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windows 7 help

remy marathe

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i just bought an asus laptop. it's a pretty decent machine, 6 gigs of ram, i7 processor, blah blah. i ran into some problems with windows 7 right off the bat and ended up having to reinstall it. now i'm stuck on a screen that says "setup is preparing your computer for first use". this screen has been hanging for about three hours. what do i do? i can't seem to boot from the disc, i can't access the bios, i just get this screen. there's probably an easy solution, but i'm freaking out here.

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You can't access the BIOS? That's strange, as the BIOS has nothing to do with the OS. It sounds like there is something wrong with the hardware. Hopefully you have a warranty. Did you get any kind of tech support number along with the laptop? Kind of a dumb question, cuz if you did you probably would've already called them instead of posting here.

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i literally just got the computer. it was working fine before i did the recovery thing. i mean the thing is brand new, and i don't think there's anything wrong with the hardware.

and i can't call support, as they aren't fucking open right now.

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if fully powering it down for like 10 minutes then rebooting and trying to continue still has you stuck at that screen, i'd try to return it and swap it if there might be any hint of hardware issues


wait a second, you ran into problems right off the bat? You bought a used or display model didnt you?

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Yeah its DOA alright. See if you can get a new one from the store you got it from or wait for when Asus support is open, call em, explain the situation see what they say.


Asus is pretty good. I've personally messed up 4 of their top of the line Boards (BIOS FLASH) and they were nice and refunded it all 4 times (blamed it on them lol). Also told my friend to get a top of the line Asus laptop before he left for Mexico two years ago and he hasn't had any problems with it (we keep in touch). Any product you get has a risk of being DOA, thats life.

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i was in the market for an asus or similar. don't they have a 1-year accidental warranty on spills/drops with all their machines? they also offer free shipping both ways in their service department as far as i can remember. just tell them you dropped it, it's fucked, and try again with a new machine. but as for what to do right now, sorry, idk.

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Guest Franklin

yes they do have 1 yr accidental... you have to mail in your invoice to get it.


i also just bought a new asus (g730). the first couple of boots takes FOREVER. i dunno what the fuck it's doing but after a bunch of hours it finally worked.

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