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Tribes: Ascend

Guest Adam

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Guest Drahken

Not sure about spinfusors but there have been some damage bugs with shrikes in the past.


Shrikes are honestly one of the best skills to hone. Not only do they rape face, they are the ultimate flag chaser especially when you get cappers that dont stay low to the ground. Mid air mow downs like that are awesome.

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Not sure about spinfusors but there have been some damage bugs with shrikes in the past.


Shrikes are honestly one of the best skills to hone. Not only do they rape face, they are the ultimate flag chaser especially when you get cappers that dont stay low to the ground. Mid air mow downs like that are awesome.



Indeed, and if they stay low to ground you have a pretty good gun and it's very easy to shoot cappers with it. I'm now spending all my money on shrikes, even thinking about getting the bounty hunter perk to get them faster.

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Guest fiznuthian

Okay, i'm digging it. Watched some videos to teach myself how to properly ski as was never good at it in any Tribes game.

There's some things that I think need to be changed/added for this game to call itself a proper reinvention of early Tribes. I like the new stuff perks and all. Graphically it works great, perhaps a bit too taxing. The bases could use more detail maybe.

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i've begun a career in base maintenance - a technician ! bought the 10 buck gold package and unlocked the thumper, which is badass. i think it makes it like the 2nd game ever for which i paid real money for after wow, it means something.

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Guest fiznuthian

Haha, it suckered you in too? I just got back from buying a pre-paid debit card so I buy the premium package.

Damnit! :emb:

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Guest Drahken

The VIP bonus alone is worth dropping at least 10 bucks on the game.


Had a killer night last night, got 2 mid-air nitro grenade hits on enemy capper, one combined with an e-grab at one of those moments were it comes down to milliseconds. I love those, were you're so close to grabbing the flag and the enemy is so close to capping. Such a rush.

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The best moments are when enemy is about to cap and a mortar hit that you've launched 4 seconds ago kills him and everyone stading on the flag stand.


I thought about buying some gold too, but with the amount of time that I play I don't really need that.

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Guest fiznuthian

Playing the shit out of juggernaut.. I think it's my favorite class.

Makes me feel like a big bully running around harassing people and regenerating so quickly..

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I hate Juggernauts. They just sit in the middle mindlessly spamming mortars at the enemy base. Fun walk up cloaked, stick them three times, punch, then detonate when they fly up though.


I did one of the beta packs, so I still have the XP booster and I got the assassin skin+jackal+knives+smoke grenades pack. Looks super badass.


Soldier is really underrated defensively. Super mobile, takes a hit, and can one shot a pathfinder.

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Yeah, not many people seem to defend with soldier, which is a pity. I always stand near the flag stand with soldier and spinfusor the faces of incoming cappers, even if I don't hit them in the face they come out with like 30hp, and it's really easy to snipe them.


Also I got really into raider, his smg is really powerfull in short range, and greanade laucher is basicly the most powerfull weapon indoors.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

It's pretty fun dodging Fusion Mortars, Juggernauts never really annoy me, If I get killed by a Juggy I usually just feel like I lost my rhythm. Most of the time I don't have much problem dance circles around Juggs, it's hilarious murdering them by yourself as Pathfinder when it takes what 6 Light Spinfuser shots?


The Raider's SMG and the Tech's are both really good in medium and sometimes long range too if the target easy to predict. You just have to lead your shots like crazy. I'm pretty damn good at leading my shots with Technician's SMG so it's pretty confusing how it's so difficult when I get the passenger tank spot and can't hit anything with the tank's mini gun turret.

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So I downloaded the game. I don't have much experience playing Tribes games, but I've played a fare amount of PC shooters.


I have to say that, while being an interesting concept, and fun in short bursts, it feels like there is too much reliance on luck. The dynamics in the game make it so that everyone is moving at a million miles an hour, and aside from hoping I get a few lucky hits here and there, I can't seem to get in to not being able to have a manageable learning/experience curve. I mean, fuck, even Halo 2 required you to be really good at the game t he more you played. I just don't see how this style of game can match up to those games that have hit scan style weapons. In fact, I am not sure why a lot of PC FPS players have such a problem with that style of play. I mean...I aim my weapon at someone, and bullets connect if they are still in my line of sight. What is wrong with that, exactly? I know there are arguments that some of these games are made too easy, or have cheese auto aim/bullet tracing problems (quick scoping in COD etc), but at least it feels like there is some return on the time I put in to the game.


