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Mass Effect 3

Guest Adam

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i simultaneously loved/hated the level system of ME2...yeah its cool recruiting everyone for the one big mission, but at the same time it felt like that was all that I was doing, checking off a checklist in preparation for the final battle or whatevs.


maybe im being too hard on it, its still a damn fun game.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

Me and a few of my buddies have pretty much become fucking legendary super L337 pwnsters at ME3 MP co-op, soo good. I fucking pray they have at least 6 or 8 co-op maps, more than 2 opposing forces and some more variety in the missions etc... If MP co-op has enough variety in the full release it's gonna be gang busters. The combat, cover controls, weapon moding, leveling system is much more satisfying this time around.

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Yeah, combat has improved this time as much as it did from me1 to me2, and that's a lot. Probably the best feeling third person shooter I've played. Have you done the gold chalenge already Bfc? I've been trying few times but either people are noobs who don't know what is gold chalenge or they are vanguards who kill themselves on third waves, I need a good team.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

Word, let's make it happen. My origin name is Stenotic, we usually use steam voice chat because one of the people we play with doesn't have Battlefield 3 to use battlelog voice.

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I just completed the Arrival DLC for ME2. Totally forgot about it.


But i'm glad I completed it so close to the release of ME3. It made the opening of the ME3 demo make a lot more sense. A very good prologue.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Me too, just finished the first two mass effects again building a perfect save file.


fck i need to probably do this a few more times

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edit: actually, i think it's a solid 6/10. good, but it's definitely lacking in some areas. i HATE all the constant self-references to me1 and me2 in attempts to be funny. holy shit, how juvenile. in general, the writing is severely lacking this time around. for instance, at one point, joker is talking about how the normandy is stealth and won't alert certain people and he says, "they won't see us unless we all start singing the russian national anthem."


that is not funny and it doesn't even make sense. the writers really dropped the ball on some parts. as a result, some of the characters act very oddly compared to their personalities in the other two games.

mordin, for instance. they referenced that fucking pirates of the penzance song TWICE... AND ONE OF THE TIMES IS WHEN HE'S DYING. wow bioware. way to make a potentially very emotional moment lipservice to your stupid fucking audience. such great writers. so brave.



i hate how everywhere you go, shepard stumbles upon like three people she talked to in previous games. she can't even go into the shitter without having someone be like "sup, you saved my life two games ago. i appreciate it."


another critique with the writing:

it feels like a lot of the gay characters were shoe-horned in. especially cortez. like, ok, i get it, your husband died. tough? commander bailey's ex-wife and children are all dead and he's not bitching. just saying, they prolonged the subplot way too much & made it feel forced. i think it has to do with all the criticism bioware got for not letting male shepard bang dudes--they made such a huge subplot about losing a same-sex partner because they wanted to seem all accepting and kosher, but it really just removed any legitimate sentimentality that such a subplot would give because it's so unrealistic. shepard is trying to save the universe. shepard doesn't have time to console the shuttle pilot five or six times (seriously, i'm pretty sure it spans that many encounters). deal with it, soldier.



also, the graphics are TERRIBLE. the textures are so low res. i definitely do not have high standards for graphics. it's just that i've been playing skyrim with the hd texture pack before i started me3 and, holy shit, the difference is huge. you know, i don't even think that me2 was that bad with graphics. but me3... it's jarring at some points! for instance, when shepard is talking to the asari councilor, i noticed the pattern on her shirt is pixelated. i'm not talking little pixels, i'm talking about her shirt looking like it's from fucking mario, which is weird because her face is so detailed. it just pulls you out of the game.


this is most visible when looking up at the sky in the presidium... it looks really, really awful. like a win98 screensaver awful.


and the plot. oh geez. i haven't finished the game yet, but

the crucible project or whatever sounds like a big fat pile of deus ex machina.

it's disappointing, because the plot of the first one is really creative and intriguing (me2 didn't really have a plot so no point in mentioning it).


i do like a lot of parts of the game.



jack's new role is very cool. i like it that you can punch a quarian admiral in the balls. james vega is actually a pretty cool character, which was surprising to me. also, the shepard/garrus romance is really cute and well-written.



as for the combat mechanics... i'm playing as vanguard. the class is pretty broken once you get the upgrade where a biotic charge refills your shields and once you get the attack "nova" which drains your shields to damage your enemies. combined with a quick cooldown, you're almost invincible (charge, nova, shoot, repeat). sorta boring. i'm playing on normal difficulty; maybe i should kick it up a notch?


another thing about combat: is it just me or do they abuse the whole "waves and waves" of enemies thing way too much? some battles just take soooo long--not because i'm not effective at killing the goons, but because there seems like there's five waves of enemies almost each time you encounter a chest-high wall. i heard similar complaints about dragon age 2 :/


also, who the fuck made the interact button the same as the sprint/roll button?! i'm not sure if it was like that in the previous games, but it is definitely annoying me in this one.


the new inventory might be one of the things that bioware perfected. it's a really good compromise between me1 and me2. it's not cluttered at all, but there's still a degree of customization. i think it was influenced a lot by dead space.


as for the music... everyone was jizzing themselves over clint mansell composing and i haven't heard anything that's blown me away. in fact, most of the music in the game is music from the first and second game. pretty disappointing. i was really listening hard for some new tracks that would blow me away as much as the galaxy map music did the first time i heard it.


