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Minimal IDM demo (Sk'p)

Guest Skip

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Beginning drums remind me of Diagram of Suburban Chaos circa 2000 but more upbeat. So do the synths, actually.

I like the reverb on the drums @ 1:10. After that, the track starts making more sense and I like it better.


I'm not so into the first melody and I don't see the point of the start/stop.

The synth timbre is pretty plain for how little is going on.


I like what you did with the drums, but there's not much low end. It could be my shitty headphones, though. Actually, maybe not even low end, just bigger sounds, they all sound kind of miniature right now. Also it could use more strong rhythmic checkpoints throughout the bar, right now it's just a fairly steady staccato without much to really grab onto.

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Ah this reminds me of all the shit that got me into idm

the melodies are gorgeous, really.

I think all you probably need to do is add a little stereo separation on the snares on the 5 and 13 to help them stand out a little, and maybe bring them up in the mix, but honestly in my opinion this is only if you feel like it, I quite enjoy the smallness of them as is.


lovely work, thank you for sharing :)

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Hey guys, thanx for your time writing your thoughts.Its apreciated.

(@sweepstakes: yup youre right not much low end, I was thinking about adding just one low kick here and there in the beat,)


I want to keep things simple in this one, but the hard thing would be to keep the same simplicity in the melodies as well as in the beat...

Because-If I would add more rhytmic stuff, the melodic parts would need more as well right.That would disturb the intend of making something minimalistic...a bit of a challenge but fun to work with certain restrictions like this.


...well one option is I could make the track evolve from minimalistic to more layered and less minimalistic...could be interesting.

Well,thanx for checking guys,and have a good one.


To be continued

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Guest active galaxies

Interesting stuff, even if as other people have said above the melody and percussion don't totally gel all the time. I think sweepstakes nails it with his comment about the synth timbre, something with a bit a of variation, and sonic dirt under its fingernails would lift this a lot.


Like the panned synth drones that kick in just before the 3 min mark though.

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Minimal Melodic IDM demo for those interested.


i kinda agree but for me the drums should have some progression. overall great track!


Lovely piece overall! I kind of agree that the drums could be made more alive, or develop - or other dramatic climaxing techniques might be fitting as well.

Good one!

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Guest Waxlimbs


I get what people are saying about drum mixing and development, but in short I think it's so cool!

Really lovely job with the melodies, very hypnotic. I love all of the subtle clicks and pops in the percussion, good work.

Great song!


EDIT: I'd just like to add on that the chords at the end are lovely, very warm. :)

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woah, I feel more and more amateurish after checking out WATMM latest creations...


I guess I'D liked this more with a rly ruff beat ontop, but I guess then it wouldn't be "minimal" anymore :P

at the end I'd also like to see the melody for one more time with a little more pressure, I would try to add another 10~20s


overall nice piece

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Guest kokeboka

I quite like what you're doing with the drums. I do feel the melodic line is a bit solitary though, so I'd agree with your idea to veer off the minimalist path a bit and add more synth lines/samples/layers to give it more context and depth. Like others said, nice, solid-sounding piece - good job :wink:

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