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500,000 Protestors March Against Budget Cuts

Guest wake

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Should say "Spending Cuts", lul.




Good job, team!


Organisers of a huge protest against the Government's public spending cuts tonight hailed the demonstration a "fantastic success" after hundreds of thousands of people joined the biggest event of its kind for over 20 years.


Between 400,000 and 500,000 teachers, nurses, firefighters, council and NHS workers, other public sector employees, students, pensioners and campaign groups from across the UK marched through central London to a rally where union officials and Labour leader Ed Miliband condemned the "brutal" cuts in jobs and services.


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I WAS THERE MAN! amazing turn out and a great site, glad to see lots of people are angry, wish i had a some massive speakers on me so i could play out the 'mad as hell' speech, unfortunately my bowels staged there own protest and gave me very violent diarrhea in costa, after that i felt like shit and ran off to a friends house.







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Guest Richy

It's a shame that the hundreds of thousands of peaceful protesters were overshadowed by a few hundred wannabee anarchist student twats.

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Guest Richy

The police are just as bad. My point being that a few idiots spoiled it for everyone else.



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Guest inteeliguntdesign

With the tutition fees, no-one seems to show any anger against those who've been campaigning long and hard for the fees: the universities. The Russel group have been--from the very start with Labour--demanding raises to keep up competitive with the US. And this group is basically representing the top universities in the country. So basically they're representing the elite. But, no. Just focus on the Conservatives, and marginally on the party that introduced it, at a push. The fight is elsewhere. And what the fuck has the NUS done? I understand they're just Labour's training ground these days, and so they don't want to go against Labour policies. But Jesus christ. Look at your fucking name.


Anyway, I'm fully in favour of these protests simply as a kind of fuck you to Cameron's constant 'the mess Labour left us in' line. True or not, my god is that man an annoying shit. That said, the economic crisis is undoubtedly being used to justify long term Conservative priorities. Labour and the Liberals would do the same, but the other way around. In short, I'm too hungover for this to make sense. Have they cancelled the NHS reforms thing yet? That's probably one of the things I'm really concerned about. Labour were trying to marketise the NHS, but at least with them you were sure they at least had to trend carefully due to their support base.

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Guest Coalbucket PI

I forgot all about this but accidentally found myself outside Topshop on Oxford Street when about 8 vans of riot police showed up, I watched for a bit but nothing was happening, evidently someone started throwing paint and shit after I went to the pub. I saw a few other broken windows nearby, someone had smashed up the Victorionox shop pretty bad, I don't know what they had against Swiss army knives. I thought the whole thing looked a mess, everyone was marching for different things and I don't think most people knew what it was they wanted to achieve.





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Guest Richy

Those masked idiots had nothing to do with the properly arranged TUC march to Hyde Park. Of course the media prefer to focus on the mindless actions of a few rather than the organised actions of a few hundred thousand.

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Those masked idiots had nothing to do with the properly arranged TUC march to Hyde Park. Of course the media prefer to focus on the mindless actions of a few rather than the organised actions of a few hundred thousand.

and have the government listened to the weak pathetic 'voice' of the hundred thousand organised people?


thought not.

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Guest Ranky Redlof

Those masked idiots had nothing to do with the properly arranged TUC march to Hyde Park. Of course the media prefer to focus on the mindless actions of a few rather than the organised actions of a few hundred thousand.

and have the government listened to the weak pathetic 'voice' of the hundred thousand organised people?


thought not.




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Guest Richy

Those masked idiots had nothing to do with the properly arranged TUC march to Hyde Park. Of course the media prefer to focus on the mindless actions of a few rather than the organised actions of a few hundred thousand.

and have the government listened to the weak pathetic 'voice' of the hundred thousand organised people?


thought not.

What's your point? You think they give a toss about a few hundred hooligans smashing some windows? They must have been rubbing their hands with glee seeing all the attention being deflected away from the main march.
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Guest Dirty Protest

I watched a program about holding cells last night. A woman was screaming at the prospect of having a hand shoved up her cunt/arse to look for drugs, the police seemed to think she was being unreasonable and threatened to taser her if she didnt comply and her screams seemed to be pissing them off as it was hindering them from getting on with their jobs. Taser was fired up, but the woman burst into tears and accepted the insertion before she got the volts. There was no drugs in her body, the police seemed happy that that episode was over and moved onto their next task.

Just saying like.

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The police are just as bad. My point being that a few idiots spoiled it for everyone else.




They could have just been security services in disguise, media are always somehow at the ready with the most disruptive ppl to show on their bulletins. It's an obvious ploy that they use every time.

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Guest ezkerraldean

sure, different parties might do it in different ways, but huge cuts need to be made, and people should just shut up and get used to it. i know a diehard Labour supporter who seems to think that if Labour were in power, no cuts would be made at all. retard

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Guest Dirty Protest

Fuck Labour and fuck the Torys. Weve been sucking it up for 30 years now, with companies moving their workforce to cheaper countries¹, while moving their tax free money out of the public purse and into the Caymans. The people who are suffering are the poor bastards on PAYE, who if they didnt pay their taxes would be in prison and are now losing their jobs and homes. Why should British Rail, the Water Board, British Gas, Royal Mail,etc make a profit, they should exist as a service for the people that set them up, ie the tax payer.



¹Im not against these jobs going to foreign workers, but when companies like Kraft close a factory in England and move it to Poland or GM move to Mexico just to bolster already obscene profits, its morally wrong.

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with companies moving their workforce to cheaper countries¹, while moving their tax free money out of the public purse and into the Caymans.


¹Im not against these jobs going to foreign workers, but when companies like Kraft close a factory in England and move it to Poland or GM move to Mexico just to bolster already obscene profits, its morally wrong.


this is the issue in a nutshell.

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