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best gift ever?


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my friends just gave me a painting for designing their new hair salon and supplying materials, etc. i was blown away cos i was happy to help them out and didn't expect anything in return, maybe a bottle of wine if anything. the artist is my friend's sis in-law and i've always admired her stuff but could never justify or afford it(she can make over £5000 for a large work). this pic doesn't do her justice - it's much more effective 'in person'.




i think it's the best present i ever got since it was such a surprise and represents my friends appreciation of my help. and it looks pretty snazzy up in my living room!



what's the best pressie you've ever recieved?

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Wow, nice painting. Very chill, how big is it?


You got a nice gift for doing something nice. Congrats Keltoi.


As for your question, I dunno. I got mugged a few months back and had no money. My mate bought me a ticket to a Beach House gig, he said it was a christmas present. That was a pretty fucking awesome gift.

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cheers chassis, it's only 31 x 31cm not including the frame. pretty small but i like it alot. blimey i just found a gallery that was selling it online for £850!!


her stuff, especially the larger works are really nice in the flesh cos she uses wax relief to give them lots of depth.


My mate bought me a ticket to a Beach House gig, he said it was a christmas present. That was a pretty fucking awesome gift.


nice. that's what friends are for!

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Guest Coalbucket PI

When my brother first got a job and I was still on pocket money he just straight up gave me £60 for no reason because he could, it was pretty immense for me back then. I can think of another really good gift but there was a sort of hidden agenda to it that detracts from the experience.

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Thats a pretty special present you got right there. Means so much more when it's associated with the person's life in some way, not just bought from a shop.


My best ever present was on my 21st birthday. My parents bought me tickets to New York including tickets to Birdland. It's a jazz club named after my fave jazz musician Charlie Parker.


I was blown away. Loved every minute of New York.

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On my 18th birthday, I'd be nagging my parents that I wanted a new drum kit (a Premier Genista) but hadn't had any luck. They'd bought me a nice watch but I was secretly a bit disappointed. Anyway I went with them into town to spend some money/vouchers and my dad bought me a copy of Rhythm magazine (a UK drum magazine) in WHSmith's and we were flicking through it when I saw an advert for a nearly new Genista being sold a few miles down the road. We went along and my dad got me the kit. I was well chuffed! Apparently he'd been keeping an eye out for a kit being sold and saw this one. He'd thought it'd be more funny to string me along a bit. Was a quality present.


Mrs Jhonny's best friend is an artist like Keltoi's mate, and for our wedding she did us a little cartoon sketch of us getting married. Nothing as fancy as Keltoi's, but it's framed and looks really cool. It's those presents where someone has taken the time and effort to do something that mean the most really.

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Not quite a gift, per say, but back in 2009 a guy I know sold me a fully working MS-10 for really cheap (about half the going price on Ebay right now). It was the first big-time synth I owned & so far I've gotten a ton of mileage out of it.

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