bit old news now.

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From article (but read the whole thing):


After Anonymous imposed some very minimal cyber disruptions on Paypal, Master Card and Amazon, the DOJ flamboyantly vowed to arrest the culprits, and several individuals were just arrested as part of those attacks. But weeks earlier, a far more damaging and serious cyber-attack was launched at WikiLeaks, knocking them offline. Those attacks were sophisticated and dangerous. Whoever did that was quite likely part of either a government agency or a large private entity acting at its behest. Yet the DOJ has never announced any investigation into those attacks or vowed to apprehend the culprits, and it's impossible to imagine that ever happening.


Why? Because crimes carried out that serve the Government's agenda and target its opponents are permitted and even encouraged; cyber-attacks are "crimes" only when undertaken by those whom the Government dislikes, but are perfectly permissible when the Government itself or those with a sympathetic agenda unleash them. Whoever launched those cyber attacks at WikiLeaks (whether government or private actors) had no more legal right to do so than Anonymous, but only the latter will be prosecuted.

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Bank of America website exposes customer accounts, data: http://jalopnik.com/#!5758997


Bank of America's account websites are experiencing an unprecedented online security breach and isn't rectifying the problem. That's right, your online account data and full account access may be in the hands of someone else.
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it's really not the administrations is it? It's the people behind the scenes that are in the same positions long after presidents terms come and go, that are pulling all this shit. it's the machine of government, not the machine of parties. yah?

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