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Moon Wiring Club - Today Bread, Tomorrow Secrets


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The music contained on Today Bread, Tomorrow Secrets has already been proclaimed ‘a new room in the palace of peculiarity’ by SUPER-EMITIX magazine, and is the accompaniment for almost all of the ‘pre-digestion dances’ that are sweeping the private woodlands and secret societies of the country. However, comment has been raised in certain quarters that Today Bread, Tomorrow Secrets, with its claims of being adapted from both literary and theatrical sources, reaches new levels of esoteric mystery / bloated incomprehensibility. The luminescent colours traditionally associated with the Moon Wiring Club are here ‘cast into a confounding hot pot hotchpotch unsuitable for those with nervous digestion.


i find it very impressive (maybe it isn't) that the person responsible for this music makes it on a playstation and i also really love the packaging- artwork and fictional clinksell background and myth. i just don't find the music all that "good" and i feel bad for saying that because i think what's being achieved is pretty remarkable, i just don't think i like the edwardian/fairy tale ideas mixed with a kind of hiphop aesthetic. it's almost like a smaller scale anglo-french victorian take on cirque du soleil with a much smaller budget


what's everyone else's take on this?

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Is this new? Last year I checked out A Spare Tabby and liked the vibe and aesthetic alright, just not enough to go hunting down other MWC material. I get the sense that most of his stuff is kinda same-y? :shrug:

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i find it very impressive (maybe it isn't) that the person responsible for this music makes it on a playstation



where did you hear about/read this??

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i wouldn't buy everything he does because yes it is very samey


but I enjoy it and find Striped Paint for the Last Post very quotable.


(imagine london underwater)




(it isn't fiction)

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Guest Lucy Faringold

yeah, i own a ton of mwc stuff but, I dunno - he's 100% painted himself into a corner with this 'making music on a playstation' trip. I'll always rep for the first few albums, cause they definitely have a very unique atmosphere to them, but his stuff just sounds exactly the same now. Tried to listen to this new one and couldn't even hack it at all. It's almost a little bit disrespectful to the audience, i think, to just put out the same album over and over again. Feel kinda bad saying this cause I like Hodgson a lot and I enjoy the aesthetic he's cultivated. Would really love to see him just start again from square one and try to rebuild his world from scratch using different tools - maybe acoustic instrumentation or some really experimental practices - because the reliance on samples feels really oppressive now.

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It's almost a little bit disrespectful to the audience, i think, to just put out the same album over and over again.


That's like saying all Piet Mondrian pieces are the same because he stuck with the same palette and techniques. I find that MWC's sound has evolved considerably from one album to the next. MWC is by far my favorite music project going today, and this is exactly the sort of direction I was hoping for.


P.S. http://forum.watmm.com/topic/76592-mwc-today-bread-tomorrow-secrets/

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Guest Lucy Faringold

That's like saying all Piet Mondrian pieces are the same because he stuck with the same palette and techniques.


Piet Mondrian - Mill in Sunlight




Piet Mondrian - Self Portrait




Piet Mondrian - Composition No. 1 with Grey and Red




Piet mondrian - Chrysanthemum



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guess I'm less familiar with Mondrian than I thought. My analogy is clearly inapplicable, but I still stand by the rest of my post.


ultimately I guess I just appreciate the underlying concept & aesthetic and admire the inventiveness with which he stretches the restrictions of his chosen medium gobble this shit up like lsd ice cream.

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Yeah I really love how he puts all the Moon Wiring Club stuff together- the attention to detail on the artwork is excellent. However I don't often find myself going back to listen to the albums... I can find them a bit exhausting, there's just too many tracks on most of them, and its all pretty similar stuff.

I did really enjoy the Vinyl only 'Somewhere a fox is getting married' release- and nice that Boomkat had a download version. Was better for being a bit shorter and more consise.

With the last release 'Gonk' much prefered the mini cd version with the beatless pieces, and have to say from the samples the vinyl version of 'Bread' looks like a much more interesting version of the album.

Just wish there was a way to pay for a download of this as I no longer have a deck so getting the vinyl is out of the question.

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I'll always rep for the first few albums, cause they definitely have a very unique atmosphere to them, but his stuff just sounds exactly the same now. Tried to listen to this new one and couldn't even hack it at all. It's almost a little bit disrespectful to the audience, i think, to just put out the same album over and over again.


personally i don't have a problem with people releasing the same stuff over and over again if it sounds good (caretaker), but there is something about mwc that makes his songs and not just his albums, all sound incredibly similar- so what really sets the tracks apart might be the length or arrangement, but they all sound the same.


i think a part of me is regretful that i don't like this stuff as much as i think i should

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