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Obama Admin. admits to surveillance methods: Beating a Dead Horse Pt. 74


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lol @ "zero scientific merit"

i know it sounds dorky, but im really tired of countless of those internet-blogger-2-hour-youtube-making video knobs who are supposed to provide people with knowledge but only provide some subversive narratives which are somehow more satisfying than fox news but are actually the same crap from a different angle.


yes it's true, when i make death threat jokes about people it's totally not because they got under my skin. I treat all people that are 'utter meaningless' with death-jokes. It's a tell-tale sign that someone didn't get under my skin at all in fact, to make jokes about them dying. Glenn Greenwald is a shit scientist, someone should take away his grant


and good thing the entire world media (including Fox news and michael savage) for a whole week has been taken in by 'Chomsky-like activism'. Its about fucking time, the world needs more chomsky vibes seeping through it.


*changes avatar to an unflattering picture of Glenn Greenwald to emphasize just how meaningless he is and how he doesnt bother me *at all* *


you're a moron robbie. the only reason for making that silly joke is because i imagined your face when clicking the link, it was directed solely at you.


chomsky-like activist agit-prop bullshit





spoken like a true *fart sound*



(just curious, who brainwashed you against Chomsky?)


zionist media.

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Too bad this thread went into the "Greenwald" direction when it was supposed to be about Snowden and the information he has (you know, the facts) on the secret service.


The last leaked fact is that the NSA had been hacking China since 2009. Which surprises me, tbh. I'd expect they'd be hacking since the birth of personal computers. (!?)


And what other facts do we have? That the NSA uses third parties extensively? Although I'd immediately believe that, I haven't seen evidence about the size and scope. Could be me though. I haven't been paying attention.


Of course, stories like this need time to develop and it isn't realistic every detail to be out there in the open instantaneous, in an understandable way. And the point might also be whether the media is actually helpful in unfolding the actual story. (there's this acronym which starts with the letter F and ends with UD)


Interestingly though, this issue cuts right through the usual partisan borders. So, at this point political color doesn't need to be part of the discussion whatsoever. And that's how it should be, imo.

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you're a moron robbie. the only reason for making that silly joke is because i imagined your face when clicking the link, it was directed solely at you.

how often do you imagine my face?


it's ok you can tell me

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Too bad this thread went into the "Greenwald" direction when it was supposed to be about Snowden and the information he has (you know, the facts) on the secret service.

to be fair, it's SR4's thread, not yours. But please continue to show all of us what the thread is 'supposed to be about' because you clearly have the authority.


US Representative Peter King calls for Glenn Greenwald to be prosecuted


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well, Greenwald was the man whom the leak contacted, no? isn't how this whole thing started? so how exactly is he irrelevant?

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CNN reporter calls out Peter King for his 'chilling' remarks about prosecuting journalists who get whistleblowers to speak

What's interesting about this story going mainstream is not in any other time in my memory can I remember this many people walking around on the street and in casual conversation talking about their feelings on spying. I've already heard 2 lackey radio hosts make the declaration of 'im not doing anything wrong, i dont have anything to hide' or the more 'humble' variant 'the government would be bored looking through my e-mails and phone calls'

and then the one i feel is the most troubling (how does one argue against this?)

'i already have a cellphone, use google and have a gmail account, why would i care if the government has access to all that if i'm being watched all the time anyways'

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for anyone concerned with privacy as a concept

here is the whole Jon Turley privacy talk in playlist form

Here is Glenn Greenwald debating with former Bush lackey Ari Fleischer about the NSA and PRism revelations

It is a disgusting day in history when one of the biggest Bush terrorism war-lies fear mongerers is 'standing proud with President Obama'. Will Obama supporters start leaving the flock when another neocon war monger like Cheney starts standing proud with him? Oh wait nevermind that already happened 2 years ago.
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after watching all these Tv appearances (admittedly a little late to the game)
I'm curious have any of the left wing lackey reporters like Rachel Maddow and Ed Schultz done a fair story on this yet?

decent interview on MSNBC


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Here's what the artist had to say about why he drew that gif.




After watching Edward Snowden’s interview last night, I found myself in a state of sedated rage, and quickly started working on this. Braver than I could ever hope to be, Mr. Snowden has made a sacrifice of epic proportions, giving up everything but his life (so far) to let the people of America know that our government is committing illegal acts against us in the name of security. US Intelligence couldn’t even stop the Tsarnaev Brothers, two of the dumbest terrorists in history, so I don’t take much stock in their ability to turn our soiled rights into security.

This idea that you have nothing to worry about if you have nothing to hide is complete and utter horseshit. The Fourth Amendment protects us from unreasonable search and seizure which is exactly what this is. I certainly don’t want decades of e-mails, phone records, texts, etc to come back and haunt me later in life. The government has no right to gain that sort of leverage over it’s people. We’re on a slippery slope here, and I really hope that the people of America, right, left, and middle can cut through the bullshit and bickering and come together and fight this head on.

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lets just at least chillax about snowden being a martyr and such, he was a boring computer dork and became an international celebrity with a wide following in an instant. so he won't be able to visit usa and some countries who cooperate with usa on extraditions, big fucking deal, he can raise a ton of cash by just doing an AMA on reddit or something.

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after watching all these Tv appearances (admittedly a little late to the game)

I'm curious have any of the left wing lackey reporters like Rachel Maddow and Ed Schultz done a fair story on this yet?


decent interview on MSNBC






Maddow infuriates me. She's obviously an intelligent person, but she knows shes hawking for anything with the Democratic stamp on it, regardless of the moral implications. She's in it for the money and the party loyalty required to get more of it, plain and simple.

