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any of you cats gamble online?

Guest yikes

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i am a decent poker player in the real world but have never fucked w/online gambling

i know there are guys making some good side coin but i don't know anyone first hand doing this

the format begs cheating/hacking

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I've played poker online for a few months, got some free credit through various companies. It was fun, but I didn't think it was worth putting time/effort/money into. My connection is often flimsy too, so having a disconnection when I'm holding pocket aces would fucking kill me. I just can't take the chance of that shit happening.


I've recently been playing poker with a few of my mates from work. Got to remember not to get drunk though, lol.

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A bit, but never did particularly well from it even though I'm not bad in real life. Find it hard to concentrate solely on poker when I'm on the computer.

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I'm always surfing* or watching TV when I play poker online. Plus, when you're not physically looking at your chips and a stack of money it becomes very easy to lose yourself and make stupid calls.


*Yep, 2011.

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I'm always surfing* or watching TV when I play poker online. Plus, when you're not physically looking at your chips and a stack of money it becomes very easy to lose yourself and make stupid calls.


*Yep, 2011.


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it's not a scam but there are so few fish online nowadays and every regular grinder has hand history software and trend software out the ass. it's tough to make money. back in the golden age of the mid-oughts before neteller got busted, you could make loads of money by comparison. everyone was playing.

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Guest Ranky Redlof

Not a scam but the golden years are over :'( Used to have 30k months but also -20k months so it's very stressy and fucks up your health quite a bit. Quit half year ago due to burn out but plan on restarting in couple of months on the lower stakes (200nl). Oh and stay away from omaha thats a fucking brutal game, 40 bi swings in one day are not funny :emotawesomepm9:

Its quite a fun job when everything goes smooth, you travel a bit to play the EPT's, make more money then you can spend and think life is too ez. But when things swing the other way be prepared!

variance is a bitch


ps: if you are good at live poker at 1000nl you will have a hard time at 100nl online. different game

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Not a scam but the golden years are over :'( Used to have 30k months but also -20k months so it's very stressy and fucks up your health quite a bit. Quit half year ago due to burn out but plan on restarting in couple of months on the lower stakes (200nl). Oh and stay away from omaha thats a fucking brutal game, 40 bi swings in one day are not funny :emotawesomepm9:

Its quite a fun job when everything goes smooth, you travel a bit to play the EPT's, make more money then you can spend and think life is too ez. But when things swing the other way be prepared!

variance is a bitch


ps: if you are good at live poker at 1000nl you will have a hard time at 100nl online. different game


thanks ranky and everyone else

how should i convert my game and practice for this conversion of format and tactic

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Guest Ranky Redlof

Not a scam but the golden years are over :'( Used to have 30k months but also -20k months so it's very stressy and fucks up your health quite a bit. Quit half year ago due to burn out but plan on restarting in couple of months on the lower stakes (200nl). Oh and stay away from omaha thats a fucking brutal game, 40 bi swings in one day are not funny :emotawesomepm9:

Its quite a fun job when everything goes smooth, you travel a bit to play the EPT's, make more money then you can spend and think life is too ez. But when things swing the other way be prepared!

variance is a bitch


ps: if you are good at live poker at 1000nl you will have a hard time at 100nl online. different game


thanks ranky and everyone else

how should i convert my game and practice for this conversion of format and tactic

you can get alot of valuable info on pokerforums like twoplustwo and liquidpoker. You could read books altho i never done that it could be valuable to learn the basic strategies but forums evolve must faster and books are often too slow to catch on with the new strategies (the game can completely change in a matter of months). There are also trainingsites like cardrunners and deucescracked that are a goldmine for info but they cost some money (+- 25$/month). You don't really need them to get upto 100nl.

I would suggest you just start at 10nl, skip the 2 and 5nl cause you wont learn anything there, and see how it goes. As bankroll management i suggest you play with 20bi to begin with,that means you have 200$ in your account to play 10nl and move up to 20nl when your account hits 400$. Once you get more serious about it and move up in stakes the more safety you should build in (50-100bi) because variance increases alot due to the more agressive gameplay.

All in all trial and error is the best learning method tho. Making mistakes is something everyone does so don't get pissed at yourself too much just learn from it. The moment you start to tilt due to bad luck or whatever close your account instantly or your money will melt away very fast.


gl ;)

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