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Guest The Bro

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Guys I have old Behringer Eurorack Mixer MX802A which is broken. Basically only the right main channel works. All the other sub channels are fine though.


Is it worth fixing before I sell it for a £5 on Gumtree?



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i guess it really depends on if the board inside has surface mounted components or through-hole. If it's through-hole, then once you find the issue you could fix it. Surface mount stuff will be too small to do manually, unless you're a total badass.


Did you open it up at all? It could be something as simple as a dead pot, or janked solder joint. In which case repair would be easy.

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Did you open it up at all? It could be something as simple as a dead pot, or janked solder joint. In which case repair would be easy.

Oh okay. I don't actually think its possible to open the unit. I'll try when I get back. I mean if I could fix it for say £5 then its worth it. I'll try and open it up and take a picture and post it on here later.

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it Behringer dude, it isn't meant to last


even if you do fix it it will just break again



I remember a sound engineer mate of mine saying he had a t-shirt which said something like "it could be worse, it could be Behringer" which always got the lads chuckling.

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Guest hahathhat

it Behringer dude, it isn't meant to last


even if you do fix it it will just break again



I remember a sound engineer mate of mine saying he had a t-shirt which said something like "it could be worse, it could be Behringer" which always got the lads chuckling.



am i the only one with a functional, ~10yo behringer? just some scratchy faders


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it Behringer dude, it isn't meant to last


even if you do fix it it will just break again



I remember a sound engineer mate of mine saying he had a t-shirt which said something like "it could be worse, it could be Behringer" which always got the lads chuckling.

Er I've had the mixer for over 10 years. It stopped working I think maybe 2 years ago. I don't think that's bad considering.

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lol my behringer mixer broke too, it works but it gives really loud clicks and pops now and then. and my behringer firewire soundcard has a blown headphone out pot (otherwise works fine).


my behringer BCF2000 is a tank though.

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Guest hahathhat

in some interview i read, the founder of behringer said that early on the quality was v. inconsistent -- one batch would be fine, another would be shit. he said a lot of it had to do with learning how to deal with chinese manufacturers, and making mistakes out of ignorance. consequently, some people got roaring duds while others still have perfectly fine -- if cheap -- mixers.


no idea how they're doing today. i like yamahas now.

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it Behringer dude, it isn't meant to last


even if you do fix it it will just break again



I remember a sound engineer mate of mine saying he had a t-shirt which said something like "it could be worse, it could be Behringer" which always got the lads chuckling.

Er I've had the mixer for over 10 years. It stopped working I think maybe 2 years ago. I don't think that's bad considering.


actually the Behringer stuff from 10yrs+ ago isn't all that bad (I've had a couple of racks that served me well) however the newer stuff is made from junk

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I was under the impression their quality improved. I've got Behringer FC202 and that's served me well. To be honest I use to fuck with my old mixer so I'm not surprised it stopped working to be honest.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

I have a feeling the Behringer Xenyx mixer I bought last year is going to continue to a be a solid, quality hundred and thirty dollar investment for years to come. More than I could ask for, with something so cheap. I'm pretty sure like hat said the quality consistency was just problematic in the early years of their company.

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just fix the mixer dude, if it's just 5pounds anyway, probably worth it.. with behringer it seems you just get unlucky sometimes.

Well I'll probably need you guys help so I can do it correctly. I'll unscrew it tonight and post pics and then see what you guys think is wrong.

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Guest hahathhat

shake it really hard like babby and see if you can get the channel to come back for a fraction of a second. if you can, then something is loose.

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Thanks man. Yeah I can get the left channel to come back for a few seconds just by turning it off and on. That's how I go it to work in the past.

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crack dat bitch open :) Be sure to get good close pics w/ good light. Most likely however we won't be able to tell you anything. You'll probably need to poke around with a multimeter, but even that can be tricky as it's hard to test components on the board.

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doesn't it have a separate stereo ctrl room out?


use that instead. unless the entire stereo buss is fried.


they're based on mackie desks, that series of behringers, and the routing is pretty much second to none for the price.


i know people who have had them fry after a year. i had the 1602 for about 5 years, and gigged it solidly, and it now resides at a mates flat and gets plenty of use after i upgraded to a bigger mackie.


it all still works fine. pots are a bit tame, and the overall sound quality is a bit thin, but it cost pennies so whatever.

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It does have seperate stereo cntrl out but as I say right channel is fucked. To be honest I'm not even sure it can be opened. I'll have a play with it tonight.

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when it stops working after a few seconds when you turn it on, does the sound slowly fade away? maybe sounding a bit like a bad record? maybe if you play something really loud and distorted you can get it the channel back?? if that's the case then you probably need to replace a resistor or pot somewhere.. I'm not an expert by far at these things, but I have had this with my FC202 headphone out, and it has popped up in a few other cases.

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when it stops working after a few seconds when you turn it on, does the sound slowly fade away? maybe sounding a bit like a bad record? maybe if you play something really loud and distorted you can get it the channel back?? if that's the case then you probably need to replace a resistor or pot somewhere.. I'm not an expert by far at these things, but I have had this with my FC202 headphone out, and it has popped up in a few other cases.

Yeah its kinda like that. Thing is though I don't have a soldering iron so I don't know if me buying one is worth it. If anyone is in London and wanna take a look at it I'm happy to pop over and then buy the necessary parts if you feel it can be fixed.

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Guest hahathhat

Thanks man. Yeah I can get the left channel to come back for a few seconds just by turning it off and on. That's how I go it to work in the past.


did you make sure to shake your behringer like babby?

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Seems to sort of be working now. The mic/mono channels are coming thru on both left and right now!! I haven't tried out the stereo channels yet tho. Seems like the 48v phantom power is broke or causing the problem as now I have it switched off I'm get stereo again.

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