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'Global Warming's Terrifying New Math'


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there was an idea that by like 2035 we might have things pretty decent

some talk of getting to carbon neutral by 2050. that's actually not possible, acknowledging political realities. i worry we won't even be moving in the right direction by 2050.

and that's the big question, how long will it take to get our shit together and will we in time? that will determine if we risk global cataclysms most don't want to publicly talk about but are possible. we need total yearly greenhouse emissions moving down, not up. it will take a lot of hard work to do that. if we get to 2100 and still aren't moving in the right direction........... that's hard to even think about. and it's dawning on me that this is the path we may take. the chain reactions over the subsequent 100 years, combined with continued emissions, we are going to wreck the place. the species may not survive it. earth has seen hellish times. get the volcanoes going off and it's all over. volcanic winter. there's no reason to think changing earth's thermal systems wouldn't involve geothermal systems. earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanos, (alongside the continually worsening hurricanes, tornadoes, wildfires, heatwaves, droughts, and floods) by 2200. maybe? idk. seems not great.

we need lots of breakthroughs, consensus, and policy. i worry we can't get our shit together enough to get there as a global norm in time. the whole world needs to agree that we need to work very hard on this for a long time.

Edited by may be rude
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2 hours ago, Cyteen said:

Anyone else tell their kids it's best not to have children of their own in the coming future, due to things like this?

Just curious.

if people want to have kids they should have kids.. i could ramble on this a lot but i don't think people will stop having kids... i'm sure many couples who right now are like "nope" will change their minds.. and vice versa.. gonna be a lot of hard choices and obstacles and people working hard for not much  money or opportunity to have that "american dream" or whatever version of that exists in other places... 

there will be fewer kids though i think.. just because of all the pollution in our bodies fucking up our various systems making it more difficult to actually do the process or sperm into egg to how baby is formed. also, social trends.. demographics will continue to change here in USA.  but new tech will happen, problems will be solved.. others will get worse.. it'll all ebb and flow at the pace of people figuring shit out. 

if extractive industries and capitalism can be taken out behind the shed and have their asses wooped that could effect a lot of things. but.. ya know.. well.. whatever. 



Edited by ignatius
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"what we decide this decade will determine earth's climate for thousands of years to come"

also, the temp increase global average is just that.. a global average.. and the land heats more than the other things so a 1.5 degree C increase is really about 3 degrees C increase average on land.. which means it's often more than that and sometimes lower. 

the strain on forests, oceans, rivers, lakes etc.. not to mention animals.. will be immense and the carbon "sink" ability of the oceans and other systems is being overshot and will not work forever as has been. 

so, if we stopped everything the earth wouldn't cool.. it just wouldn't get hotter.. the warming that exists wouldn't go away.. not w/o some magic tech to remove CO2 in massive amounts. lot's of questions answered in this one... lot's of info.. it's all so connected.. going to be a bumpy ride for a long time. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

amazon river tributaries drought. amazon is turning into a carbon generator instead of a carbon sink 

Stark before-and-after pictures reveal dramatic shrinking of major Amazon rivers




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"in canada we're still cutting down old growth forests. everyday brand new tree stump where there was a 1000 year old tree" :(((((


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the river there is normally 2-3ft of water.. flood stage is 6ft. it was at 9ft before Helene even got there. this woman does like a river guide who does water rescues etc.. sounds like she's savvy at all the things required of an emergency services type rescue person and very much looks after her little community there.  you can tell she's probably sleep deprived, traumatized and working really hard to take care of people and computer all the things she's experience in the last week or so. 

i read some stuff on a weather channel video about why the flooding was so bad and the reporter mention climate change and so the comments got really batshit fast. people saying "you had me until climate change" and "you mean climate manipulation" and "look up HAARPA. it hit the storm with radio waves that activated the silver oxide and turned the storm" and wack shit like that. broken brains. 

failing to see the obvious fact that warmer climate means the atmosphere can hold so much more water vapor which means cloudbursts and rain in general can be so much more than is normal. not that flash floods and stuff can't happen.. but when 2-4 inches of rain turns into 27 inches of rain there's obviously something else going on.



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