That is my main gripe, I think. I am hoping the more I play, the more I get a hang of it. I just find my self relying too much on my secondary weapons that have hit scan or AOE type damage. At this point, the game just kind of makes me want to play Halo 2 :[

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nah doesn't feel like luck at all, try some base attacking. once you slice some out of mid air it will start to feel right. I still play hitscan stuff, but most of the hitscan guns in this game don't deal much damage. even the sentinel sniper gun... which so far has been a real difficult class to play.. soldier is a good all arounder, still my main class.. can go pretty fast on certain levels.

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Guest fiznuthian

Yeah this game definitely does NOT have a lower skill ceiling, if anything it is out of control.. all of the Tribes games were like that.

Watch some videos of good players eating people up. Some people develop scary, almost robotic accuracy at high speeds in Tribes.

I'm like you though, can't hit a fucking thing usually.. oddly I play juggernaut 100% of the time and feel like a newb playing anything else.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

Come back after you've played this for more than a few hours there real life bubbles. Try playing in voice chat with some nigs that ain't noob as fuck. I got really frustrated at times with Tribes 1 & 2 when I was rusty, most of my friends were much worse and couldn't get the hang of it at all. All of those friends and I have had a really good time with learning curve in Tribes Ascend, I think they have done a perfect job with the gameplay,


Tribes is all about SKILL, good decisions, success in perfect multitasking symphonies etc. etc.. I would say because of so many design factors there is a much higher degree of random luck in almost every other FPS I've ever played...

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You assume too much on how long i've played. The game just doesn't live up to the hype that I've seen and read about it. It's fun, don't get me wrong. I've got some lulz out of it, and can play it in short bursts (in fact I am about to play now...) . it's just extremely hard for me to get in to it when there isn't that face to face contention. I used to be a PC FPS player, but since have converted. I just like the sort of rivalries you can develop when playing with a rather limited number of people in a concise, tactical map. also, unless there are private servers where people go ape on their skills, I have yet to play a match where anyone seems to be insanely good or overly skilled. I am not saying they don't exist, I just can't be fussed with THAT kind of dedication to a game, (it vaguely reminds me of people getting really tied up in APS aspects of Starcraft). There is just too much chase, not enough face to face confrontation for my liking. In a tough spot? rocket out and hope not to get killed by someones lucky mortar or tactical airstrike. WOAAAH MAN, HARDCORE. Don't be butthurt cause I think it's meh.... even though I'm about to play it.



All of that was pointless though. I know you were reading it and all you saw was "I like xbox, xbox cod xbox, halo xbox, cod, halo, xbox. Xbox x..box (cod4mw3), bro."



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All of that said, my opinion will probably change in the next few days. I did just come down from playing Legend of Grimrock. Almost as much of the opposite of Tribes as you can get. *click..........click.......click*.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

Don't worry dawg, as serious as I take communicating/debating/opinionating about games I've invested time I ain't never gonna get no butt hurt.


Yes there are custom servers, sounds like you're using the play now>select game type>then it uses matchmaking to find you a game with players of relevant levels. So it would make a lot of sense that you haven't seen a lot of high level players busting out very confident intentional blue plate mid air shots, supa sick long range snipes on supa speed pathfinders, or tank rampages, shrike road kill blood lust sprees etc. etc. etc.

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You assume too much on how long i've played. The game just doesn't live up to the hype that I've seen and read about it. It's fun, don't get me wrong. I've got some lulz out of it, and can play it in short bursts (in fact I am about to play now...) . it's just extremely hard for me to get in to it when there isn't that face to face contention. I used to be a PC FPS player, but since have converted. I just like the sort of rivalries you can develop when playing with a rather limited number of people in a concise, tactical map. also, unless there are private servers where people go ape on their skills, I have yet to play a match where anyone seems to be insanely good or overly skilled. I am not saying they don't exist, I just can't be fussed with THAT kind of dedication to a game, (it vaguely reminds me of people getting really tied up in APS aspects of Starcraft). There is just too much chase, not enough face to face confrontation for my liking. In a tough spot? rocket out and hope not to get killed by someones lucky mortar or tactical airstrike. WOAAAH MAN, HARDCORE. Don't be butthurt cause I think it's meh.... even though I'm about to play it.



