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My newish computer is dying on me.


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It is a MacBook Pro and I use it mostly for video editing.

Long story short, after a store visit and many applecare calls, my hard drive is failing and I have to hook it up to my wife's laptop in Target Disk Mode so I can access it's contents and transfer them to an external drive.

The only trick is that when my computer mounts on my wife's desktop, I only have a random amount of time to transfer the files before multiple ghost disk images start to mount on her hard drive. I have to basically transfer everything one file at a time before this happens so that I know what has been copied and what hasn't.

I think I got most of the important stuff, now it's mostly MP3s.

What is awesome is that I'm slammed with editing work at the moment and I can't do any of it until I transfer all of my important files and get my hard drive replaced.

What a fucking nightmare.


Anyone have any idea, if need be, of good data recovery solutions and/or 3rd party software to get shit off of mu iPhone with?




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You're worried because you can't get stuff "off your iPhone" ?


Not just that. I'm also asking about hard disk data recovery in case I need to save more important stuff.

I do have 30 gigs of music on it that I will almost certainly lose.

I'm sure you wouldn't want that for yourself.

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maybe try putting your hard drive into an enclosure and hooking it up to a windows/linux PC? i don't know what's going on with the disk images mounting but it might not affect another OS the same way. macs are . . what, fat32 now? it'll be fine.

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Guest the anonymous forumite

You're worried because you can't get stuff "off your iPhone" ?


Not just that. I'm also asking about hard disk data recovery in case I need to save more important stuff.

I do have 30 gigs of music on it that I will almost certainly lose.

I'm sure you wouldn't want that for yourself.


Well, if you're asking about my history, I can let you know that I lost approx 800GB on external HDs, not once but TWICE. I thought my life was over, that nothing was worth doing anymore, but guess what, you get over it quite quickly and start again your collection from scratch. I also lost my internal hard drive 6 months after buying my new powerbook G4, along with the cd drive. When I asked the apple tech guy how this could happen, he told me that "a few" customers get unlucky.

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What you need to do is get windows XP or some other OS like linux to boot off from a CD or USB Drive and then use that OS enviorment to copy everything you need onto an external.




Torrent can also make your life easy. Just search Hirens Boot CD on Pirate bay and download that burn it on a CD and it should allow you to back up as well.


You can also try other searches in Pirate Bay like Windows XP Boot or MAC USB BOOT



or if you feel like spending some cash and an easy way out, for about $100 Geek Squad can backup your hard drive.

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It is a MacBook Pro and I use it mostly for video editing.

Long story short, after a store visit and many applecare calls, my hard drive is failing and I have to hook it up to my wife's laptop in Target Disk Mode so I can access it's contents and transfer them to an external drive.

The only trick is that when my computer mounts on my wife's desktop, I only have a random amount of time to transfer the files before multiple ghost disk images start to mount on her hard drive. I have to basically transfer everything one file at a time before this happens so that I know what has been copied and what hasn't.

I think I got most of the important stuff, now it's mostly MP3s.

What is awesome is that I'm slammed with editing work at the moment and I can't do any of it until I transfer all of my important files and get my hard drive replaced.

What a fucking nightmare.


Anyone have any idea, if need be, of good data recovery solutions and/or 3rd party software to get shit off of mu iPhone with?





The exact same thing happened to my mate. Newly bought MacBook Pro = curse.

He told me his problem was related to the fact that spotlight were trying to index the contents of the disk whereas the disk was corrupted. Or something like that. Eventually, my friend had the diskS changed (external Lacie HDD & internal hd)

good luck

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if it's your work, take it to the fucking apple store and have them back it up. Same thing happened to me on my older Macbook Pro, they got back most of it. Stop booting into target mode, you're making the disk do things it doesn't want to cause the hardware is failing.



Don;t worry about your iPod, all the shit that's on there can be gotten at later.

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I only have a random amount of time to transfer the files before multiple ghost disk images start to mount on her hard drive.


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What you need to do is get windows XP or some other OS like linux to boot off from a CD or USB Drive and then use that OS enviorment to copy everything you need onto an external.




Torrent can also make your life easy. Just search Hirens Boot CD on Pirate bay and download that burn it on a CD and it should allow you to back up as well.


You can also try other searches in Pirate Bay like Windows XP Boot or MAC USB BOOT



or if you feel like spending some cash and an easy way out, for about $100 Geek Squad can backup your hard drive.


I would try this just to see if it is any different from what is happening when you put it in target mode. Mount it under linux from a terminal and copy the files to a different filesystem on an external drive. Or you could try copying the actual raw data directly off of the disk without mounting it by using dd or similar. First copy it to /dev/null to see what errors you get reading from the disk and if it seems to work then go for it, seems unlikely though. Or see if you can take an image using ASR from your woman's mac and see if you get the same unmounting errors.


Are you actually getting specific corrupted files or is does it seem more like a loose cable or something?

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