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favorite music mags


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i used to love grooves mag. then i got into wire magazine but they seem to be very serious almost academic. does anyone read filter or urb or any of those types ?



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I have one Wire issue which I bought on a whim at a bookstore in Dec 2005. It's incredible loaded with content - I literally have re-read it over all these years and recognized more and more artists reviewed and featured in that single issue of the magazine.


Uncut was one I used to read a lot, diverse reviews, good writing, though pretty heavy on classic rock and older music write-ups. Always interesting though. They used to have a film section as well. I have an issue I've been meaning to scan with a picture of RDJ I've not seen elsewhere - they do cover all sorts of genres.


I've loathed Rolling Stone consistently since I really got into music, anything even remotely good is written by guest columnists. They're superficial and always late-comers to novel releases. You can take the worst aspects of online sites like pitchfork and it would still be preferable reading than the best issue of RS. I used to read Spin on occasion instead. It's a bit of a mindfuck seeing older music magazines, before the internet dominated - I dug up old Alternative Press magazines from 2001 and there was a tidbit about Aphex "retiring" and a Datach'i review in their "BPM" electronic music section.


I have my favorite online ones, especially for electronic music, but I've mentioned those in a separate thread. Recently I've been linking to FADER a lot for interviews, along with RA, Redbull, FACT, Pfork, XLR8R, etc.

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I have a mass of local metal music magazines lying in my room, also some local hip-hop mags, contemporary mags and electronic music mags,... from what you would know I own one copy of Mixmag, IDJ, KlubKnowledge, Computer Music and two copies of Knowledge mag. There are also some copies of my sisters Electronic Beats somewhere around...

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I had a sub to Wire in 2011. I agree that it's fucking overwhelming. I might re-sub next year. But, yeah, any given issue will have something totally awesome and inspiring in it. I don't read it as much for reference or recommendations as I do to just get a buzz off the ideas discussed in the articles & interviews. Sometimes it's really inspiring. Nobody that I know of is doing what Wire does for interesting music.


Signal to Noise is like a scrappier version of Wire. They have kind of a weird smattering of reviews, it's not very comprehensive and it's kind of random, but like Wire they usually have 1 or 2 really good articles. I like that one cos it's American and has that kinda nerdy, frumpy, middle-aged, flannel vibe, it's totally anti-hipster, and most of all cos I can actually buy it at my local bookstore who is awesome but they don't carry Wire.





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I used to read Knowledge Mag when is was in print. Used to look forward to rummaging through some weird old corner shop half full of penis and fanny magazines to see if the new copy was out. They did a good few mix cds on the cover too. Then it went all online and seems to have turned into a mediocre music website with lackluster interviews and features.


I only tend to read IT based print magazines now :snares:

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