All of that was pointless though. I know you were reading it and all you saw was "I like xbox, xbox cod xbox, halo xbox, cod, halo, xbox. Xbox x..box (cod4mw3), bro."




I had a dude that got into one of my games and he was at rank 43 (it apparently takes ~1700 in game hours to get to rank 50). He played Sentinel and it honestly sucked all the fun out of the game because he was that much better than everyone else. He died maybe once or twice the whole round and had on-point aim with the nova blaster (the sniper's secondary, which does 350 a hit).


I get your gripes, and at lower levels (I'm not high level at all), a lot of luck is involved. Eventually you'll start playing against people that blue plate special, so to speak, all the time and it's almost aggravating because of how hard it is to engage them in a fight.


As far as private servers, they're in the works, but not quite yet online. Though competitive people have managed to get Hi-Rez to white list private servers for just them to play matches, and those guys are ridiculous. I don't think it's that hitscan weapons aren't balanced at all, but in the Tribes universe they're much more powerful than in other ones. The only ones in Tribes are the two sniper rifles and the eagle pistol (as far as true hitscan).


I do agree with you on the escaping thing. That's mostly why I've taken to playing Infiltrator and fighting indoors. If you fight inside, you can abuse a lot of things and they can't escape (but neither can you, full). The tactical airstrikes are annoying, but there will be servers where orbitals and tacticals are disabled eventually (they've said so). All legitimate complaints, really.


My own personal complaints are with how they made the Juggernaut retarded. They have him the best assault rifle in the game (most damage and largest clip), a direct upgrade to the fusion mortar with the mirv launcher, and spinfusors as a belt item with a faster regen than any other class and a massive health pool. Fighting him is pointless as you probably won't win the fight or he'll just respawn in five seconds and take the twenty seconds to ski over, but if you don't kill him he takes out all of your base assets and clears the flag stand indefinitely.


Also, Raindance is a garbage map. I've never had a fun round on it. The generator room is stupid with exactly one entrance, and if they get into it it's incredibly difficult to get control back. The flag stand is stupid because it's almost impossible to defend.

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Guest fiznuthian

You assume too much on how long i've played. The game just doesn't live up to the hype that I've seen and read about it. It's fun, don't get me wrong. I've got some lulz out of it, and can play it in short bursts (in fact I am about to play now...) . it's just extremely hard for me to get in to it when there isn't that face to face contention. I used to be a PC FPS player, but since have converted. I just like the sort of rivalries you can develop when playing with a rather limited number of people in a concise, tactical map. also, unless there are private servers where people go ape on their skills, I have yet to play a match where anyone seems to be insanely good or overly skilled. I am not saying they don't exist, I just can't be fussed with THAT kind of dedication to a game, (it vaguely reminds me of people getting really tied up in APS aspects of Starcraft). There is just too much chase, not enough face to face confrontation for my liking. In a tough spot? rocket out and hope not to get killed by someones lucky mortar or tactical airstrike. WOAAAH MAN, HARDCORE. Don't be butthurt cause I think it's meh.... even though I'm about to play it.



All of that was pointless though. I know you were reading it and all you saw was "I like xbox, xbox cod xbox, halo xbox, cod, halo, xbox. Xbox x..box (cod4mw3), bro."



My own personal complaints are with how they made the Juggernaut retarded. They have him the best assault rifle in the game (most damage and largest clip), a direct upgrade to the fusion mortar with the mirv launcher, and spinfusors as a belt item with a faster regen than any other class and a massive health pool. Fighting him is pointless as you probably won't win the fight or he'll just respawn in five seconds and take the twenty seconds to ski over, but if you don't kill him he takes out all of your base assets and clears the flag stand indefinitely.



This is all I do in T:A.. :diablo:

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