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Michelle Bachman is an evil cunt


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here are 2 children killed in Obama's drone strikes






God that Michelle Bachman is such an evil cunt isn't she!



over 100 children killed in Obama's drone strikes since taking office - http://www.salon.com...ones/index.html


This kind of thing happens under virtually every president. Singling out Obama for it seems a bit short-sighted. I realize that you are probably just pointing out that he's not some savior but more of the same. I don't think there's anyone on this board that believes otherwise at this point.


then why don't we have threads like 'why is every US president a mass murderer' or 'President Obama is an evil murderer' , if it's so obvious to everybody then why does the board mostly just spew hatred or vitriol in the direction of the easiest target, the group of predictable shrill republicans that crop up every 4 years. We voted this man into office and now he's horrible, but yeah lets just talk about Bachman.


edit: and just a slight correction of what you said, not all presidents have killed children with robots. Only 2 so far, George W and Obama. :)

edit2: also no more short sighted (i would argue less so) than saying that Michelle Bachman is evil in any capacity to actually effect our lives in a meaningful way.

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the old school hawks that really run amerikka [bush crime family/defense contractors,big oil/pharma/industrial prison complex, the pentagon/joint chiefs of staff ,armetige CIA,sowcroft ,cheney ,pearle,the israel lobby etc ] will never ever let her"in"

her blood ain't blue and she is obviously an uneducated moron

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at this point "the lesser of multiple evils" comes to mind. whatever obama has or has not done, he still looks like the lesser of all evils. if you've get a better alternative i'll be prepared to listen.


everyone who takes part in western society/economy is a hypocrite one way or another anyways. if only for putting our money in pension funds and what not.

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Guest disparaissant

yeah really, you ought to be living in a shack in the woods for all the hyperbole you're talking. wonder how much of your tax money went to building those killer death robots?

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is it now considered hyperbole to call our president of the united states a murderer? if so please explain how. Ill go back to my shack in the woods now


edit: the robots part was kind of a joke, but its still kinda true. They aren't manned aircraft and calling them robots is more fun

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any president is inescapably a "victim" of histoy

by default any sitting modern president is a murderer-part of the job

Johnson and nixon[and all of their pals-kissenger,macnamara etc] killed 2 million north Vietnamese and propagated the climate for pol pot to exterminate millions more in cambodia

i think the only modern president that has no blood on his hands nor waged any new wars was jimmy carter…. who is widely seen as "impotent" a weakling,a loser in the eyes of most middle americans/republicans.

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Guest disparaissant

pretty much what yikes said. you're focusing on the man in office when the problem is the office, the country, the people in the country, the legislators (including bachmann) and the media.


you're oversimplifying things to an utterly absurd degree and making false equivalencies.

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the president has a mandate to send his drones into foreign territory. this is politics remember. officially it's still a democracy and not a dictatorship. sure, the president is the executive in position. but the entire organization at least has something to say in it.


from your definition i'm afraid there aren't many presidents in world-history with godly clean hands. the reality is messy.


what would be the possibility of any president ending the war in iraq and a'stan right after taking the presidents seat in '09? morally i certainly agree with you. but realistically, i don't see any real alternatives. again, alternatives would probably be even worse.


what would you have done in obama's place? and how realistic would that be? pointing out mistakes is fine, but please point to alternatives. fact of the matter is, we're in a huge mess and we certainly can't get away with clean hands. this is damage control.


talking about mess, apart from murdering children, obama care won't make it to x-mas. it's turkey time!

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Guest hahathhat

not all presidents have killed children with robots.

it's good we can finally agree on something. i guess the conspiracy theories haven't completely eaten your mind

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here are 2 children killed in Obama's drone strikes






God that Michelle Bachman is such an evil cunt isn't she!



over 100 children killed in Obama's drone strikes since taking office - http://www.salon.com...ones/index.html


This kind of thing happens under virtually every president. Singling out Obama for it seems a bit short-sighted. I realize that you are probably just pointing out that he's not some savior but more of the same. I don't think there's anyone on this board that believes otherwise at this point.


then why don't we have threads like 'why is every US president a mass murderer' or 'President Obama is an evil murderer' , if it's so obvious to everybody then why does the board mostly just spew hatred or vitriol in the direction of the easiest target, the group of predictable shrill republicans that crop up every 4 years. We voted this man into office and now he's horrible, but yeah lets just talk about Bachman.


edit: and just a slight correction of what you said, not all presidents have killed children with robots. Only 2 so far, George W and Obama. :)

edit2: also no more short sighted (i would argue less so) than saying that Michelle Bachman is evil in any capacity to actually effect our lives in a meaningful way.


Yes, only two US presidents have killed with robots but that is only because drones are new. I am willing to bet they will be used by all presidents, regardless of who they are, from this point on until a better robot is developed.


Just face the fact that the candidate you want as president will never make it far enough to even be considered for nomination. The system in place only allows certain kinds of people into that position. You are going to hate every president that is in office for the rest of your life.

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Guest hahathhat

she reminds me of a fundie soccer mom next door neighbor from back home -- when her kids were destroying stuff in the front lawn, i heard her tell them, "now, jesus wouldn't like that!"


yeah, because a 4 year-old really gives two fucks about jesus.

