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Guest happycase

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Guest happycase

I would like to devote this thread to the examination of the sensation of standing at the majestic light of an open refridgerator. How does the light really affect us? Are we searching for higher meaning when we open the fridge? What is in the fridge? Do we feel "God" when we open the fridge? These are important questions. Fridges have achieved incredible primal importance in the life of the human. This primitive comfort called the "fridge," does it have a life of its own? What would happen if we stared into the light within too long?

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Guest RadarJammer

once in 5th grade i was playing hooky and had the afternoon at home to myself and I decided i would be productive and fix the light bulb in the refirgerator, The problem was there was no light bulb in there becasuse socket was filled with ice/frost so I had the bright idea to chip the ice away with a butter knife and I paid for that bright idea with a shock strong enough to throw me back to the ground

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<a id="cke_22" class="cke_button_redo cke_disabled" "="" href="javascript:void('Redo')" title="Redo" tabindex="-1" hidefocus="true" role="button" aria-labelledby="cke_22_label" onkeypress="return false;" onkeydown="return CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(34, event);" onfocus="return CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(35, event);" onclick="CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(36, this); return false;" unselectable="on" aria-disabled="true"> Redo now that's sexy^

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Refrigerators are cool.





think about it.

























Btw, Squee, you are a really good moderator, but that Charles Watkins / Aphex Twin mod application thread had the makings of what could have been one of the all time greats.



this one, not so much






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