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Need a hardware midi sequencer solution


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Ganus what are the "4 things" you are trying to sequence? Mono synths, poly, synths with trigger-able sequencers/arps?


If its mono synths, I recommend a Korg Electribe EMX. They have a weird reputation, but they are fantastic sequencers. Get one of those and a midi through box and you should be golden in addition to the MMT-8 (which is epic and I think I need to get one again). YOu get 5 mono synth parts you can seq with the EMX, and can assign them to any channel you want (plus you get a drum machine bonus). I feel like I recommend them too often, but they are just such great sequencers. Sure there's limitations but you've got you MMT-8 in addition to cover that. I used to play live shows with my friend quite often, and he had the mmt-8, plus nord modular sequencers, plus my electribes at the time (er/es1/ea) and you'd have thought we painstakingly programmed everything into a sequencer there was so much going on, and so much movement and they were full (non-loop sounding) songs.


It's worth a shot as they are dirt cheap used (around $200 mark) try it, chuck it if you don't like it (not everyone does).


You may also want to look into the midi box stuff if you are a low cost DIY type.

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Thanks a lot guys. After doing a little shopping, I suppose what I want to do now is wait til I can afford a good midi patchbay, and then buckle down and try and get the hang of my damn MMT-8.

I don't think you need to go the midi patch bay route, a midi thru box should be fine as long as you get a good one.

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I'll certainly consider the electribe route. The reason I'm saying patch bay as opposed to thru is that thru boxes send the omni data through all cables, and that doesnt work for me. Two of the devices I've got aren't able to select channels to accept, and are always on omni mode (a sampler and a shit poly keyboard) so I need something that actually splits up channels, which all the good patch bays seem to do. Plus I've been seeing them for like $50 usd on ebay right now, which is as good as thru boxes.

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