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lets just at least chillax about snowden being a martyr and such, he was a boring computer dork and became an international celebrity with a wide following in an instant. so he won't be able to visit usa and some countries who cooperate with usa on extraditions, big fucking deal, he can raise a ton of cash by just doing an AMA on reddit or something.


with such a pathetic point of view I'm honestly hard pressed to know if you're trolling or just increasing your twattery here for laughs because you know people dislike you. You can keep making every 'effort' you want to downplay Snowden, but it's clearly not going to work


after watching all these Tv appearances (admittedly a little late to the game)

I'm curious have any of the left wing lackey reporters like Rachel Maddow and Ed Schultz done a fair story on this yet?


decent interview on MSNBC






Maddow infuriates me. She's obviously an intelligent person, but she knows shes hawking for anything with the Democratic stamp on it, regardless of the moral implications. She's in it for the money and the party loyalty required to get more of it, plain and simple.


she would have Greenwald on often in the past about issues that didn't hurt Obama too badly. *tries to find clips*

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I guess nothing is 'wrong' with being an apologist. I personally find it pathetic. Regardless any efforts made in this thread at this point to diminish Snowden's revelations or Greenwald's ability to write a coherent story are dead in the water. This story has gone way farther than anyone could have imagined. It's part of why i'm not going to waste the energy trying to convince 2 members of a board (out of far more who agree with me) who constantly apologize on behalf of things like spying and even illegal gulags. At a certain point you just have to realize that 'holy fuck, no matter how bad things get, even when a whistleblower steps forward to reveal them, there are these 2 dudes who will always find a way to minimize or apologize for it' and it's at that point I do not give a fuck.

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and what's wrong with such view exactly ? i don't deny that he might have had pure intentions but his standing now is way waay higher than it was before he leaked.


and this makes it feasible to assume that he did it for this? rather than honestly being fed up with his job and how his superiors operated?


i mean, at least admit that you disapprove of what the guy has done and that you don't like him for it. you are covering it up with a lot of false rhetoric about non-issues and moving the goalposts over to show Snowden as some sort of whistleblowing opportunist which, quite frankly, doesn't seem to make much sense.

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what story ? some dude leaked some shit to a popular blogger-activist, the end.

there's no hard facts about what prism is and what the role of the governments and the big media corporations, it's just noise for now.

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and what's wrong with such view exactly ? i don't deny that he might have had pure intentions but his standing now is way waay higher than it was before he leaked.


and this makes it feasible to assume that he did it for this? rather than honestly being fed up with his job and how his superiors operated?


i mean, at least admit that you disapprove of what the guy has done and that you don't like him for it. you are covering it up with a lot of false rhetoric about non-issues and moving the goalposts over to show Snowden as some sort of whistleblowing opportunist which, quite frankly, doesn't seem to make much sense.


what's the point of quoting my post if you're not even going to read it ? people present him as a martyr but in fact he's an international celebrity, that's all i was saying.

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it's actually not the end, it blew up into a story that has gained traction for over a week. Hardly 'the end' but I admire your efforts to continually try to downplay something while it explodes into world media headlines. It's comically fascinating.

if i can paraphrase you

"this story is nothing more than an opprtunistic lonely nerd who wanted to get famous by reaching out to an activist chomsky-ite blogger, we don't know enough about Prism, therefore any partial revelation is meaningless, we don't know the full scope of big media and corporations surveilling people, therefore the revelation is meaningless, and I don't give a fuck how big this story has become, that again is meaningless, i will still stick by my own point of view which that the story is completely meaningless and not important and will rely on the arguments of a handful of individuals on an internet message board to convince me otherwise"

I hope that clears some things up

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after watching all these Tv appearances (admittedly a little late to the game)

I'm curious have any of the left wing lackey reporters like Rachel Maddow and Ed Schultz done a fair story on this yet?


decent interview on MSNBC






Maddow infuriates me. She's obviously an intelligent person, but she knows shes hawking for anything with the Democratic stamp on it, regardless of the moral implications. She's in it for the money and the party loyalty required to get more of it, plain and simple.



Oh don't get me started about maddow. She was put in to run after olbermann with content along the same vein. Then once they got the viewers to like her, they ditched olbermann and she was supposed to represent the voice of left wing intelligentsia for what was msnbc. So right about when olbermann would have been ripping into obama, instead we had this demoncractic sycophant, justifying the afghan war 'uu women's rights (let forget the women and children blown up on a daily basis by the fucking war)), and not interviewing any voice of note (johnathon turley stopped getting calls). And on and on pontificating with a ringfenced mindset that opined firmly from a common wisdom based inside beltway. Anyway, so in short maddow is probably cia.


So now Chris Hayes has his own show. He's better, but kind of fettered by that whole treacly schtick of having to interview both sides of the argument, as if reality and facts have two sides.

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it's actually not the end, it blew up into a story that has gained traction for over a week. Hardly 'the end' but I admire your efforts to continually try to downplay something while it explodes into world media headlines. It's comically fascinating.


if i can paraphrase you


"this story is nothing more than an opprtunistic lonely nerd who wanted to get famous by reaching out to an activist chomsky-ite blogger, we don't know enough about Prism, therefore any partial revelation is meaningless, we don't know the full scope of big media and corporations surveilling people, therefore the revelation is meaningless, and I don't give a fuck how big this story has become, that again is meaningless, i will still stick by my own point of view which that the story is completely meaningless and not important and will rely on the arguments of a handful of individuals on an internet message board to convince me otherwise"


I hope that clears some things up

what revelation ? what do you actually know about prism and how it works and interacts with various bodies ?

are you seriously going to judge the importance of some issue by the amount of headlines ? y2k bug also generated an insane amount of press for example.

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