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Little project I've stared


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On the start of the year I decided it might be a fun idea to start a new blog. wanting to cover a lot of different things that I get a kick put in music, and also in some type of effort to build an online portfolio for sound design too.


I've been making and uploading a new sound every week day since the beginning of the year. I've also just begun uploading small Reaktor patches too. Got a lot more stuff planned for the future, but one step at a time n all that.


at the mo it's just on blogspot, pretty broke since I got back from travels, and still waiting for the first paycheque from my new job, but hopefully soon I'll be able to afford some decent webspace.


any suggestions of ideas any of you might have are really welcome, don't really know so much about blogging or websites :) anyways, hope you check it out..


Noisy Neighbour Sound design

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Hmmm... no audio at work, but VidSeq looks interesting, I'm going to play around with that.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

Surprisingly cool! I will probably keep up on this. If I use any of your sound designs in my music I will post them here. Cool?


So far the sound designs you have done ain't half bad man, good work. I love reading about techniques for achieving crazy sounds so keep descriptive on them! Good idea.

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Ahh cool! Glad you guys are enjoying it, and thanks for the encouragement, really appreciated!


@Blanket Fort Collapse: Yeah man, if you end up using the sounds in your tracks, would be really interested to hear them. I haven't made them downloadable at the moment because I didn't want to just be giving people crappy mp3s. Once I get some proper hosting sorted I'll make a monthly download pack in WAV. Look forward to hearing what you make with them!


Kinda sucks, blew a speaker last night and wasn't able to make any sounds. Caught up with myself now though, another Reaktor patch for download as well.


Thanks again guys!

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Hahaha, if only!!!


nah I'm a night time cleaner for a contract cleaning service. Scrubbing toilets through the night!!!!! living the dream etc...


I get a bit of money on the side for playing at shows, might pick up a bit more with the couple of releases I got lined up for this year, who knows :) Would love to find a way to get my foot in the door for working as a proper sound designer, but it's such a ridiculously competitive career, besides I have no formal qualifications what so ever, and that makes it significantly harder.

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wow! Even cooler then that you are able to be so good at it. :) Keep it up man. I think it's more about who you know. Keep playing shows and meeting people.


Have you thought about living abroad for a bit? A good friend of mine moved here (to Prague) with a classical music education, and ended up landing a random gig at a really good recording studio in town. From there she got in on some great sound design stuff, and after a couple of years she got a crazy good job offer back in the states. It was experience that she would have never gotten had she stayed.


Just sayin' :)

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Wow! This is really cool! I'll be following from now on :beer:


BTW, would you be willing to share the pad sound you posted from a Korg PE1000? It sounds amazing!

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yeah of course! Hmmm, thing with the PE 1000, it has one oscillator per note! Really good because there is never any limitation to chords, but bad since regular note per 3rd or per 5th multi sampling wouldn't have been appropriate. so all in all, the patch for it is pretty huge! If you prefer I can just make a zip for just the samples, might end up a nit smaller than the whole reaktor patch, hmmm, I'll check how big it'll be an let you know!

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