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the music in your head


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Guest theSun

wtf there are other people that are like this


edit - while i do most everything described (constant songs/musical noises in head, teeth drumming, drumming on anything), i have never noticed that sort of behavior from anyone else.



edit edit - i bet we look like crazy fux lol

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Guest Franklin

wow. great thread encey.


I've been drumming on my teeth for as long as I can remember. My default song is that original Mario world song. There have been times in my life that the constant music in my head was REALLY annoying me and I would meditate to try to clear my mind. About 3 years ago I started limiting my radio listening to only talk radio in an effort to minimize exposure to melodies or drum beats which would then be in my head for the remainder of the day. I would turn the radio off on commercial breaks so the jingles wouldnt get to me.


nowadays I still only listen to talk radio but am listening to a lot of jazz and instead of using my teeth I tap the patterns out with my hands... just got back into drumming so it's helping my chops.

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Guest theSun

now that i think about it, my right back molar is the kick and my left more front-ish molar is the snare, right frontish molar is toms and fast bass hits amirite

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You kind of roll-clench your teeth so they 'hit' in triplet rhythms, or else move your lower jaw back and forth real fast to create a roll.



Edit: I can't get over the image of xxx doing Bollywood numbers and working the double dream hands. (and feet.)

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At work and in public it's the teeth rhythms described in this thread but at home when I'm alone it's full on songs with whatever crazy sounds/vocals/lyrics (all completely improvised and unpremeditated) I come up with, usually while I'm dealing with cleaning/chores.

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Sometimes when I've listened to a track too much I slow it down so that I hear it in a different way and it seems fresh again. I often slow down Vordhosbn by 42% and listen to it and it gives me goosebumps again after 1-2 months without doing so.


I then often do this in my head with other tracks. I imagine them with as much detail as possible and see if I can give myself goosebumps with my mind.


I also grind my teeth to reproduce the percussion of the song with surprising accuracy. I should stop this if I want to have any remaining molars within a few years.


Oftentimes the first interesting sound or part of a track I hear in the morning will play on loop in my mind without my realizing it for the remainder of the day. It will set my mood for the rest of the day as well sometimes. I often make use of this anomaly to dictate how my day will end up. Rhubarb before important exams, Frictional Nevada if I sense a boring day coming along. Lately the clip has been on loop in my mind is 2:20-2:27 of rdj's Flow Coma remix.

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Guest Object505

When songs play in my head often there are colors associated with them. Its easy for me to get fixated in tone because if this. Sometimes a song is just as much color as sound to me and often its hard to think about anything else. I have to routinely remember to listen to other peoples music so i dont get to fixated on any one idea.


Sounds also have a shape qulaity to them that lends to the over mental image of a sound or song as-well. Does anyone else experience this?

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xxx's post is the first to make sense to me, the confusion must stem from the fact that no-one with their chromosomes in the right places would describe that as "teeth drumming". More like "mouth drumming" or some form of beatboxing. Here I was thinking people were making noises exclusively by grinding or clacking different combinations of teeth together.



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When I am out and about I always place a muffled kickdrum in the background turning everything into deep ambient techno.


ARE YOU ME????????????????????????????????????????????


i was meaning to state the exact thing, now how did you do that?


when I'm walking through the city (I never take my player with me), that constant 4/4 kickdrum is usually accompanied by random sounds, like jackhammers, birds chirping or car horns. traffic becomes white noise, indoor facilities become dark reverberated bridges, and so on



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xxx's post is the first to make sense to me, the confusion must stem from the fact that no-one with their chromosomes in the right places would describe that as "teeth drumming". More like "mouth drumming" or some form of beatboxing. Here I was thinking people were making noises exclusively by grinding or clacking different combinations of teeth together.



No, they're two different things. The thing about teeth-drumming is that only you can hear it, really, because your ear picks up on the vibrations caused by clacking/grinding your teeth together. So to you, inside your own head, it sounds like a proper drumkit, whereas other people at most hear a slight bony rustling.


I have a bony rustling right now ...



ps: that French beatboxer was the shit!

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