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Guest Al Hounos

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Guest Ranky Redlof

another pyrric victory for the faux left aka liberals. huray huray!





:nyan: :nyan: :nyan:

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Jesus.. you Americans are always so constantly into appearances of politics? You spend so much time arguing about what people thing and what not to say during an election year, it's more important for you to win an election that to stand by your ideas and ideologies!!!


It pisses me off so much, and I'm Swedish, i vote for the left wing party here, even if they never win, they are in the parliament though, but i stand by my ideas because one day, when we win, we still stand by those ideologies and we will work towards making them a reality.


That's why i like obama, cause he is doing the same, he don't care about what his voters think, or states etc about same sex, he stands by his idea about people with the same sex should be married.


And that's what a real leader should do, so Go obama 2012!!

He's by far the best president you ever got, so don't fuck it up because you're so naive and narrow minded.






P.s if something's hard to read, it's because English isn't my main language.



our choice is between the lesser of two evils but it is all the same in the end.

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Guest ruiagnelo

Jesus.. you Americans are always so constantly into appearances of politics? You spend so much time arguing about what people thing and what not to say during an election year, it's more important for you to win an election that to stand by your ideas and ideologies!!!


As if that happens in the US only. In my country it is exactly the same: elections matter, not people. In my city municipal elections are getting closer and suddenly public construction and maintenance work on the streets exploded.


When it comes to gay marriage/adoption, it still gives me chills to see how much people are afraid of homossexuality these days. I have had this same discussion over and over with a [social democrat] friend that shares kanakori's view, only thing different is that he totally despises homossexuals. He has this obsessive thought that one day there won't be heterossexual people if we keep increasing homossexual's liberties, or in other words, keep giving them the same rights as heterossexuals. I gave up trying to explain him why his medieval view is so sad and i get angy when i see people looking through the corner of the eye towards gay people. More than with any other issue, accepting the fact homossexuality is a normal behaviour is above all, a matter of being open minded, educated and honest. As rambo, i think doing a study about how people addopted by gay couples grow should be priority and i would also like to see a study about the growth of the gay population in recent decades, by country and social status as well. I have this conviction that heterossexuals will always be the majority of the population. It's not that it should be considered the normal behaviour, but it's just instinct.


Anyway, i think every step towards the fight against discrimination should be applauded, but this Obama move is purely political. Thinking he cares about equality and human rights is bullshit. They are all the same, which makes the connection with what i started with: elections matter, not people.


edit: change is not in the white house with black guys, it's really only in our mind


edit2: when it comes to these issues, we should be able to stop thinking as humans and start thinking as animals

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I don't know what you mean by "my" view. I don't hate homosexuals.

Also you say being gay is normal but then you assume heterosexuality as the norm. :emotawesomepm9:

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Guest ruiagnelo

I don't know what you mean by "my" view. I don't hate homosexuals.

Also you say being gay is normal but then you assume heterosexuality as the norm. :emotawesomepm9:


my friend hates homossexuals. not you. i just compared both cases because both of you are against adoption.


not that it should be considered the normal behaviour, but it's just instinct.


unless you're gay.


i get what you are saying and i am afraid i was misinterpreted or worse than that, i am not able to explain this.

what i mean is: homossexual couples never will be able to have kids the natural way, and will only have the opportunity to raise a kid that was brought by another vagina. you can say whatever you want, but this will never change, and that's why i believe heterossexuals will always be the majority of the population.

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kanakori, are you afraid that same sex couples will inevitably bring up gay children?


It's not natural. End of. Now, It doesn't mean it can't be acepted, it aldready is. However it remains a deviation, and for me it's wrong to involve a third person in that process we know so little about.

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Guest ruiagnelo

Go ahead, you can say it: It's unnatural! :cisfor:

Don't be afraid of the internet gestapo


it's all a matter of taste in the end. but what is natural can't be questioned or changed, that's a fact

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It's not natural. End of.

Well technically speaking not living in the woods & eating uncooked badger flesh we kilt with our bare hands isn't natural either


I guess that logic would make sense if I could make a baby appear on a man's ass. Don't worry, one day we probably will.

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Guest ruiagnelo

we are approaching different types of natural already. before proceeding with this discussion, we should assume as a fact that there is only one way of making babies and that can be safely called natural. the living in the woods and eating fish is another story

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Lol "natural"... as if humanity still exists in some pure natural form these days.


You're right, lets destroy what's left.


You aren't making any sense. But its really not worth my time explaining how limiting equality is at all a good idea in a society.

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Guest ruiagnelo

But its really not worth my time explaining how limiting equality is at all a good idea in a society.


i am really interested in hearing what you think about this. lack of variety might not be a good idea in society, but lack of equality is a whole different thing

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It's x because we can versus x because it's how it works. If we believe we're above nature to decide how something should work then I guess it doesn't matter. And I'm not taking sides here.


Lol "natural"... as if humanity still exists in some pure natural form these days.


You're right, lets destroy what's left.


You aren't making any sense. But its really not worth my time explaining how limiting equality is at all a good idea in a society.


You probably can't.

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Guest ruiagnelo

But its really not worth my time explaining how limiting equality is at all a good idea in a society.


i am really interested in hearing what you think about this. lack of variety might not be a good idea in society, but lack of equality is a whole different thing


sorry compson. i misinterpreted your post. i get your idea. nevermind my post :/

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You probably can't.


Well I am of the belief that every human being at birth should have the same rights. I'd be interested to know why you think the opposite?


I mean is divorce even natural? I don't see a lot of cheating going on in the animal kingdom, but then again I don't exactly live my life by the actions and behaviors of some monkeys or a bunch of fat fucking walruses.

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