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In regards to the title 'Michelle Bachman is an evil cunt', I'm not so sure. In the UK, we've somehow ended up with Cameron as PM, an Eton and Oxford educated, and one would assume, relatively intelligent man. When Cameron makes a decision, he knows exactly what he's doing, namely serving himself and the other extremely wealthy people of this country. He knows when he makes austerity cuts, puts money into funding private alternatives to the NHS, attempts to sell off national forests to landowners, supports Murdoch and his news empire etc etc. he's making decisions that will be detrimental to the majority of the population. That, to me, is evil.


Bachman on the other hand, as with Sarah Palin, just seems to have a shockingly low IQ. I'm wondering if she actually has the intelligence to be evil. In the UK, generally speaking, you have to be a bit more creative with your unpleasantness. An extrovertly homophobic or racist politician will rarely be taken seriously (although it is fairly obvious that some of them hold more 'traditional' views, if only behind closed doors). I would hope that someone that expresses such ridiculous opinions openly, as Bachman does, is too stupid to realise how idiotic she sounds. I say that with an optimistic view of the American people. Of course, if she were to become President, I would lose all faith in them and assume they were all as stupid as she is. I'm still trying to work out who actually voted Conservative in this country.


Pretty much this. There are a lot of idiots in the U.S. who would support a candidate like this, but not enough for her to have a legit chance of being President (at least I hope so). The far right voters are a very vocal minority but a minority nonetheless.



what's the evolutionary purpose of homosexuality?




what's the fucking evolutionary purpose of mustard? what's the evolutionary purpose of snooker? what's the evolutinary purpose of your idiotic question?





It would be a grievous mistake to underestimate the power of the far-right, specifically the evangelical right (which Bachmann seems to have strength with)....lets not forget that they were responsible for Reagan, and a good chunk of the voters that re=elected Bush.

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pretty much what yikes said. you're focusing on the man in office when the problem is the office, the country, the people in the country, the legislators (including bachmann) and the media.


you're oversimplifying things to an utterly absurd degree and making false equivalencies.


i'm oversimplifying things to an absurd degree in your eyes, then what does the statement 'michelle bachman is an evil cunt' amount to? She hasn't taken part in the murder of thousands of people yet to my knowledge.


i'm sorry that i'm still on a trajectory where i speak very passionately about how our president is a murderer, i don't stop calling the president a murder just because hes now a democrat. It seemed totally fine with people on watmm to openly call George W Bush a war criminal, mass murderer, etc. Seems there is still a huge amount of sensitivity or loyalty surrounding Obama. It's a shame really. Which makes me disbelieve when people immediately go 'well it's the office, not the man' well sure fine, but then why was it ok to criticize the man 4 years ago but not now?


edit: it's a variation of the 'impotent presidency' excuse /talking point. Where instead of going through a period of reconciliation, Obama voters went straight from 'well hes doing the best he can' to 'the office itself is corrupt, and the presidential office is impotent'

Where did the acceptance of his George Bushness go? It seems psychologically it would be healthier to go through that stage before moving on to the impotent one.

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Guest disparaissant

so i guess the fact that she's a vocal proponent of troop surges and voted in support of the 2007 surge means absolutely nothing to you?


the fact that she votes to increase defense spending means nothing to you?


she's completely blameless in your eyes?


that's fucking ridiculous.


anyone in the legislative or executive branch is culpable. i find it laughable that you will call obama a murderer while turning a blind eye to the fact that there is no way he could carry on these drone attacks without direct funding provided by the legislative branch of the government. do you even know how government works? or are you seriously one of those people who thinks that obama is a puppet president being controlled by the lizard people?

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she's completely blameless? no not at all, clearly she is a predictable right wing drone. Obama's done all that as well and more, i'm just wondering why if what you and Patternoverlap say is true, that everybody in this forum knows obama isnt a savior and that he is now a mass murder by default why on earth are we making threads about how evil someone is who has absolutely no chance of winning the office ? it seems to completely miss the mark to me, and im just trying to point it out. Its easy to forget that McCain was the nominee last time, the most centrist non tea party republican ever, if anything we should be focusing on the candidates who might stand a chance like Rick Perry.

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Guest disparaissant

you seem to think that evil only comes in the form of murder. bachmann is an anti-choice homophobe who wants poor people to starve to death. her husband runs a gay conversion therapy clinic. they are horrible, horrible people. attitudes like the ones bachmann holds lead to gay people being beaten to death, women dying from back alley abortions, and the continued (accelerated) widening of the gap between rich and poor. are those not bad enough things for you or something? they may not be outright murder, but those positions and attitudes result in death.


and tbh none of these candidates REALLY stand a chance. it's pretty clear that the republican strategy is to just not even try this time around.


also someone doesn't need to be president to have power. you seem to see things as very black/white. the fact that she is a person who is actually taken seriously by the mainstream media and not just jeered out of office instantly speaks volumes about the state of this country. yes, she's a predictable right wing drone with abhorrent views. and she just won the ames straw poll. that says a lot.

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Guest disparaissant

srsly its like your saying WHY ARE WE TALKING ABOUT POL POT? WHAT ABOUT HITLER? we should ignore one evil cunt because another is worse? how does that make sense?

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i have arrived because i realized this slag cannot be ignored any longer. i was going with the 'ignore and defeat' ideal but now she's all over the place and i started to imagine a world where the Republicans are leading the nation and i got pissed.



I wonder how Obama would have handled 9-11. We can say that 'Dems and Repubs are on the same team!' but IDK. I don't think so. I think the nation would be in a better place if we had good leadership back then.


But we didn't. I would rather not see Obama defeated by Mitt Romney or anything like that come 12.

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