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kinect dubstep


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he and his friend/collaborator Zebler(the guy who put up the viral aqua teen hunger force lite brites in boston, causing a massive police response and shut down of public transport for several hours) put on huge multi-media parties in boston, with lots of electronic music, projections, and interactive digital art. never been to one, but apparently they are really awesome. they certainly have given the boston electronic scene a boost.

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Jitter, anyone?

word. or arduino + ping sensor.


there are so many ways to do this better. motion sensors are great interfacing tools, but this proves they can be boring, like anything can when it's used to make dubstep.

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Guest maantecaaa!!!

Within the next couple of months I was going to try to port some of the scenes from infinitewheel.com to be used with a Kinect instead of mouse interaction. There's so many pre-built libraries and examples out there for this kind of stuff that you really don't need to be an amazing programmer to get something made. Just takes a decent amount of research and time for troubleshooting.

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If you accept that electronic music is a relay race of inspiration involving the UK, Germany and the US, it's always the yanks that drop the baton.


lol I'm stealing that one

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he and his friend/collaborator Zebler(the guy who put up the viral aqua teen hunger force lite brites in boston, causing a massive police response and shut down of public transport for several hours) put on huge multi-media parties in boston, with lots of electronic music, projections, and interactive digital art. never been to one, but apparently they are really awesome. they certainly have given the boston electronic scene a boost.


yeah!Ben an Zebbler are awesome guys! Stayed with them for a week or so when I was over, had an awesome time. Ben is a fkn astonishingly good producer, his glitchography is definitely worth a listen to. Their house is full of crazy talented people, this kinda experiment is regular every day stuff for them, Massively inspiring people, and I think you'd be unfair to dismiss them just because on this occasion they made a wub wub.


But yeah, anyone in Boston should certainly check out the glitch loft nights, I had a blast when I got to play, the whole night was brilliant.

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