ANYWAY, it's a fun game. i've been playing it non-stop, because i'm emotionally invested in commander shepard (i don't care how dumb it sounds, w/e). it's not a great game, though. 6/10.


well, actually, it could be a 9/10... if you're rating it as a dating simulator.

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Play on hardcore at least. Agree about the music. Don't agree about the graphics, I mean the textures yeah maybe. Wait for mods or something if that's really important for you. The plot is bad because of the name of a project? LOL. Some discusions are a bit cheesy yes, some things are really funny though.


About people from me1 and 2, yeah that's not realistic, but feels really good though. That's one of the main reasons I love mass effect, I can't really imagine how someone could play me3 without playing the two first ones before that, unless they're cod fans and only care about shooting.

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edit: actually, i think it's a solid 6/10. good, but it's definitely lacking in some areas. i HATE all the constant self-references to me1 and me2 in attempts to be funny. holy shit, how juvenile. in general, the writing is severely lacking this time around. for instance, at one point, joker is talking about how the normandy is stealth and won't alert certain people and he says, "they won't see us unless we all start singing the russian national anthem."


that is not funny and it doesn't even make sense. the writers really dropped the ball on some parts. as a result, some of the characters act very oddly compared to their personalities in the other two games.


That Russian national anthem joke is a reference to the Hunt for the Red October, where the crew sings the anthem after the sub activates it's silent propulsion system and the US sonar guy briefly hears singing.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

LOL @ Hoodie


You playing on a console? Doubt it but, I only played the ME3 demo, the graphics aren't much better than ME2 but with everything jacked AA n stuff on my 6950 I get like 200FPS (so they obviously weren't sloppy on the optimisation) and as a whole I think it's more aesthetically pleasing than Skyrim. Skyrim had some beautiful moments but the character models, texturing and a lot of stuff was much less visually consistent than any of the Mass Effect games (because Skyrim is open worldish is one factor but just saying) I think they are great looking games

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LOL @ Hoodie


You playing on a console? Doubt it but, I only played the ME3 demo, the graphics aren't much better than ME2 but with everything jacked AA n stuff on my 6950 I get like 200FPS (so they obviously weren't sloppy on the optimisation) and as a whole I think it's more aesthetically pleasing than Skyrim. Skyrim had some beautiful moments but the character models, texturing and a lot of stuff was much less visually consistent than any of the Mass Effect games (because Skyrim is open worldish is one factor but just saying) I think they are great looking games


no, i'm playing on a pc. i have a gtx570, so i'm playing at the highest settings. some of the textures just look like shit and it pisses me off.







edit: actually, i think it's a solid 6/10. good, but it's definitely lacking in some areas. i HATE all the constant self-references to me1 and me2 in attempts to be funny. holy shit, how juvenile. in general, the writing is severely lacking this time around. for instance, at one point, joker is talking about how the normandy is stealth and won't alert certain people and he says, "they won't see us unless we all start singing the russian national anthem."


that is not funny and it doesn't even make sense. the writers really dropped the ball on some parts. as a result, some of the characters act very oddly compared to their personalities in the other two games.


That Russian national anthem joke is a reference to the Hunt for the Red October, where the crew sings the anthem after the sub activates it's silent propulsion system and the US sonar guy briefly hears singing.


oh, huh. that makes sense now.


still sounds stupid out of context though.

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Question is why would Joker refer to a movie almost 200 years old. The again he has some crippling bone disease and probably watches a lot of movies when he is not cybersexing EDI.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

LOL, he's referencing an approximately 200 year old movie because it's a video game trying to not take itself too seriously and because it was made by 35 year old dudes in teh year before or during 2012 thinking they know what makes young adults laugh. HAhah but yea, I would rather games DID take themselves more seriously and this was straight up dark sci fi uncompromising targeted towards mature smart patient people... rather than trying to cater to every demographic all the time. Problem is video games are always trying to spray their uzi wide to reach every got damn market. Video games can actually be pretty good at serious drama at times but it's much more rare that a video game can get comedy right. Stick to what you are actually good at people, don't try to be something you're not, well at least, don't bother anybody with your failures, show us your boobies only when you get yo nipplez right.

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so i just finished the game.



jesus christ, the ending is terrible. i chose the one where shepard "combines" organic and synthetic life (which makes no sense to me, sounds more fantasy than sci-fi), but i bet the other endings were equally shitty. that bit at the end with the old dude and the kid talking... ugh. i guess it was to provide resolution, but it sounded cheesy and out-of-place to me.


also, me3 only had like one "hub" world in the entire game (the citadel). i kept expecting more to pop up since i was only like half way through when i posted my critique up there, but nope. the exploration of different worlds aspect was a cool part of the first two games and it was almost non-existent in this one. wtf.


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